History of the Villages Booklets

As part of the group’s research and archiving programme members have prepared written papers on some of their work and these have been put into A5 booklet form, both as a means of recording information for the future and raising funds by donation for other group activities.

The subject matter varies greatly as does the size of the booklet.

The titles are listed below and further information can be obtained through our web Contact

1. Fircroft House by Anne Powell & Eileen Colwell (first printed in 1998, revised in 2014)

Records the occupants of this property (now demolished) in North Lancing including Anna Sewell, who wrote the well known

story of “Black Beauty”.

2. Cokeham’s Missing Parts by Bob Brown (first printed in 1999)

This short paper speculates about the whereabouts of parts of the village of Cokeham recorded in the past but now lost,

including a mediaeval hospital, chapel, cross, fountain and tunnels.

3. Medhurst ~ Man of Mystery by Bob Brown (first printed in 2003)

Lancing became well known in Victorian times for its downland Roman Temple remains and this booklet examines what is

known about its discoverer.

4. Ancient English Churches by Eric Anderson (first printed in 2004)

The writer has made a study of ecclesiastical architecture and, in particular is an authority on old parish

churches. The paper provides access to some of his notes both generally and in respect of several of our

local sacred buildings.

5. Mrs Barrow’s War Diary ~ Edited by the late Joe Barrow (first printed in 2005)

Here Joe recorded extracts from his mother’s diary of life in Lancing during the early years of World War 2.

6. Their Manner of Passing by Bob Brown (first printed in 2005)

During C19th two separate tragic events led to the demise of both the Lord of the Manor of Lancing and his

second son. The paper records the sad events and reflects upon personal and popular reactions in mid-

Victorian times.

7. Family Business by Eve Farrant (first printed in 2005)

Evelyn is a member of the old and energetic Lisher family. She records their business activities and her

local involvement with her late husband Bernard in those of the Draycott family.

8. Doll & The Doll’s House by Anne Powell (first printed in 2005)

The author is an experienced genealogist and Sussex family History Group member. This paper describes her research into the

life and times of Henry William Doll and his family along with the story of their home ~ Faust House (once opposite Lancing

Library and Health Centre).

9. St Peter’s Donkey Club Holiday Home by Philip Fry (first printed in 2005)

Phil, the author of two pictorial books on Lancing history wrote this short essay detailing investigations into the activities, which

took place on the site of former “The Haven” in Brighton Road (now a block of flats).

10. Limited Liability ~ Arthur Pullen-Burry by Eileen Colwell (first printed in 2005)

This booklet is a fascinating exploration into the life and work in the village of Sompting of Arthur Pullen-Burry (Market

Gardener, Inventor and Entrepreneur).

11. The Children’s Heart Home by Anne Powell (first printed in 2007)

The Home was started in 1926 by Miss Maud Booker and her friend Ada Newton as a place for the convalescent treatment of

children and shortly afterward it was relocated to “The Warren” Sompting Road, Lancing (now a block of flats).

12. An account book of the Renovation of Sompting Abbotts between the American and French Revolutions (1777-1789)

by Mike Tristram. (first printed in 2008)

13. Charles Austin by Anne Powell (first printed in 2010)

The story of a comedian of the early 1900's who owned properties in Lancing, also included are neighbouring

properties and some of his neighbours.

14. The Ancient Highway by the late Joe Barrow (first printed in 2012)

The contents of this short pamphlet has been copied directly from an essay written for one of the Groups early displays at Lancing Library by one of our former and well

respected members, the late Joe Barrow.

15. The Ball Tree Inn by Eileen Colwell. (first printed in 2013)

The history of the Ball Tree, now demolished.

16. The Lych Gate at St Mary's Church, Sompting, "Monument to the Glorious Dead" by Eileen Colwell. (first printed in 2008 and revised in 2013)

The building of the War Memorial and information on the men inscribed.

16.1 Lancelot Barrington Crofts Tristram 1882-1914, by Eileen Colwell. (first printed in 2014)

17. The Air Raid Shelter at the National School, Sompting, by Eileen Colwell. (first printed in 2013)

Information and plans of this surviving air raid shelter.

18. Education in Sompting Part I, by Eileen Colwell. (first printed in 2013)

This booklet covers the early years of education up to 1872.

19. Education in Sompting, Part II, by Eileen Colwell. (first printed in 2013)

This booklet covers the period from the new school built in 1872.

20. Education in Sompting, Part III, by Eileen Colwell. (first printed in 2013)

This booklet covers the Harriet Johnson era.

21. Education in Sompting, Part IV, by Eileen Colwell. (first printed in 2014)

This booklet covers the period 1911 until the end of the Loose Lane school in 1973.

22. And Did Those Feet in Ancient Time, by Bob Brown (first printed in 2003, revised in 2013)

Around the beginning of the C12th a Religious Order was formed in France to protect Christian pilgrims to the Holy Land known as the Knights Templar.

This booklet outlines the activities of these soldier monks around Sompting and Cokeham and provides a possible explanation for the Church Path to St Mary's.

23. How well do you know our villages? by Eileen Colwell. (first printed in 2015)

A photographic quiz with answer sheet.

24. Malthouse Farm by Peter Taylor. (first printed in 2016)

A short history of a location that was once a busy farm complex.

Much of the work published on this website is copyrighted to various authors. Please respect the time and money which has gone into our research to enable the production of the material for community enjoyment. An acknowledgement to LANCING & SOMPTING PASTFINDERS will suffice should you wish to use all or part of any of the published work for non-commercial, personal research or social networking. If in doubt please enquire using our contact button.