

(出版_期刊論文) (SCIE, IF=2.838, JCI=0.59,  Engineering, Multidisciplinary, Q2) Y.-H. Lai, P.-H. Huang, and T.-C. Hsiao*, “Use of sample entropy to assess sub-maximal physical load for avoiding exercise-induced cardiac fatigue”, Applied Science, 13(6):3813, doi: 10.3390/app13063813, 2022.


(榮耀)蕭子健、黃冕 榮獲教育部110年度教學實踐研究計畫績優計畫之殊榮(工程學門,題目:協助同學分組開發AI遊戲專案已提升其良好的協



(人事) 賴禹翰順利通過生醫工程所碩士畢業口試  


(出版_期刊論文) (SCIE, IF=5.046, JCI=0.72,  Engineering, Biomedical, 31/98, Q2) P.-H. Huang(博士候選人)  , L.-Y. Chen(博士候選人) , W.-C. Chung(臨床端呼吸治療師), C.-C. Sheu(臨床端醫師), T.-C. Hsiao*, and J.-Rung Tsai*(臨床端醫師), “Toward evaluating critical factors of extubation outcome with XCSR-generated rules”, Bioengineering, 9:701, doi: 10.3390/bioengineering9110701, 2022.  


(人事) 唐韻堯、鍾學德等二人,獲得日本京都大學情報學研究科(Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto University)同意,2022-10~2023-03到校擔任特別聽講學生 


(出版_期刊論文) (SCIE, IF=2.679, JCI=0.61,  Engineering, Multidisciplinary, Q2) P.-H. Huang and T.-C. Hsiao*, “Very short-term photoplethysmography-based heart rate variability for continuous autoregulation assessment”, Applied Science, 12(13):6469, doi: 10.3390/app12136469, 2022. 


(出版_期刊論文) (ESCI, JCI=0.52, Q3) Y.-H. Lai, W.-C. Lai, P.-H. Huang, and T.-C. Hsiao*, “Time- and frequency-domain analysis of stroke volume variability using indoor cycling to valuate physical load of body”, Information, 2022, 13, 148, doi:/10.3390/info13030148, 2022. 

(人事) 蘇筠婷順利通過生醫工程所碩士畢業口試 


(出版_期刊論文) (SCIE, Health Care Sciences & Services, IF=2.682, JCI=0.72, Q2) P.-H. Huang, Y.-F. Luo, and T.-C. Hsiao, “The indices of instantaneous pulse rate variability are indicators for daily life quality assessment in patients with COPD”, Journal of Healthcare Engineering, 2022, doi: 10.1155/2022/6103305, 2022. 


(出版_會議論文) (EI) W.-Y. Chiu, L.-Y. Chen, H.-M. Chi, and T.-C. Hsiao, “Toward instantaneous frequency of respiration to investigate risk of internet gaming disorder”, IEEE-EMBC 2021, 43th Annual International Conference of the IEEE-EMBS, Virtual, Oct. 31-Nov. 04, 2020. (Accepted for Oral presentation_480)

(出版_會議論文) (EI) Y.-H. Lai, H.-M. Chi, P.-H. Huang, and T.-C. Hsiao, “Classification of the risk of internet gaming disorder by flow short scale and cardiovascular response”, IEEE-EMBC 2021, 43th Annual International Conference of the IEEE-EMBS, Virtual, Oct. 31-Nov. 04, 2020. (Accepted for Oral presentation_479)

(出版_會議論文) (EI) P.-H. Huang, W.-C. Chung(臨床端呼吸治療師), C.-C. Sheu(臨床端醫師), J.-R. Tsai(臨床端醫師), and T.-C. Hsiao, “Is the asynchronous phase of thoracoabdominal movement a novel feature of successful extubation? A preliminary result”, IEEE-EMBC 2021, 43th Annual International Conference of the IEEE-EMBS, Virtual, Oct. 31-Nov. 04, 2020. (Accepted for Oral presentation_1384)

(出版_書籍) 薛美蓮、蕭子健, “研究、試驗與隱私:以27個情境案例,解析人體研究、人體試驗及臨床試驗的相關法規與倫理議題”, 國立陽明交通大學出版社, ISBN: 978-986-8470-05-0, 2021.10.


(出版_期刊論文) (EI, SCI) H.-M. Chi and T.-C. Hsiao*, “Extended classifier system with continuous real-coded variables for feature extraction of instantaneous pulse-rate variability and respiration of individuals with gaming disorder”, BioMedical Engineering OnLine (BioMed Eng OnLine), (2021)20:93, doi:10.1186/s12938-021-00930-3, Sep. 2021.

