

■ “How patent rights affect university science”, 

      w/ Thorsten Doherr and Katrin Hussinger

      Industrial and Corporate Change,  dtac044, 2022 (abstract & anecdote, wp)

■ "Unintended triadic closure in social networks: The strategic formation of research collaborations between French inventors.

      w/ Nicolas Carayol, Lorenzo Cassi and Pascale Roux

      Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 163, 2019 (wp)

■ “The Latent Topic Block Model for the co-clustering of textual interaction data.” 

      w/ Charles Bouveyron, Marco Corneli and Pierre Latouche

      Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 137, 2019 (wp)

■ "How do inventors networks affect urban invention?

      w/ Nicolas Carayol and Pascale Roux

      Regional Science and Urban Economics,  71, 2018 (abstract & anecdote, wp)

■ "Bridging centrality as an indicator to measure the 'bridging role' of actors in networks: An application to the European Nanotechnology co-publication network.

      w/ Thomas Scherngell and Iris Wanzenböck

      Journal of Informetrics, 11(4), 2017

■ "Centrality of regions in R&D networks: A new measurement approach using the concept of bridging paths.

      w/ Thomas Scherngell and Iris Wanzenböck. 

      Regional Studies, 51(8), 2017 (wp)

■ "Network proximity in the geography of research collaboration.

      Papers in Regional Science, 96(4) , 2017 (abstract & anecdote, wp) Martin Beckmann Award 2018 (Best PiRS paper of 2017)

■ "HDclassif: An R Package for Model-Based Clustering and Discriminant Analysis of High-Dimensional Data.

      w/ Charles Bouveyron and Stéphane Girard

      Journal of Statistical Software, 46(6), 2012

Articles in French

"Le déploiement du très haut débit a-t-il favorisé la numérisation des entreprises? Une évaluation du Plan France Très Haut Débit."

      w/ Chloé Duvivier and Florian Léon

      La Revue Économique, 75, 2024

Work in progress

■ “How organizational innovation restructures scientific production: The case of the ARPANET”

      w/ Christian Fons-Rosen and Myra Mohnen

■ “The consequences of involuntary job mobility in the context of innovation: A case study of Nortel”

      w/ Nicolas Jonard and Ruth Samson