Crack is still an epidemic in our country!

Last time I checked

There Is Still Too Much Crack In Our Nation

Just like mankind has its family, a country has its motherhood. A time also comes in any family's life when members of it get lost and need to find their way home. Some of our countries ways of communicating with its members is through the use of advertising whether that is commercial or print. When America wants to get the word out she usually runs a series of advertisements or campaigns to assure that members of her family know, hear and understand the message she is sending. It would make sense then if America wanted to send a clear message to our kids or anyone else that television ads are the way to do it. We will not reach everybody as there is always their own free will which may not want to listen, but as a country this should not be because a message is missing.

I will be using for a while the example of our tobacco industries creation and use of non-smoking campaigns. Our country decided this was a necessary message to send out to the people to level the playing field of smoking ads that were affecting our citizens. During the beginning of the 20th century smoking was on the rise and Americans smoking habits were at an all time high. It went beyond just making a choice to start smoking because of the overall acceptance. Smoking campaign ads became so popular the inevitability impacted a generation of Americans who picked up the habit of smoking.

According to Gene Borio, it was not until the 1900's that 43 of the 45 states began to even think about regulations.([1]) Thankfully, we have become much wiser and in 1994 the Waxman Hearings against the tobacco companies finally heard the matter on regulating our smoking industry.([2]) After that, tobacco companies were finally told they must launch negative ads warning the public of the dangers of smoking. America needed to hear this message in the same bold print and images as they did for the use of cigarettes. This was the only way we could put the choice back in the hands of the individuals and take it out of the hands of a dominant modern society with all its added peer pressure. We know now it is making a difference.

Based on the results of the negative ad campaigns that are keeping our children from starting the nasty habit of smoking cigarettes, it seems only logical that our country needs to launch the same type of ad campaigns against the dangers of crack cocaine.

Unlike cigarettes, which take time to form a habit of use, crack gets its user hooked in one hit. Imagine that. One mistake that could rip your life away from you in an instant. Anybody can make one mistake. It has no prejudice; It is claiming our children, our parents and our grandparents at a very swift pace. Just take a look at the Florida neighborhoods that have been fighting crack houses by tearing them down only to see them up and running again the very next day.

Entire city blocks are perishing in the wake of crack. It is time that America shows her motherhood and affection for her own citizens lives and launches some negative campaign ads against this drug. Just think about what we may end up depriving ourselves of if some of our true inventors end up with a monkey on their back.

I think most of us would agree this is an epidemic. Don't you think the most effective way to reach is to use the power of a good television ad? I really hope you will join me in spreading this message to the United States Congress and help me save our future citizens in this country and maybe even a few of the ones already hooked. Become a true hero and add your name to this post as a comment or to the bottom of the email circulating. When we receive 100,000 people please email it back to me at Thank You.