(出版_期刊論文) H.-M. Chi, L.-Y. Chen, and T.-C. Hsiao, “Extraction of Psychological Symptoms and Instantaneous Respiratory Frequency as Indicators of Internet Addiction Using Rule-Based Machine Learning”, Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal. 6(5):203-212, doi: 10.25046/aj060522, 2021.


(人事) 鍾學德、王中鈺、賴采婕、黃柏鈞、許家瑋 加入研究行列


(人事) 劉昭廷順利通過生醫工程所碩士畢業口試


(出版_期刊論文) (EI)C.-H. Huang, and T.-C. Hsiao*, “Toward T-wave recognition of ECG signals through modulated ensemble empirical mode”, Advances in Data Science and Adaptive Analysis (ADSAA) , 13(01), 2150002, doi: 10.1142/S2424922X21500029, Jan., 2021.


(人事) 黃怡樺順利通過生醫工程所碩士畢業口試


(人事) 賴暐蓁順利通過生醫工程所碩士畢業口試










(獎勵)蕭子健 、紀虹名、陳亮宇、賴暐蓁、黃駿翔、田侑霖等人成功挑戰2020陽明山超級馬拉松


(獎勵)蕭子健 、紀虹名、陳亮宇、黃柏勳、黃怡樺、黃駿翔、劉昭廷、林佳璇、田侑霖、黃冕、蘇筠婷、邱唯祐、賴禹翰等人順利完成中華民國紅十字會舉辦之「CPR+AED研習」共計4小時


(榮耀) 邱唯祐通過 CLAD 認證考試


(人事) 蘇筠婷、邱唯祐、賴禹翰 加入研究行列


(出版_期刊論文)  陳亮宇、紀虹名發表國際會議論文(GECCO)


(獎勵) 蕭子健 成功挑戰2019虎尾科大第十屆鐵人三項(226組) 

(獎勵) 蕭子健順利完成國立交通大學人體與行為研究倫理治理中心舉辦之「108年度審查與審查會標準作業程序(IV) 」共計1小時

(人事) 紀虹名順利通過資訊工程與科學研究所博士畢業口試 

(獎勵) 蕭子健詹珮姍獲頒「胸腹部運動的監控與反饋系統及其方法與電子裝置」發明專利證書


(出版_期刊論文) H.-M. Ji and T.-C. Hsiao*, “A novel cue-induced abdominal reaction analysis for Internet gaming disorder”, Journal of Medical Systems, 43:94, doi: 10.1007/s10916-019-1221-9, Feb. 2019. 





(獎勵) 蕭子健順利完成國立交通大學人體與行為研究倫理治理中心舉辦之「107年度審查與審查會標準作業程序(VIII) 」共計1小時

(獎勵)蕭子健 順利完成財團法人國家實驗研究院舉辦之「研究倫理系列演講:人工智慧(AI)與研究倫理」共計2.5小時

(出版_期刊論文) (SCI) S.-C Jin, C.-J. Hsieh, J.-C. Chen, S.-H. Tu, Y.-C. Chen, T.-C. Hsiao, Angela Liu, W.-H. Chou, W.C. Chu, and C.-W. Kuo, “Development of limited-angle iterative reconstruction algorithms with context encoder-based sonogram completion for Micro-CT Applications”, Sensor, 18(12), 4458, doi: 10.3390/s18124458, Dec. 2018.


(獎勵)賴暐蓁蕭子健 成功挑戰2018雪霸森林超級馬拉松(總長42.195公里) 

(榮耀) 田侑霖林佳璇通過 CLAD 認證考試

(出版_期刊論文) P.-H. Huang, C.-F. Yeh, Y.-F. Luo, and T.-C. Hsiao*, “Towards instantaneous phase difference on the COPD pre-discrimination”, IEEE International Conference on Digital Signal Processing (DSP 2018), Shanghai, China, Nov. 19-21, 2018. (Oral)


(獎勵) 黃駿翔賴暐蓁黃柏勳劉昭廷林東富田侑霖黃冕林家璇蕭子健等人順利完成國立交通大學人體與行為研究倫理治理中心舉辦之「107年度受試者保護倫理講習會(V) 」共計3小時

(出版_期刊論文) J.-H. Lee, T.-C. Hsiao*, C.-C. Chang, and H.-Y. Hsu, “Magnitude variation of arterial blood pressure measured using Holo-Hilbert spectral analysis”, Advances in Data Science and Adaptive Analysis, 10(3), 1850007, doi: 10.1142/S2424922X18500079, Sep., 2018.


