Invited Talks
26-29 February: Applied Number Theory Days, University of Florida, USA;
03-13 June: Regulators V, Università di Pisa, Italy;
26-27 June: Troisième rencontre PARI-ALPP, Cogne, Italy;
09-13 September: AESIM-CIMPA School "Introduction to Number Theory and Algebraic Curves", University of Belgrade, Serbia;
19-20 September: 8th Number Theory Meeting Torino, Italy;
23-26 September: Rencontre de théorie des nombres EThéN, CIRM Marseille, France;
06-10 February: Introductory Workshop: Diophantine Geometry, MSRI workshop in the Research Program "Diophantine Geometry", Berkeley, USA;
21st February: Geometry Seminar, Università Tor Vergata, Roma, Italy;
11th May: Séminaire de théorie des nombres de l'Institute Fourier, Grenoble, France;
07-09 June: Première Rencontre IEA PARI-ALPP, Università di Torino, Italy;
26 June - 01 July: XXXI-èmes Rencontres Arithmétiques de Caen, Ile the Tatihou, France;
27th November: Séminaire de théorie des nombres, LMNO, Caen, France;
05 December: Seminario di Teoria dei Numeri, Università di Genova, Italy;
17th-23rd April: Diophantische Approximationen, Oberwolfach, Germany;
10 May: Giornata INdAM, Università degli Studi di Roma Tre, Italy;
23-25th May: La grandezza dei punti piccoli, Pisa, Italy;
22-26th August: CMI-HIMR Summer School on Unlikely Intersections in Diophantine Geometry, Oxford, UK;
28th August-2nd September: BIRS worshop "Specialization and Effectiveness in Number Theory”, Banff International Research Station, Alberta, Canada;
22-23th September: 6th Number Theory meeting Torino, Italy;
26-30th September: O-minimality and Diophantine Geometry, Workshop of the Clay Research Conference, Oxford, UK;
30th November: A&G seminar, Università la Sapienza di Roma, Italy;
11-16th December: The 23rd Midrasha Mathematicae: O-Minimality and its Applications in Diophantine Geometry and Hodge Theory, Insrael Institute for Advanced Studies, Jerusalem, Insrael;
18 February: Number Theory Online 2021;
10 March: Algebra Seminar, University of Groningen, Nederlands (online);
12 April: Berkeley Arithmetic Geometry and Number Theory Seminar, (online);
21 April: Heilbronn Seminar, Bristol (online);
31 May - 4 June: O-minimality and foliations, CIRM, Marseille (online);
20-26 June: 8th European Congress of Mathematics, Number Theory minisymposium, Portoroz, Slovenia (online);
11- 16 July: Geometry via Arithmetic, BIRS, Banff, Canada (online);
30 September-01 Octorber: Ricercatori in Algebra e Geometria 2020, Pisa, Italy;
02 December: Geometry Seminar, Università degli Studi Roma Tre, Italy;
13 December: Pure Math Seminar, University of East Anglia, UK (online);
16 January: Journée jeunes chercheuses et jeunes chercheurs, Strasbourg, France;
26 February: A&G seminar, Università la Sapienza di Roma, Italy;
19-25 April: Workshop Diophantische Approximationen, Oberwolfach, Germany; (canceled for Covid-19)
6-8 May: The sixth mini symposium of the Roman Number Theory association Meeting, Rome, Italy; (postponed for Covid-19)
17-21 May: 23rd Midrasha Mathematicae: o-minimality and its applications in diophantine geometry and Hodge theory, Israel Institute for Advanced Studies, Israel (postponed for Covid-19)
16 September: ADIOS seminar, online;
29 October: DDC Online Seminar, main seminar of the MSRI virtual semester "Decidability, Definability, and Computability in Number Theory".
12 March : Number Theory seminar, Manchester, UK;
8-10 April: Minicourse on "Unlikely Intersections in families of abelian varieties and the polynomial Pell equation" during the workshop "Galois representations, Integral points, Unlikely intersections", Mainz, Germany;
17May: 9th SEEMOD workshop (South and East of England Model Theory Network), Cambridge, UK;
02 - 07 September: XXI Congresso UMI (Number Theory session), Pavia, Italy;
09 -13 September: Topics in Rational and Integral Points , Basel, Switzerland;
16-21 September: School (and Workshop) on Diophantine Geometry and Special Varieties, CIRM, Trento, Italy;
24-25 October: 4th Number Theory Meeting, University of Turin, Italy.
