

The Power of Lakshmi: Monetary Incentives for Raising a Girl (with Nabaneeta Biswas and Christopher Cornwell), accepted at Journal of Human Resources

Why Guarantee Employment? Evidence from a Large Indian Public-Works Program, accepted at Economic Development and Cultural Change (Online Appendix)

De Jure versus De Facto Transparency: Corruption in Local Public Office in India (with Dahyeon Jeong and Ajay Shenoy), Journal of Public Economics, 221: 104855, 2023

The Dynamic Electoral Returns of a Large Anti-Poverty Program (Online Appendix), Review of Economics and Statistics, 103(5): 803-817, 2021

Remember When It Rained: Schooling Responses to Shocks in India, World Development, 126, 2020

It's a Boy! Women and Decision-Making Benefits from a Son in India, World Development, 104: 326-335, 2018

Guns and Butter? Fighting Violence with the Promise of Development, Journal of Development Economics, 124: 120-141, 2017 (with Gaurav Khanna)(Online Appendix)

Fighting Maoist Violence with Promises: Evidence from India's Employment Guarantee Scheme, Economics of Peace and Security Journal, , 9(1): 30-36, 2014 (with Gaurav Khanna)   (PDF Version)

Public-Works Programs in Developing Countries Have the Potential to Reduce Poverty,  IZA World of Labor,  May 2014

Reconsidering Gender Bias in Intra-Household Allocation in India,  Journal of Development Studies, 48(1): 151-163, 2012

Human Capital and Ethnic Self-Identification of Migrants, Economics Letters, 98(3): 235-239, 2008 (with Amelie Constant, Liliya Gataullina, and Klaus F. Zimmermann)

Ethnic Self-Identification of First-Generation Immigrants, International Migration Review, 41(3): 769-781, 2007 (with Amelie Constant, Klaus F. Zimmermann)


Political Organizations and Political Scope (with Ajay Shenoy)

The Effects of Adopting a Value Added Tax on Firms (with David Agrawal), revise and resubmit at Review of Economics and Statistics


Inside the Black Box of Early-Life Shocks on Later-Life Outcomes - Evidence from Indonesia 

Tax Competition in India (with David Agrawal)

Female Electoral Success and the Survival of Girl Children in India (with Nabaneeta Biswas, Christopher Cornwell)

Labor Trafficking in Southern Africa (with David Okech, Lydia Aletraris, Anna Michelle Cody, Hui Yi, Mary Ager), primary survey data collection in progress


Demographic Challenges Facing the Elderly in Sub-Saharan Africa (with David Lam and Rebecca Thornton)

Clash of Cultures: Muslims and Christians in the Ethnosizing Process (with Amelie Constant, Liliya Gataullina, Klaus F. Zimmermann), IZA Discussion Paper No. 2350