(獎勵) 李佳樺通過 NI Certified LabVIEW Architect (簡稱 NI CLA,最高等級 LabVIEW 程式檢定)

(人事) 田侑霖、黃冕、林佳璇 加入研究行列


(出版_期刊論文) D.-L. Hsieh and T.-C. Hsiao*, “Investigation of emotion characters of Internet abusers using psychophysiological signals”, Drug Addiction, Edited by Fang Zhao, IntechOpen, ISBN 978-1-78923-370-4 (print) - ISBN  978-1-78923-371-1 (e-book), ch6, pp. 106-116, 2018.06.21.

(獎勵)  陳亮宇、紀虹名、黃柏勳、黃怡樺、李佳樺、賴暐蓁、黃駿翔、林東富、劉昭廷參加交大資訊學院與英語教學所跨院合作:研究生英語溝通表達課程;其中,陳亮宇獲得Best Presenter以及紀虹名獲得線上課程測驗課程表現優良等獎項

(獎勵)  陳雅蓁博士榮獲中華民國斐陶斐榮譽會員


(獎勵) 紀虹名陳亮宇黃柏勳李佳樺賴暐蓁黃怡樺黃駿翔,劉昭廷,林東富,楊雅喨,蕭子健 等人成功挑戰國立虎尾科大鐵人三項(含半程組、全程組、113組)

(獎勵) 蕭子健順利完成國立交通大學人體與行為研究倫理治理中心舉辦之「107年度受試者保護倫理講習會(IV) 」共計5.5小時


(獎勵) 陳亮宇通過 NI Certified LabVIEW Architect (簡稱 NI CLA,最高等級 LabVIEW 程式檢定)

(獎勵) 黃駿翔通過 NI Certified LabVIEW Developer (簡稱 NI CLD,第二等級 LabVIEW 程式檢定)


(出版_期刊論文) Y.-M. Wu, P.-M. Lee, and T.-C. Hsiao*, “Searching for Target Audience Based on Facebook Demographics”, Biometrics & Biostatistics International Journal, 6(5): 001179. DOI: 10.15406/bbij.2017.06.00179, 2017.12.

(出版_期刊論文) Y.-C. Chen and T.-C. Hsiao*, “Towards estimation of respiratory muscle effort with respiratory inductance plethysmography signals and complementary ensemble empirical mode decomposition”, Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, 56(7)1293-1303, doi: 10.1007/s11517-017-1766-z, 2018.


(出版_會議論文) P.-H. Huang and T.-C. Hsiao*, “A pilot study of the comparison of the heart rate recovery after step test between before and after learning abdominal breathing by using iso-volume maneuver method”, 2017 Annual Symposium on Biomedical Engineering and Technology, TaoYuan, Taiwan, Nov. 11, 2017. (Oral)


 (獎勵) 黃駿翔謝景旭賴暐蓁李佳樺黃柏勳紀虹名蕭子健等人順利完成國立交通大學人體與行為研究倫理治理中心舉辦之「106年度受試者保護倫理講習會(IV) 」共計3小時


(出版_會議論文) C.-N. Wang, H.-M. Ji, D.-L. Hsieh, and T.-C. Hsiao*, “Analysis of facial expression on Internet gaming disorder”, 8th WACBE World Congress on Bioengineering, Hong Kong, China, Jul. 30-Aug. 2, 2017. (Oral)

(出版_會議論文) H.-M. Ji, L.-Y. Chen, and T.-C. Hsiao*, “Psychometric properties of Chen Internet addiction scale using zeroth-level classifier system”, 8th WACBE World Congress on Bioengineering, Hong Kong, China, Jul. 30-Aug. 2, 2017. (Oral) (紀虹名榮獲科技部補助出席發表)


(人事)黃駿翔、林東富、劉昭廷 加入研究行列

(獎勵)黃柏勳(博士生)、李佳樺(碩士生)、閆帥錚(成都電子科大大專生)等人獲得 2017第四屆大中華區虛擬儀器 創意孵化組 二等獎(開刀房恢復室之照護輔助系統)

(獎勵)林東富劉昭廷王晨寧謝景旭賴暐蓁李佳樺黃怡樺黃柏勳紀虹名蕭子健等人順利完成國立交通大學人體與行為研究倫理治理中心舉辦之「106年度受試者保護倫理講習會(III) 」共計3小時

(出版_會議論文)(B class) L.-Y. Chen, Y.-L. Yang, and T.-C. Hsiao*, “ZCSR for targeting the optimal impedance in digital radio frequency matching box”, GECCO’17- Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, Berlin, Germany, Jul. 15-19, 2017. (Poster) (陳亮宇榮獲科技部補助出席發表、獲選參與 Summer School, 以及 大會 Volunteer )