14 December: Zahlentheoretisches Kolloquium, Graz, Austria;
06 December: Séminaire de Théorie des nombres, LMNO, Caen, France;
29 November: Number Theory Seminar, University of Oxford, UK;
15-17 October: 3rd Turin Number Theory Meeting, Turin, Italy;
17-20 September: Joint meeting UMI-SIMAI-PTM (Number theory session), Wroclaw, Poland;
17-20 September: Joint meeting UMI-SIMAI-PTM (Arithmetic geometry session), Wroclaw, Poland;
10-14 September: Approximation diophantienne et transcendence, CIRM, Luminy, France; video;
03 July: Lancaster Yorkshire Model Theory Seminar, Leeds, UK;
21-25 May: Diophantine Geometry, CIRM, Luminy, France;
16 May: Heibronn Seminar, Bristol, UK;
18-20 April: The fourth mini symposium of the Roman Number Theory Association, Rome, Italy; (contributed)
28 February: Study group on Unlikely Intersections and related topics, UCL, London, UK.
13 December: SEEMOD 5, Imperial College London, UK;
21 November: Number Theory Seminar, University of Washington, Seattle, USA;
13-17 November: Workshop on Arithmetic and Complex Dynamics, Oaxaca, Mexico; video;
10 November: When North meets South Colloquium, University of Oxford, UK;
02 November: Number Theory Seminar, Unversity of Basel, Switzerland;
17 October: Number Theory Seminar, University of Cambridge, Switzerland;
04 October: Number Theory Seminar, Imperial College London, UK;
11-15 September: Diophantine Problems (DIOP), Manchester, UK;
03-07 July: Diophantine equations and algebraic curves, BIRS, Canada; video;
19-23 June: Workshop: O-minimality and Diophantine applications, Fields Institute, Toronto, Canada; video;
01-05 May: Workshop: O-minimality and its Applications to Number Theory and Analysis, Oberwolfach, Germany; Oberwolfach report;
28 April: Algebraic Geometry Seminar, University of Bayreuth, Germany;
14 March: Number Theory Seminar, Royal Holloway University of London, UK;
14 March: Pure Mathematics Seminar, Royal Holloway University of London, UK;
9 March: Advanced Logic Class, University of Oxford, UK;
28 February: Algebraic Geometry Seminar, University of Washington, Seattle, USA;
28 November: Séminaire de théorie des nombres de l'IMJ-PRG, Jussieu, Paris, France;
27 June - 01 July: Workshop on Arithmetic and Geometry: Ten Years in Alpbach, Austria;
20-24 June: Algébre et Théorie des Nombres, Rencontres Lyon/Ottawa, Lyon, France;
15-19 February: Computational Aspect of Diophantine Equations, Salzburg, Austria;
3 December: Séminaire de théorie des nombres de l'Institute Fourier, Grenoble, France;
21-23 September: Terzo Incontro Italiano di Teoria dei Numeri, Pisa, Italy; (contributed)
20-24 July: Workshop: O-minimality and Applications, Konstanz, Germany; (contributed)
22-28 June: Summary on ERC scientific activities in Diophantine Geometry in SNS, Cetraro, Italy;
30 September: Functional Transcendence Around Ax-Schanuel, Oxford, UK;
14-20 July: Second ERC Period in Diophantine Geometry, Cetraro, Italy;
11 April: Séminaire de théorie des nombres, LMNO, Caen, France;
10 April: Groupe d'Etude sur les Problèmes Diophantiens, Jussieu, Paris, France;
28 March: Séminaire de théorie des nombres de Bordeaux, France;
4 December: Research Seminar during the Period "Height in Diophantine Geometry, group theory and additive combinatorics", Wien, Austria;
14 March: Zahlentheoretisches Kolloquium, Graz, Austria.