The 2024 Hell Week is canceled due to lack of participants !
2024 Routes and Agenda
Routes 2024
200 (3452 D+) -
300 (3921 D+) -
400 (4950 D+) -
600 (7655 D+) -
The routes are validated by ACP.
Detailed road-books (in English ; 1 file with 4 sheets) : not available yet
GPX files : not available yet
The organizer is not present at the places of intermediate control, and does not provide any assistance during the brevets.
Start and Finish Place :
1000 du Sud Base Camp, chez Provence Randonneurs, 3960 ancien chemin de Salernes, 83570 Cotignac, France
The Base Camp is located 4 km from Cotignac, surrounded by nature.
Covered shelter with equipped kitchen ; toilet block ; dormitory (16 places). Electricity is present in the shelter, in the toilets and in the dormitory.
Numerous places to park your vehicle during the ride, and to pitch your tent.
Access to the Base Camp is not possible for lowered vehicles, nor for vehicles with a rear overhang of more than 2 meters.
There is no electric terminal, nor emptying area for campers.
To the Base Camp from Cotignac (please do not share this place on public maps!)
Accommodation possible in several houses (one bed per participant - to be paid in addition to the registration fee - limited places available).
Inscription à la Semaine d’En Faire 2024
La Semaine d'en Faire est un défi indivisible. Les places sont limitées aux participants qui viennent pour enchaîner les 4 brevets.
Télécharger le formulaire en PDF
Vous pouvez envoyer un simple courriel en recopiant le texte ci-dessous jusqu’à la signature.
Nom :
Prénom :
Date de naissance :
Homme / Femme
Le nom du club auquel vous appartenez, en toutes lettres (sinon, précisez: membre indépendant), votre n° de licence individuelle et le nom de votre fédération (si vous êtes licenciés - sinon, précisez: non licencié) :
Adresse postale :
Adresse électronique :
Numéro de téléphone portable durant les brevets :
Coordonnées de la personne à contacter en cas d’accident :
J’ai lu le règlement de la Semaine d’En Faire (ci-joint) et je l’accepte sans réserve.
En m'inscrivant à la Semaine d’En Faire, j’atteste sur l’honneur que je suis en condition physique suffisante pour effectuer l’épreuve, et avoir pris connaissance des consignes de sécurité.
Date, Signature :
Montant de l'inscription : 300 euros par participant
Ce montant est un forfait pour toute la durée de La Semaine d’En Faire, qui commence le samedi 4 mai 2024 dans l’après-midi et se termine le samedi 11 mai 2024 dans la matinée.
Ce montant comprend :
● Les frais liés à l’organisation des quatre brevets
● Le séjour au Camp de Base (avec véhicule, tente, ou au dortoir, dans la limite des places disponibles)
N.B. Le dortoir comporte 16 places. Matelas individuels de 10 cm d’épaisseur sur sol bétonné, espacés d’environ 30 cm, chaque place dispose d’une prise électrique. Apportez vos sacs de couchage, couvertures, serviettes de bain.
● L’usage des installations (sanitaires, cuisine équipée) au Camp de Base
● 6 repas (samedi soir, dimanche après le 200, lundi après le 300, mardi avant le 400, mercredi après le 400, vendredi après le 600).
● 4 petits-déjeuners (dimanche, lundi, mardi, jeudi)
N.B. Ne sont pas comprises les boissons alcoolisées et les sodas.
Supplément couchage en gîte sur place : 150 euros par participant - Avant de payer le supplément, merci de nous contacter pour vérifier les disponibilités. Votre inscription ne sera effective qu'à réception de votre paiement.
Gîte Gif : 3 lits double; 5 lits simples
Gîte Grange : 2 lits doubles ; 2 lits simples
Gîte Atelier : 3 lits doubles ; 2 lits simples
Gîte Ventoux : 1 lit double ; 2 lits simples
Gîte Hibou : 1 lit double
Les lits doubles mesurent 140 cm de large. Dans les gîtes, draps, couettes et serviettes de bain sont fournis.
