Geomorphology - Sedimentology

CNRS Research Scientist at Géosciences Rennes 

My work is focused on the production and the propagation of grain-size signals in response to climatic or tectonic pertubations in continental sedimentary systems (i.e. from the mountains down to the foreland basin). I work on field mesurements of grain-size distributions in source areas together with lab experiments and numerical simulations. 

Previous positions: 


July 2023: PHC Danube proposal has been selected! This is a multilateral project entitled "Geomorphological interpretation of photogrammetry and laser scanning data in the study of torrential watersheds". I will work for the next two year with colleagues from Bulgaria, Serbia and Czech on torrential rivers, bringing my expertise on grain size analyses. First visit and field work in October.

Apr. 2023 - It's EGU! Interesting in how to reduce the C footprint impact of your lab? Please have a look at our virtual poster of Thursday

We present the 4-year C budget of the lab Géosciences Rennes, propose some focus on purchase, travels and we propose some ways to change our professional habits. 

Apr. 2023 - I'm very honored to participate to the Cuchlaine King Symposium next September in Edinburg, part of the British Society for Geomorphology (link to website) . Half-a-day with fantastic women in geomorphology to discuss about "Novel approaches to quantify landscape changes". I will present together with:

Dec. 2022 -Very honored to receive the "2022 Fiona Kirby Award for Excellence in Reviewing for Earth Surface Processes and Landforms" (link)

Nov. 2022 - Very proud to give a presentation for Landscape Live on Nov. 10th -

Nov. 2021 - Attending the RST in Lyon with a talk in the session "Processus géomorphologiques"

Sept. 2021 - I have been awarded an AIS grant from Rennes Métropole to built a new and unique experimental setup at the Geosciences Rennes lab. The setup consists in a catchment area, in which sediments are transported from several point sources, coupled to a depositional zone, where sediments can accumulate. The setup will be dedicated to the propagation of signals from sources to sinks.

Sept. 2021 -A friend of mine (we studied together) is involved in this movie that I really I recommend "Alors tu trouves ? " (teaser available here)

Camille, jeune climatologue, enchaîne les contrats de travail au Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique. Mais comprendre comment fonctionne le climat et ne dessiner que des courbes annonçant les catastrophes à venir derrière son écran ne lui suffisent plus. Elle décide de se rapprocher des terres et des populations, aussi lointaines que proches de son laboratoire de recherche. Le voyage qu’elle entreprend en Chine, en Polynésie, au Mali et dans l’Essonne, où se situe son laboratoire, lui permettra de découvrir que les solutions à mettre en oeuvre face à la crise climatique existent déjà. Elle sera alors conduite à prendre une décision personnelle, inattendue mais logique.

"Alors tu trouves ?" est le nouveau film documentaire réalisé par Hugo Dayan et produit par APREIS. Un long-métrage sur la recherche et pour le climat, qui suit l'itinéraire de Camille, une jeune climatologue à la recherche de solutions.

Dates et lieux des prochaines projections :

- jeudi 23 septembre aux Molières (91)

- jeudi 30 sept à St. Gaudens (31, Occitanie)

- jeudi 6 octobre à l'Université Paris Saclay (91).

- samedi 23 octobre au théâtre Roger Lafaille à Chennevières-sur-Marne (94)