Github links
For those seeking efficiency, we've developed SCB-Norm-Base, a lightweight version with fewer parameters to tune. Perfect for scenarios where resource constraints are a concern!
🚀 PyPI Packages:
- PyTorch: [torch-cluster-based-norm](
- TensorFlow: [tf-cluster-based-norm](
- Keras: [keras-cluster-based-norm](
🔗 GitHub Repository: Explore our codebase on GitHub: [cluster-based-norm](
Verbalizer benchmarking for text classification:
This repository contains the code for benchmarking verbalizer baselines for text classification problems, published at LREC-COLING 2024.
This repository contains our implementation of the distributed collapsed Gibbs sampler for Dirichlet Process Mixture Model inference, proposed in the paper "Distributed Collapsed Gibbs Sampler for Dirichlet Process Mixture Models in Federated Learning" (Accepted to SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (SDM24)).
This repository contains our implementation of DisNPLBM proposed in the paper "Distributed MCMC inference for Bayesian Non-Parametric Latent Block Model" (accepted to The Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD 2024)), arxiv.
TabSRA: An Attention based Self-Explainable Model for Tabular LearningÂ or
MTS-CGAN: Conditional Generative Adversarial Network for Multivariate Time Series or
This code implements three model based block clustering methods.Â
These models are based on the Dirichlet Process Mixture Model (DPMM, used for univariate dataset clustering) and extends it to multivariate datasets.
skstab is a module for clustering stability analysis in Python with a scikit-learn compatible APIÂ Â
Spark Time Series Set data analysis
2019: Deep Embedded Self-Organizing Map (DESOM) model,(Unsupervised Deep Learning) Git
Its Big Data Clustering Library (API) gathering clustering algorithms and quality indexes in Scala and Spark/Scala. Don't hesitate to ask questions or make recommendations in our Gitter. It is also in SparkPackages.
Some examples using the C4E APIÂ are a avalaible hereÂ
For more informations about "Data Science & Big data" in LIPN
Since 2022
This repository includes several codes recently produced in different thesis (in open source and Apache 2 license).Â
Since 2012, Â we implement our models in Scala under the Spark platform using spark-notebook. Some of our models are also available in C or Matlab.
In 2012, HUG France: Présentation de Spark par Tugdual Sarazin from HUG France on Vimeo.
Our algorithms G-Stream, Mean-shift ...etc, have been cited at Scala Days Berlin 2016 and StrataHadoop World 2016 - London, United Kingdom