Les Gîtes Gif, Grange, Atelier et Ventoux comportent une cuisine équipée.
Comment payer :
● Paiement sur plateforme en ligne
● Par virement bancaire : nous contacter pour les détails.
● Par chèque bancaire
Envoyer un chèque bancaire (d'une banque française uniquement), libellé à l'ordre de Provence Randonneurs, à : PROVENCE RANDONNEURS - 3960 ancien chemin de Salernes - 83570 - Cotignac - FRANCE
● Par compte PayPal (depuis l'Europe, le Royaume-Uni et la Suisse) : envoyer 315 € (ou, avec le supplément gîte, 472,5 €) à
Pour un virement Paypal depuis un autre pays : nous contacter pour calculer les frais prélevés par PayPal.
The Hell Week consists of four consecutive brevets of 200, 300, 400 and 600 km, organized by Provence Randonneurs, which is a non profit bicycle touring association governed by the Law of 1901.
These brevets are validated by Audax Club Parisien.
The regulations for these brevets are ruled by Audax Club Parisien, and published at the address: Brevets de Randonneurs Mondiaux
Support vehicles are prohibited even at intermediate controls. This rule also applies to the possible overnight stops.
A detailed cue sheet (road-book) and a GPS track will be published on the organizer’s website. The organizer will not put any sign or marking on the roads.
The Hell Week is not a competitive event. No rider classification is made. No special reward is granted to individual performance. A Finisher list is published on the organizer’s website, but individual time results are not published.
During their stay at Base Camp, participants are required to have a correct attitude, decent dress, and to respect the main instructions of the organizer. It is forbidden to throw waste and pollutants in nature. It is forbidden to make fire. Any damage to the facilities must be reimbursed. An incorrect attitude towards the organizer may lead to disqualification.
Each participant must obey the French traffic law and all road signs placed by territorial authorities.
Participants must not ride more than two side-by-side on the road. They must line up in single file when a vehicle is approaching if the road is not wide enough to allow safe passage. They must remain in single file on high traffic roads. They must remain in single file at night and in other low-light conditions (rain, fog ...).
Bicycles must be equipped in accordance with the provisions of the French traffic law, in particular with safety and braking systems. They must be equipped with a lighting system securely and permanently fixed on the bike, even during daytime. Backup lighting system and headlamp are recommended. Flashing LEDs at the rear are forbidden, so as not to dazzle other participants. At night or in other low-light conditions, lights must be turned on at all times and a high visibility vest must be worn, as requested by the French traffic law. E-bikes are prohibited.
Participants who abandon must notify the ride organizer by email or text message. The organizer does not offer any repatriation at the start place, nor bike repairing service.
In the event of a personal accident, the participant or any person assisting the participant must call the emergency services (112) and notify the ride organizer by email or text message.
The Hell Week is open to any cyclist, whether French or foreign, whether member of a cycling club or not, regardless of his or her sports affiliation.
Participants are strongly advised to take out individual accident insurance extended for cycling (unless they have a sports license including such insurance)..
The organizer has no individual accident insurance for the participants. The organizer has not taken out insurance for the repatriation of participants. The organizer is insured for civil liability throughout the duration of the event, in accordance with Article L321-1 of the French Sports Code.
Any rider under the age of 18 must have consent of his or her parent or legal guardian, and wear a helmet.
Participation as a professional coach, tour operator, fundraiser, or other gainful activity is prohibited.
To validate his registration, each participant must personally provide the information requested by the organizer on his website, and personally pay the registration fee. No intermediary will be accepted.
Any fraud leads to the disqualification of the participant.
The participants in the Hell Week accept the publication, on the organizer's website, of their identities as well as of photos where they could appear. The organizer will not use their identities for commercial purposes or transmit them to a third party for this purpose.
Any rider who registers for the Hell Week has read all the present rules, and accepts by these actions the present rules without any exception.
Any complaint or claim, for any reason whatsoever, must be expressed in writing and addressed to the organizer within one month after the Hell Week.
Rules dated December 31, 2022