
Coordination Chemistry and Bioinorganic Chemistry

We are interested in the synthesis and spectroscopic studies of transition metal complexes. Particularly, by proper ligand design, we are able to control the coordination geometry of the reactive molecules which could in turn alter the redox properties on metal ions, and help us understand the catalytic mechanisms.

In order to understand the structure and function of active site of metalloenzymes, we will prepare the model compounds and characterize them by using electrochemistry, kinetic, and spectroscopic studies.

A dinuclear complex with shortest Fe(II)-Fe(II) bond

Fe2S2 model complex

Inorganic Catalysis and Renewable Energy

We will focus on design of well-defined complexes as homogeneous catalysts with bi- and tri-dentate ligand and earth-abundant, first-row transition metals. The application will also include the activation of small molecules like dinitrogen, dioxygen, carbon dioxide, and hydrocarbons such as methane. In addition, we will also develop the inorganic/organometallic molecules for the conversion and storage of renewable energy.

Hemilabile ligand supported Fe(II) complex as a pre-catalyst for hydrosilylation

Well-defined Ni(II) complex for H2 production

Medicinal Inorganic Chemistry

We investigate the field of medicinal inorganic chemistry such as metal-based therapeutic with possible applications in the treatment of cancer and Type II Diabetes. The research will center around developments of inorganic/organometallic compounds in relation to their activity and understanding the mechanisms of action.

Ruthenium-based anticancer agent

Simple vanadium-based agent for type II diabetes treatment