The NSA still invades the worlds privacy!

Last Time I Checked

The NSA still practiced collecting the world's information so they could search the database for stuff that already happened. We already know that providing them with this database in no way protects us from terrorism at all. Ask the woman who just recently got convicted of sending Ricen to the president if it made any difference to her they had this database. It didn't.

So what does the database do?

It becomes possible for the government to enforce past crimes upon the people. Every time we see these things enacted... like the drones, for example, they start off saying they're just going to be for the military and then after that they move to surveillance and then they come into the US and they say it's only going to be used by the government, but then the cops get drones, and they promise it will never be armed, and then it is, and before you know it, the cops have drones with weapons spying on and then “accidentally” killing Americans, which was their plan to begin with. They start off slow but one by one they will get what they want.

So, they may say that this database is for terrorists only or for criminals that the Got a warrant to spy on, but we already know they lie, and believe me it will only be a matter of time before past crimes of terrorists and then of Americans as well.

The American people need to demand a stop to this madness, every time the NSA uses this unjustifiable illegal database for any info on citizens it makes our laws mute. This must not be allowed and if it does I guarantee you will see charges being brought against citizens for some phone call they had 20 years ago with the number associated with the same number a terrorist called, and they will either bet locked up or killed for it. Otherwise; what the hell is the point of saving and storing it all?

The real travesty is this phone number could be a pizza place that you both called . Don't believe me? Remember these words now... because when it turns out to be true's already too late!