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New website at

The Learners Chess Mission

Our mission is to spread the learning and

enjoyment of chess to all kids in New Mexico.


We believe that learning to appreciate and compete

in chess helps children mature both intellectually and socially.

Our approach uses chess to develop children's

analytical, social, mindfulness, and leadership skills

for success in school and in life!

Please support our mission by making a contribution here.


Need Based Scholarship Fund

At Learners Chess Academy, we charge a fee, when we can, for many of our classes, camps and programs. But we also strive to bring the joy of learning chess to those who can not afford it by offering need-based scholarships for our camps and after school programs.

Please support our need-based scholarship fund by making a contribution here.


Chess to Success Programs

When funds permit, we reach out to schools where we could or would not charge a fee due to the socio-economic demographics. At these schools we run chess clubs at little to no cost to parents. It is our belief that our programs for low income students will have the greatest positive impact on rising generations of youth in New Mexico.

Please support our need-based scholarship fund by making a contribution here.


Charitable Projects

We also take on charitable projects when we can. Our latest projects have been our service trip to Moore, Oklahoma following the devastating tornadoes in that community in May of 2013.

We have also run a chess camp and given guest lectures at Si Se Puede Learning Centers in Albuquerque. Si Se Puede serves children of low income and recent immigrant families. 

Please support our Chess to Success Program by making a contribution here.

Or you may send a check to:

Learners Chess Academy

532 Adams NE

Albuquerque, NM, 87108