Surface processes and S2S signals

Together with colleagues from the COLORS project, we developped and calibrated a new landscape evolution numerical model that simulates a sedimentary system from the eroding catchements (sources) to the continental and marine sedimentary basins (sinks).

The code is based on the following equations:

We develop a method to calibrate the deposition coefficient G from the change in slope along a river at the transition between the catchment and the foreland basin.

Based on 30 experimental landscapes, we propose that G > 0.4 characterises fluvial landscapes in transport-imited.

Among 70 estimates from natural landscapes, 2/3 show a G > 0.4. This suggests that most natural systems are in transport-limited.

The code can be used in direct mode to explore the sensibility of a landscape to various parameters, or in inverse mode to reconstruct the evolution of a system from its geometry.

Surface processes and stratigraphic records can also be studied via laboratory experiments. This approach requires time but contrary to numerical simulations, the physics of sediment transport is not imposed. This is a valuable aspect because the transport of sediments within rivers, in particular when several grain sizes are involved is an active field of research. In lab experiments, it is thus possible to use several grain sizes and to analyse how they are transported and deposited.

We use this approach to look at the baydeltas that can be observed within incised valleys. These deltas are often interpreted as the result of sediment flux variations or sea-level change fluctuations within a transgressive trend. We develop a simple geometrical model that suggests these deltas can be purely autogenic. Applied to a lab experiment, we do observe the progradation of a coarse-grained sheet during constant sea-level rise, without any external perturbation. The geometry of the valley is sufficient to induce a transient progradation, as you can see in this video (click on the figure to access the video):

We use this model to the Trinity and Brazos river systems (Texas) to decipher whether or not the observed deltas could be autogenic. Spoiler: the answer is yes !

Related publications:

Autogenic delta progradation during sea-level rise within incised valleys - L. Guerit, B.Z. Foreman, C. Chen, C. Paola, S. Castelltort - Geology, 2020, (here)

Macro-scale calibration of sediment deposition coefficient from experimental and natural fluvial landscapes - L. Guerit, X. Yuan, S. Carretier, S. Bonnet, S. Rohais, J. Braun, D. Rouby - Geology, 10.1130/G446356.1, 2019 (here).

A new efficient method to solve the stream power law model taking into account sediment deposition - X. Yuan, J. Braun, L. Guerit, D. Rouby, G. Cordonnier - Journal of Geophysical Research - Earth Surface, 524, 115728, 2019 (here).

Linking continental erosion to marine sediment transport and deposition: A new implicit and O(n) method - X. Yuan, J. Braun, L. Guerit, B. Simon, B. Bovy, D. Rouby, C. Robin - Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 124(6), 1346–1365, 2019 (here).