When We Have Guest Teachers

When We Have Guest Teachers ~ "Love Donations"

posted 5 minutes ago by dara paprock

Dear Participants, 

Most of you know that I am not a stickler for Payment, and like the "Stress Free Atmosphere" of our Yoga Community. However, I would like to keep it going. 

It is my honor to facilitate Stress Free Yoga at the Lake. I have hoped to keep things as consistant and regular as possible. rather than canceling classes when I cannot attend, I seek out teachers that can provide you a safe and enjoyable yoga experience. I cannot always find teachers from the community, which is an ideal "Community Based Yoga" senario. So, for your benefit, I seek out instructors to come to us and bring their expertise and experience. So, let's be generous with our support to our guests, if you can, donating $10, or a little extra than the suggested $5-10  to cover their travel and effort to show up for YOU! Of course I encourage feel free to add dollars to the pot for me too!

Love and Namaste,
