Other writing


Lawrence Edwards, Zaakirah Ismail, Godfrey Kamutando, Simbarashe Mambara, Matthew Stern and Fouche Venter (2022) The consumer price effects of specific trade policy restrictions in South Africa. South African Reserve Bank Working Paper WP/22/15.

Jing-Woei Chien, Harriet Conron, Lawrence Edwards, Godfrey Kamutando (2022) Trading up: Harnessing the African Continental Free Trade Area for growth in Uganda, International Growth Centre Working paper and policy brief. (and PRISM working paper)

Godfrey Kamutando and Lawrence Edwards (2022) Allocative efficiency between and within the formal and informal manufacturing sector in Zimbabwe. PRISM working paper series


Lawrence Edwards & Ayanda Hlatshwayo, 2020. "Exchange rates and firm export performance in South Africa," WIDER Working Paper Series wp-2020-1, World Institute for Development Economic Research (UNU-WIDER).

African manufacturing firms and their participation in global trade, Lawrence Edwards, Industrial Analytics Platform, UNIDO

Edwards, L. and Lepelle, R. (2020) Gendered Effects of Tariff Liberalisation on the Sectoral Structure of Employment in South Africa. PRISM Working Paper Series 2020-4. Cape Town: University of Cape Town.

Black, A., Edwards, L., Gorven, R., and Mapulanga, W. (2020) Agro-processing, value chains, and regional integration in Southern Africa. SA-TIED Working Paper #103. Helsinki: UNU-WIDER.

Edwards, L. and Hlatshwayo, A. (2020). Exchange rates and firm export performance in South Africa. WIDER SA-TIED Working Paper #89. Helsinki: UNU-WIDER.

Edwards, L., and Mudiriza, G. (2020) The persistence of apartheid regional wage disparities in South Africa. ERSA Working Paper 816.


Black, A., L. Edwards, F. Ismail, B. Makundi and M. Morris (2019). ‘Spreading The Gains?: Prospects And Policies For The Development Of Regional Value Chains In Southern Africa’. WIDER Working Paper 2019/48. Helsinki: UNU-WIDER.


Productivity under Twenty Years of Structural Change in Zimbabwe’s Manufacturing Sector, GLM|LIC Policy Brief No. 28. 

Wages in Zimbabwean Formal and Informal Manufacturing, GLM|LIC Policy Brief No. 27.

Manufacturing Firm Survival in the Face of Economic Crises, GLM|LIC Policy Brief No. 26 


A disaggregated analysis of product price integration in the Southern African Development Community

Balchin, N., Edwards, L. and Sundaram, A. (2014). ERSA Working Paper 421. 

The opportunities and constraints for stronger regional and global integration of Zimbabwe

Edwards, L. and Kirk, R. (2014). Background paper prepared for the World Bank Zimbabwe Growth Recovery Notes Series.

This paper was referred to on Bulawayo24 News, in an article titled Zimbabwe trade imbalance could be understated


Is China “crowding out” South African exports of manufacturers?

Jenkins, R. and Edwards, L. (2013). SALDRU Working Paper.

The impact of Chinese import penetration on the South African manufacturing sector

Edwards, L. and Jenkins, R. (2013). SALDRU Working Paper.

US employment deindustrialization: Insights from history and the international experience

Edwards, L. and Lawrence, R. (2013). Peterson Institute for International Economics Policy Brief PB13 – 27.


Trade liberalization and reallocation of production: Evidence from Indian manufacturing

Edwards, L. and Sundaram, A. (2012). Presentation at The Midwest International Economics Group Meetings Indiana University.

Chinese competition and the restructuring of South African manufacturing

Edwards. L. and Jenkins, R. (2012)  DEV Research Briefing-4. International Development, University of East Anglia. 

Is Africa integrating? Evidence from product markets

Edwards, L. and Rankin, N. (2012).  ERSA Working Paper 292.

Testing trade theory: The retail price impact of clothing quotas in South Africa

Edwards, L. and Rankin, N. (2012). Paper presented at CSAE Conference, Oxford, March 2012.

Zambian regional integration policy challenges

Edwards, L. and Lawrence, R. (2012). Paper prepared for London School of Economics, International Growth Centre (IGC).

South African trade policy and the future global trading environment

Edwards, L. and Lawrence, R. (2012). South African Institute of International Affairs (SAIIA) Occasional Paper 128. Paper prepared for SA National Planning Commission.

Previous version:

South African trade policy and the future global trading environment

Edwards, L. and Lawrence. R. (2012). Keynote address at South African Institute for International Affairs 4th Annual Trade Policy Public Forum. 


The gravity of Sub-Saharan African trade times

Edwards, L. and K. Barron (2011). Mimeo.

No Chinese jackets required: Quantitative restrictions and quality upgrading in South Africa

Edwards, L., T. Naughtin and N. Rankin (2011). Paper presented at Economic Society of South Africa Conference, 2011.

How integrated is SADC? Trends in intra-regional and extra-regional trade flows and policy 

Behar, A, and Edwards, L. (2011). World Bank Policy Research Working Paper Series 5625.


Wage subsidies to combat unemployment and poverty: Assessing South Africa's options 

Burns, J., Edwards, L. and Pauw, K. (2010). SALDRU Working Paper.

AGOA rules: The intended and unintended development consequences of Special Fabric Provisions

Edwards, L. and Lawrence, R. (2010). NBER Working Paper 16623. 

Do developed and developing countries compete head to head in high-tech?

Edwards, L. and Lawrence, R. (2010). NBER Working Paper w16105.

US trade and wages: The misleading implications of conventional trade theory

Edwards, L. and Lawrence, R. (2010). NBER Working paper w16106.


Trade flows and the exchange rate in South Africa

Edwards, L. and Garlick, R. (2007). Chapter in “State of Trade Policy in South Africa”, Trade and Industry Policy Strategies (TIPS). 

Also MPRA Paper No. 36666

SACU Tariff Policies: Where should they go from here? 

Edwards, L. and Lawrence, R. (2007). Centre for International Development Working Paper 169, Kennedy School, Harvard University.