Journal articles


Kamutando, G. and Edwards, L. 2023.  “Allocative efficiency between and within the formal and informal manufacturing sector in Zimbabwe”. World Bank Economic Review.

Lepelle, R., and Edwards, L. 2023. Manufacturing tariff liberalisation and the sectoral reallocation of employment in local labour markets: evidence from South Africa, The Journal of International Trade & Economic Development


Edwards, L., and Mudiriza, G. (2021) The persistence of apartheid regional wage disparities in South Africa.  Journal of Economic Geography. 



Black, A., Edwards, L., Ismail, F., Makundi, B., and Morris, M. (forthcoming). The role of regional value chains in fostering regional integration in Southern Africa. Forthcoming in Development Southern Africa.

Edwards, L., Sanfilippo, M., and Sundaram, A. 2020. Importing and Productivity: An Analysis of South African Manufacturing Firms. Review of Industrial Organisation. 10.1007/s11151-020-09765-z


Nchake, M.A., Edwards, L. & Kaya, T. (2019). The size of the border and product market integration between Lesotho and South Africa: A production-consumption approach. Journal of African Economies, ejy017,


Chacha, P. and Edwards, L. (2018). Exporting to Fragile States in Africa: Firm Level Evidence. Review of Development Economics.

Edwards, L., Sanfilippo, M., and Sundaram, A. (2018). Importing and firm export performance: New evidence from South Africa, South African Journal of Economics, 86(S1): 79-95

Nchake, M., Edwards, L. and Sundaram, A. (2018). Closer monetary union and product market integration in emerging economies: Evidencefrom the Common Monetary Area in Southern Africa, International Review of Economics and Finance, 54: 154-164

Nchake, M.A., Edwards, L. & Sundaram, A. (2018). Price-setting Behavior and Competition in Developing Countries: An Analysis of Retail Outlets in Lesotho. Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade, 1-19


Edwards, L. and Sundaram, A. (2017). "Trade Liberalization, Rival Exporters and Reallocation of Production: An Analysis of Indian Manufacturing". Review of International Economics, 25(3): 677–693.


Edwards, L., and Rankin, N. (2016). Is Africa Integrating? Evidence from Product Markets, The Journal of International Trade & Economic Development, 25(1): 266-289.


Edwards, L., and Jenkins, R. (2015). Is China "crowding out" South African exports of manufactures, European Journal of Development Research. doi: 10.1057/ejdr.2014.72.

           Previous version:

           Is China crowding out South African exports of manufactures?

           Edwards, L. and Jenkins, R. (2013). SALDRU Working Paper 107. 

Balchin, N., Edwards, L., and Sundaram, A. (2015). A disaggregated analysis of product price integration in the Southern African Development Community, Journal of African Economies. doi: 10.1093/jae/ejv004.


Nchake, M., Edwards, L., and Rankin, N. (Forthcoming) Price-Setting Behaviour in Lesotho: Stylised Facts from Consumer Retail Prices, South African Journal of Economics.

Previous versions:

Price-Setting Behaviour in Lesotho: Stylised Facts from Consumer Retail Prices

Nchake, M., Edwards, L., and Rankin, N. (2013). ERSA Working Paper 417.

Edwards, L. and Jenkins, R. (2014). The Margins of Export Competition: A New Approach to Eevaluating the Impact of China on South African Exports to Sub-Saharan Africa. Journal of Policy Modeling, 31(Supplement 1).


Burns, J., Edwards, L. and Pauw, K. (2013). Revisiting Wage Subsidies: How Pro-Poor is a South African Wage Subsidy Likely To Be?, Development Southern Africa, 30(2).


Edwards, L. and Lawrence, R. (2012). A Strategic View of South African Trade in Policy in Relation to the Future Global Trading Environment, South African Journal of International Affairs, 19(3): 277-298.

Edwards, L. and Lawrence, R. (2012). Shattering the Myths about U.S. Trade Policy. Harvard Business Review, March: 2901-2905.