(人事)陳世烽 獲得資訊學院資訊學程碩士學位

(人事)吳曜鳴 獲得生醫工程研究所碩士學位


(榮耀) 陳亮宇、蕭子健 獲邀至中國福州參與 2017年海峽科技專家論壇—信息技術與智能製造研討會 進行專家演講


(獎勵) 陳亮宇 獲得 ACM GECCO 2017 Student Travel Grant 

(榮耀) 謝景旭陳亮宇 通過 CLD 認證考試

(榮耀) 紀虹名王晨寧賴暐蓁 通過 CLAD 認證考試

(獎勵)黃駿翔蕭子健等人順利完成國立交通大學人體與行為研究倫理治理中心舉辦之「106年度受試者保護倫理講習會(II) 」共計3小時

(獎勵)黃柏勳(博士生)、李佳樺(碩士生)、閆帥錚(成都電子科大大專生)等人獲得 2017第四屆全國虛擬儀器大賽_創新創意組 台灣區優秀作品(開刀房恢復室之照護輔助系統)


(出版_期刊論文) D.-L. Hsieh and T.-C. Hsiao, “Emotional response of Internet gaming disorder gamer among Taiwan college students,” Advanced Science Letters, 23(4): 3782-3785, 2017 


(人事)陳雅蓁 獲得資訊工程與科學研究所博士學位

(出版_會議論文)(EI) P.-H. Huang, C.-C. Chang, and T.-C. Hsiao*, “The ultra-band study of pulse rate variability of homecare by using instantaneous pulse rate variability,” The 9th International Conference on eHealth, Telemedicine, and Social Medicine (eTELEMED 2017), Nice, France, Mar. 19-23, 2017. (Oral)

(出版_會議論文)(EI) J.-H. Lee, Y.-C. Chen, and T.-C. Hsiao*, “Application of Holo-Hilbert spectral analysis on human breathing movement with isovolume maneuver” The 9th International Conference on eHealth, Telemedicine, and Social Medicine (eTELEMED 2017), Nice, France, Mar. 19-23, 2017. (Oral)


(人事)黃柏勳 資訊工程與科學研究所博士班入學

(出版_期刊論文) P.-H. Huang, C.-C. Chang, C.-Y. Huang, and T.-C. Hsiao*, “Can very high frequency instantaneous pulse rate variability serve as obvious indicator of peripheral circulation?”, Journal of Communication and Computer, 14: 65-72, 2017.


(人事)謝岱凌 獲得資訊工程與科學研究所博士學位

(人事)黃柏勳 獲得生醫工程研究所碩士學位


(出版_專利) 高聖琦,蕭子健 獲得 中華民國專利證書—發明專利證號第 I562758號:生理訊號量測系統及其方法 (專利期間:2016/12/21~2035/11/17)

(獎勵)紀虹名,陳亮宇,黃柏勳,李佳樺,王晨寧,謝景旭,賴暐蓁,楊雅喨,蕭子健 等人成功挑戰大霸尖山(含小霸尖山、伊澤山、加利山等百岳,三天總65公里)

(獎勵)賴暐蓁 等人順利完成國立交通大學人體與行為研究倫理治理中心舉辦之「105年度受試者保護倫理講習會(IV) 」共計3小時


(出版_專利)  張家齊,蕭子健,許弘毅  獲得中華民國專利證書—發明專利證號第I552004號:SIGNALDECOMPOSITION METHOD AND ELECTRONIC APPARATUS USING THE SAME  (專利期間:2016/10/11~2035/05/29)

(出版_專利)  張家齊,蕭子健,許弘毅  獲得美國專利證書—發明專利證號第US9,467,182B2號:SIGNAL DECOMPOSITION METHODAND ELECTRONIC APPARATUS USING THE SAME (專利期間:2016/10/11~2035/05/29)

(出版_會議論文)  H.-M. Ji , D. -L. Hsieh and T.-C. Hsiao*, “Emotional Responses of Internet Gaming Disorder by Doing Abdominal Breathing,” The Third International Conference on Biomedical Engineering (BME-HUST 2016), Hanoi, Vietnam, October 05-06, 2016. (Oral) (紀虹名榮獲科技部補助出席發表)

(出版_會議論文) D.-L. Hsieh and T.-C. Hsiao, “Heart rate variability of Internet Gaming Disorder addicts in emotional states”, The 2016 3rd International Conference on Biomedical Engineering (BME-HUST 216), Hanoi, Vietnam, October 5-6, 2016. (Oral)

(獎勵) 紀虹名、蕭子健等人順利完成國立交通大學人體與行為研究倫理治理中心舉辦之「105年度教育部人體研究倫理審查委員會查核委員核心暨繼續教育訓練課程 」共計3.5小時

(出版_書籍) 林沛辰、許恭誠、張家齊、蕭子健, “樂高NXT機器人與生醫應用實作”, 國立交通大學出版社, ISBN: 978-986-630-193-3, 2016.10.

