Concrete Work

Concrete is used in many different ways these days. A common use is for driveways and patios, but concrete is now making its way into our homes as countertops and sinks in the kitchen, and floors and shower stalls in the bathroom.

When used as a floor, it can be heated. By distributing piping in the floor when installed to circulate hot water or electrical elements, even temperatures are spread throughout to help reduce heating costs.

Concrete can also be painted, stained, stenciled, stamped, and when fresh, items can be added for design purposes and/or mementos. Painting, stenciling, and staining can be done at anytime, while other options should be done at the time of installation.

Some concrete driveways and patios can be repaired, rather than replaced, depending on damage. By using a concrete saw and stain, a driveway or patio could easily be transformed from an ugly gray, into a tiled area.

Almost anything is possible now, and imagination is the limit. Give us a call, and we will do our best to ensure your idea becomes reality.