Edwards, L. and Lawrence, R. (2008). South African Trade Policy Matters: Trade Performance & Trade Policy, 16(4): 585-608. 

Previous version:

South African Trade Policy Matters: Trade Performance & Trade Policy

Edwards, L. and Lawrence, R. (2006). NBER Working Paper No. 12760.

Edwards, L., Rankin, N. and Schoer, V. (2008). South Africa's Exporting Firms: What Do We Know and What Should We Know?, Journal of Development Perspectives, 4(1): 67-92.

Balchin, N. and Edwards, L. (2008). Trade-Related Business Climate and Manufacturing Export Performance in Africa: A Firm Level Analysis. Journal of Development Perspectives, 4(1): 32-66.


Edwards, L. and Dunne, J.P. (2007). Trade, Enterprise Production and Employment, Journal for Studies in Economics and Econometrics, 31(2): 49-68.

Daniels, R.C. and Edwards, L. (2007). The Benefit-Incidence of Tariff Liberalisation in South Africa, Journal for Studies in Economics and Econometrics, 31(2): 69-88.

Edwards, L., Pauw, K. and Leibbrandt, M. (2007). Trade and Poverty in South Africa: Trade Sector Employment and Vulnerability, Journal for Studies in Economics and Econometrics, 31(2): 89-108.

Edwards, L. and Stern, M. (2007). Trade and Poverty Research Project in SA: Key lessons and policy recommendations, Journal for studies in Economics and Econometrics, 2007, 31(2): 1-22.

Edwards, L. and Smith, L. (2007). A Multivariate Evaluation of Mainstream and Academic Development Courses in First-Year Microeconomics, South African Journal of Economics.

Edwards, L. and Morris, M. (2007). Undressing the Numbers: The Effect of Import Quotas on Clothing and Textile Employment, Journal of Development Perspectives, 2(2): 121-140.


Edwards, L. and Alves, P. (2006). South Africa's Export Performance: Determinants of Export Supply, South African Journal of Economics, 74(3): 473-500.

Edwards, L. and Pauw, K. (2006). Evaluating the General Equilibrium Effects of a Wage Subsidy Scheme for South Africa, South African Journal of Economics, 74(3): 442-462.

Edwards, L. and Behar, A. (2006). Trade Liberalisation and Labour Demand within South African Manufacturing Firms, Journal of Studies in 


Edwards, L. (2005). Has South Africa Liberalised Its Trade? South African Journal of Economics, 73(4): 754-775.


Edwards, L. and Golub, L. (2004). South Africa’s International Cost Competitiveness and Productivity in Manufacturing, World Development, 32, 8: 1323-1339.


Edwards, L. (2003). A Firm-Level Analysis of Trade, Technology and Employment in South Africa, Journal of International Development, 17: 1-17. 

Previous versions:

TIPS Forum 2002: Global Integration; Sustainable Development And The Southern African Economy

Edwards, L. and Golub, S. (2003). South African Productivity and Capital Accumulation in Manufacturing: An International Comparative Analysis, South African Journal of Economics, 71(4).


Edwards, L. (2001). Trade and the Structure of South African Production, 1984-97, Development Southern Africa, 18(4): 471-492

Edwards, L. (2001). Globalisation and the Skill Bias of Occupational Employment in South Africa, South African Journal of Economics, 69(1): 40-71.


Edwards, L. (2000). An Econometric Evaluation of Economic Academic Development Programs, South African Journal of Economics, 68(3): 455-483. 

This article was awarded the Economic Society of South Africa’s JJI Middleton medallion for the best new article in the journal in 2001.


Edwards, L. and Leibbrandt, M. (1998). Domestic wheat demand in a deregulated environment: Modelling the importance of wheat quality characteristics, Agrekon, September 1998.


Edwards, L. (1996). Book review of Jaffee, S. and Morton, J. "Marketing Africa’s High Value Foods”, Journal of Contemporary African Studies, July 1996, 14(2).