(出版_期刊論文) Y.-C. Chen and T.-C. Hsiao*, “Instantaneous phase difference analysis between thoracic and abdominalmovement signals based on complementary ensemble empirical mode decomposition”, BioMedical Engineering OnLine, 15(112) doi: 10.1186/s12938-016-0233-7, 2016.


(人事) 賴暐蓁 加入研究行列


(出版_期刊論文) D.-L. Hsieh and T.-C. Hsiao*, “Respiratory sinus arrhythmia reactivity of internet addiction abusers in negative and positive emotional states using film clips stimulation”, BioMedical Engineering OnLine, 15(69), doi: 10.1186/s12938-016-0201-2, 2016.

(出版_會議論文)D.-L. Hsieh and T.-C. Hsiao, “Emotional response of Internet Gaming Disorder gamer among Taiwan college students”, The 2016 International Conference on Internet Economics and Psycho-Informatics, Bandung, Indonesia, Jul. 23-24, 2016. (Oral) (謝岱凌榮獲科技部補助出席發表)

(獎勵) 紀虹名、陳亮宇、黃怡樺、李佳樺、謝景旭、王晨寧等人順利完成國立交通大學人體與行為研究倫理治理中心舉辦之「105年度受試者保護倫理講習會(III) 」共計3小時

(人事) 謝景旭 加入研究行列


(獎勵) 實驗室全體成員成功挑戰「2016新竹市端午龍舟競賽」

(榮耀) 黃柏勳、李佳樺 通過 CLD 認證考試

(人事) 謝承穎 因研究興趣差異,離開實驗室!!

(出版_專利)   蕭子健、詹佩珊   獲得 中華民國專利證書—發明第  I538712 號:胸腹部運動的監控與反饋系統及其方法與電子裝置  (專利期間:2016/06/21~2035/01/25)


(出版_專利)   蕭子健、紀虹名、謝岱凌   獲得 中華民國專利證書—發明專利證號第  I534752 號:評估一受測者對網路活動之依賴程度的方法  (專利期間:2016/05/21~2035/06/07)


(人事) 王晨寧 加入研究行列

(出版_會議論文) (EI) P.-C. Lin, C.-C. Chang, H.-Y. Hsu, and T.-C. Hsiao*, “A short-term assessment of cardiac output by using instantaneous pulse rate variability,” The 8th International Conference on eHealth, Telemedicine, and Social Medicine (eTELEMED 2016), Venice, Italy, April 24-28, 2016. (Oral) (Best Paper Award)

(出版_會議論文) (EI) P.-H. Huang, C.-C. Chang, and T.-C. Hsiao*, “The analysis of youngster with fever by using instantaneous pulse rate variability,” The 8th International Conference on eHealth, Telemedicine, and Social Medicine (eTELEMED 2016), Venice, Italy, April 24-28, 2016. (Oral) (黃柏勳榮獲科技部補助出席發表)


(出版_期刊論文) (ESCI) P.-C. Lin, C.-C. Chang, H.-Y. Hsu, T.-C. Hsiao, “Frequency domainanalysis for assessing fluid responsiveness by using instantaneous pulse ratevariability”, International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA), V. 7, No. 2, pp. 229-233, 2016.


(人事) 陳亮宇、謝承穎 順利 直升交大資訊學院資訊科學與工程所 博士班    

(出版_專利) 張家齊、蕭子健、許弘毅  獲得 中華人民共和國專利證書—發明專利證號第 1944591 號:心血管健康狀態評估系統及方法 (專利期 2016/02/03~2021/03/20 )


(人事) 林沛辰同學順利通過生醫工程研究所碩士畢業口試

(人事) 楊雅喨博士 加入研究行列


(獎勵)蕭子健、李佳樺 通過 CLAD 認證考試


(獎勵) 蕭子健、紀虹名、吳曜鳴、黃怡樺、黃柏勳等人順利完成國立交通大學人體與行為研究倫理治理中心舉辦之「104年度受試者保護倫理講習會(III) 」共計4小時(含認證考試及格1小時)


(獎勵)謝承穎 通過 CLD 認證考試


(獎勵)謝承穎 通過 CLD 認證考試


(獎勵)林沛辰 通過 CLD 認證考試


(出版_會議論文)L.-Y. Chen, P.-M. Lee, and T.-C. Hsiao, “Dynamically Adding Sensors to the XCS in MultistepProblems: a Sensor Tagging Approach.”, GECCO’15-Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, pp. 1367-1368, Madrid, Spain, Jul. 11-15, 2015. (Poster)

