Writing-related Links

For Faculty

Language Arts Division [new window] - Information on writing and other courses.

Leeward Community College Catalog 2020-2021 [new window] - You can look up General Education or Writing Intensive information using the search bar.

Learning Resources Center [new window] - Instructional support services for students, faculty, and more.

Leeward CC Writing Center [new window] - Writing consultants, writing guidelines, online resources, and more.

For Students

Share these sites with your students!

Online Writing Lab at Purdue [new window] - Comprehensive site that provides information about nearly every aspect of the college-level writing process.

Amherst College Writing Center [new window] - Offers a variety of handouts and links pertaining to wide array of writing- and communication-related tasks and assignments. This site also offers a comprehensive list of links to other helpful writing-related sites.

"Brief Guides to Writing in the Disciplines" by Harvard University [new window] - A list of guides for how to write college-level essays in History, Philosophy, English, Psychology, and Sociology.

** If you have any resources you would like to share, please contact the WI Focus Board Chair **