(出版_會議論文)Y.-M. Wu, L.-Y. Chen, P.-M. Lee, and T.-C. Hsiao, “Enable the XCS to Dynamically Learn MultipleProblems: A Sensor Tagging Approach.”, GECCO’15-Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, pp. 1523-1524, Madrid, Spain, Jul. 11-15, 2015. (Poster)

(出版_會議論文)L.-Y. Chen, P.-M. Lee, and T.-C. Hsiao, “A novel representation of classifier conditionsnamed sensory tag for the XCS in multistep problems.”, GECCO2015 Workshop: International Workshop on Evolutionary Rule-based Machine Learning (IWERML 2015), Madrid, Spain, Jul. 11-15, 2015. (Oral)


(出版_會議論文) (B class) L.-Y. Chen, P.-M. Lee, and T.-C. Hsiao*, “A sensor tagging approach for reusing building blocks of knowledge in learning classifier systems”, 2015 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (IEEE CEC 2014), Sendai, Japan, May. 25-28, 2015. (Oral)

(獎勵) 林沛辰、黃柏勳、張家齊等人獲得2015生醫機電與臨床創意設計、製作競賽 臨床創意應用組 最佳潛能獎(題目:非侵入式輸液治療反應評估儀),主辦單位為科技部南部科學工業園區管理局、財團法人金屬工業研究發展中心、中原大學醫療器材科技轉譯中心等。May 15, 2015.

(獎勵) 蘇倩鈺、黃怡樺、陳雅蓁、蕭子健等人獲得2015生醫機電與臨床創意設計、製作競賽 臨床創意應用組 佳作(題目:應用Lissajous Figure評估呼吸道阻塞),主辦單位為科技部南部科學工業園區管理局、財團法人金屬工業研究發展中心、中原大學醫療器材科技轉譯中心等。May 15, 2015.

(獎勵) 陳亮宇、吳曜鳴、李柏明、蕭子健等人獲得2015生醫機電與臨床創意設計、製作競賽 臨床創意應用組 佳作(題目:應用智能鍵盤偵測情緒於憂鬱症患者之網路心理諮商系統開發),主辦單位為科技部南部科學工業園區管理局、財團法人金屬工業研究發展中心、中原大學醫療器材科技轉譯中心等。May 15, 2015.

(獎勵) 林沛辰、謝岱凌、陳亮宇、蘇倩鈺等人成功挑戰LAVA半鐵(TryTri)、蕭子健成功挑戰LAVA三鐵,May 17,, 2014.

(獎勵)黃柏勳同學 通過交大IRB計畫(NCTU-REC-103-061, 2015/05/28-2016/01/31)


(出版_期刊論文) (SCI) D.-L. Hsieh, H.-M. Ji, T.-C. Hsiao*, and B.-S. Yip, “Respiratory feature extraction in emotion of internet addiction abusers using complementary ensemble empirical mode decomposition”, Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics, V. 5(2), pp. 391-399, Apr. 2015.

(出版_期刊論文) (SCI) Y.-C. Chen, T.-C. Hsiao, and J.-L. Chen*, “Better thoracoabdominal synchrony in abdominal breathing: evidence from complementary ensemble empirical mode decomposition-based Lissajous figure analysis”, Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics, V. 5(2), pp. 400-405, Apr. 2015.

(出版_期刊論文) (SCI Q1)H.-T. Lin, P.-M. Lee, and T.-C. Hsiao*, “Online pedagogical tutorial tactics optimization using genetic-based reinforcement learning", The Scientific World Journal, V. 2015, Article ID 352895, 11 pages, 2015. doi:10.1155/2015/352895.


(人事) 李柏明博士候選人順利通過資訊工程與科學研究所博士學位口試

(出版_專利) 蕭子健、詹珮姍等二人獲得中華民國專利授權-I476723:基於腹部肌群機能之個人化腹式呼吸訓練評估方法與其系統/Personalized system and method of abdominal breathing training evaluation based on abdominal muscles cluster function (專利期間:2015/03/11~2033/07/24)

(獎勵)林沛辰、鄭丁豪、謝岱凌、杜詩媛、陳亮宇等人成功挑戰台南古都馬拉松(42.195 km)


(人事) 張家齊博士榮獲生醫工所兼任助理教授,開設「醫電系統雛型設計(Biomedical System Development and Prototyping)」;

(出版_會議論文) P.-C. Lin, C.-C. Chang, T.-C. Hsiao, and H.-Y. Hsu*, “The circulation assessment of daily e-health using instantaneous pulse rate variability during nonstationary conditions”, The Seventh International Conference on eHealth, Telemedicine, and Social Medicine (eTELEMED 2015), Lisbon, Portugal, Feb. 22-27, 2015. (Oral)

(出版_會議論文) C.-Y. Su, Y.-C. Chen, C-.C. Chuang, and T.-C. Hsiao*, “Internal-external cross correlation investigation of respiratory movement on magnetic resonance imaging”, The Seventh International Conference on eHealth, Telemedicine, and Social Medicine (eTELEMED 2015), Lisbon, Portugal, Feb. 22-27, 2015. (Oral)


(人事) 杜詩媛、林軒達、鄭欣宇、謝尚均等同學順利通過生醫工程研究所碩士畢業口試、邱宇盛同學順利通過理學院應用科技學程碩士畢業口試

(出版_會議論文) P.-C. Lin, C.-C. Chang, T.-C. Hsiao, and H.-Y. Hsu*, “Instantaneous pulse rate variability as a surrogate measurement of heart rate variability during non-stationary conditions in time domain sequential analysis”, 2015 Symposium on Engineering, Medicine, and Biology Applications (SEMBA 2015), Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Jan. 30-Feb. 1, 2015. (Oral)

(出版_書籍章節) P.-M. Lee, L.-Y. Chen, W.-H. Tsui, and T.-C. Hsiao*, “Will user authentication using keystroke dynamics biometrics be interfered by emotions?—NCTU-15 affective keyboard typing dataset for hypothesis test”, Recent Advances in User Authentication Using Keystroke Dynamics Biometrics, Edited by Yu Zhong and Yun-Bin Deng, GCSR V. 2, ISBN 978-618-81418-3-4 (print)  -  ISBN 978-618-81418-2-7 (e-book), DOI 10.15579/gcsr.vol2, Jan. 2015.


(出版_期刊論文) C.-C. Chang, T.-C. Hsiao, and H.-Y. Hsu*, “The adaptive frequency band for blood pressure variability measurement during nonstationary conditions”, Journal of Pulmonary & Respiratory Medicine, V. 5(1), DOI: 10.4172/2161-105X.1000230, Dec. 2014.



(出版_期刊論文) C.-C. Chang, T.-C. Hsiao, and H.-Y. Hsu*, “Depicting respiratory characteristics of blood pressure signal by using empirical mode decomposition”, Journal of Pulmonary & Respiratory Medicine, V. 4(6), DOI: 1 0.4172/2161-105X.1000209, Nov. 2014.

(獎勵) 蕭子健參與陳添福教授主持的「GreenArmy: 綠色微雲伺服系統晶片平台技術」成果豐碩,榮獲103年度科技部智慧電子國家型科技計畫成果「特優獎」,Nov. 11, 2014;

(獎勵) 陳亮宇、蘇倩鈺、林沛辰、詹珮姍、蕭子健、謝岱凌 通過 CLAD 認證考試


(出版_期刊論文) (SCI, Q2) C.-L. Lee, C.-Y. Huang*, T.-C. Hsiao, C.-Y. Wu, Y.-C. Chen, and I.-C. Wang, “Impact of vehicular networks one mergency medical services in urban areas”, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, V. 11(11), pp. 11348-11370, DOI: 10.3390/ijerph111111348, Oct.2014.

(出版_會議論文) (EI) P.-C. Lin, C.-Y. Su, L.-Y. Chen, Y.-H. Lin, C.-C. Chang, and T.-C. Hsiao*, “Application of opto-electronic plethysmography technology reconstructed 3D model to visualize on respiratory rehabilitation”, 9th Asian Pacific Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering (APCMBE 2014), Tainan, Taiwan, Oct. 9-12, 2014. (Oral)

(出版_專利) 蕭子健、陳雅蓁、朱朔嘉等三人獲得中國發明專利授權-CN102525447B:生理訊號圖譜分析系統、方法、圖譜建立方法與其媒體/Mapping analysis system for physiological signal, analyzing method, mapping establishing method, and its related information medium (專利期間:2014/10/22~2030/12/31)


(人事) 紀虹名同學 順利直升 交大資訊學院資訊科學與工程研究所 博士班

(出版_期刊論文) (SCI, Q2) C.-C. Chang, S.-C. Kao, T.-C. Hsiao, and H.-Y. Hsu*, “Assessment of autonomic nervous system by using empirical mode decomposition-based reflection wave analysis during non-stationary conditions”, Physiological Measurement, V. 35(9), pp. 1873-1883, Sep. 2014.

(出版_會議論文) (EI) S.-H. Tu, Y.-C. Chen, T.-C. Hsiao*, S.-C. Jin, and J.-C. Chen, “Development of LabVIEW based micro computed tomography system on vertical rotary gantry”, 6th European Conference of the International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering (MBEC2014), Dubrovnik, Croatia, Sep. 7-11, 2014. (Oral)

(出版_會議論文) (EI) Y.-C. Chen and T.-C. Hsiao*, “Abdominal breathing by using an intelligent tutoring system”, 6th European Conference of the International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering (MBEC2014), Dubrovnik, Croatia, Sep. 7-11, 2014. (Oral)

(出版_會議論文) (EI) Y.-C. Chen and T.-C. Hsiao*, “Physiological responses to different CO2 levels in poor ventilation room”, 6th European Conference of the International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering (MBEC2014), Dubrovnik, Croatia, Sep. 7-11, 2014. (Oral)

(出版_專利) 蕭子健、徐如欣獲得美國專利-US8834385B2:Method for extracting the feature of an abdominal breathing and a system using the same(腹式呼吸特徵萃取方法及使用此方法的腹式呼吸特徵萃取系統)(專利期間:2014/09/16~2031/08/07)


(人事) 生醫工所 吳曜鳴、陳冠霖、黃柏勳、黃怡樺同學 加入研究行列

(出版_期刊論文) (EI) S.-C. Hsieh, D.-L. Hsieh, and T.-C. Hsiao*, “Dynamic analysis of facial expression on internet addiction people”, Advanced Science, Engineering, and Medicine, V. 6(8), pp. 909-912, Aug. 2014.

(出版_會議論文) P.-C. Lin, K.-C. Hsu, C.-C. Chang, and T.-C. Hsiao*,“Reliability of instantaneous pulse rate variability by using photoplethysmography”, Workshop on Biomedical Microelectronic Translational Systems Research (WBMTSR 2014), Lausanne, Switzerland, Aug. 26-27, 2014.

(出版_會議論文) S.-C. Kao, C.-C. Chang, and T.-C. Hsiao*, “The optimal sifting processing applied on arterial blood pressure signal”, Workshop on Biomedical Microelectronic Translational Systems Research (WBMTSR 2014), Lausanne, Switzerland, Aug. 26-27, 2014.

(出版_會議論文) (SCI) M.-J. Chiu, D.-L. Hsieh, T.-C. Hsiao*, and B.-S. Yip, “HRV responses of negative emotion for social network user”, 36th Annual International IEEE-EMBS, Chicago, US, Aug. 26-30, 2014.

(出版_會議論文) (SCI) I.-F. Chen, D.-L. Hsieh, T.-C. Hsiao*, and B.-S. Yip, “The study of RSA and mouse expression of positive emotion”, 6th Annual International IEEE-EMBS, Chicago, US, Aug. 26-30, 2014.

(出版_專利) 蕭子健、崔維軒等人獲得中華民國專利證書-發明第I447680號:腹式發聲辨識系統與方法/Method and system on detecting abdominals for singing(專利期間:2014/08/01~2032/07/04)

(出版_專利) 蕭子健、陳雅蓁、朱朔嘉等三人獲得中華民國專利證書-發明第I446894號:生理訊號圖譜分析系統、方法、圖譜建立方法與其媒體/Mapping analysis system for physiological signal, analyzing method, mapping establishing method, and its related information medium (專利期間:2014/08/01~2030/12/16)

(獎勵) 謝岱凌、邱勉中、陳奕帆等人 獲得 2014年EMBC國際會議(top-flight)「學生志工(Student Volunteers)」錄取,此活動係大會補助註冊費用。

(獎勵) 杜詩媛、陳亮宇同學榮獲交大生醫工程研究「研究傑出獎」;


(出版_會議論文) (B class, 0/0) P.-M. Lee and T.-C. Hsiao, “Applying LCS to affective images classification in spatial-frequency domain”, 2014 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC 2014), Beijing, China, Jul. 06-11, 2014.(Oral)

(出版_專利) 張家維、蕭子健 獲得中華民國專利證書-發明第I444905號:使用可調式部分最小平方法之人臉辨識系統及其方法(專利期間:2014/07/11~2031/07/28)。


(出版_期刊論文) (SCI, 0/0) P.-M. Lee, W.-H. Tsui, and T.-C. Hsiao*, “The influence of emotion on keyboard typing: An experimental study using visual stimuli”, BioMedical Engineering OnLine, 13(81), DOI: 10.1186/1475-925X-13-81, Jun. 2014. (IF=1.610, 39/79=49.37% in Engineering, Biomedical)

(出版_會議論文) (A class, 0/0) P.-M. Lee, S.-Y. Jheng and T.-C. Hsiao*, “Towards automatically detecting whether student is in flow”, 12th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS 2014), Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, Jun. 5-9, 2014. (LNCS8474, pp. 11-18, ISBN: 978-3-319-07220-3, Springer) (Oral)

(出版_會議論文) (A class, 0/0) P.-M. Lee, S.-Y. Jheng, and T.-C. Hsiao*, “Towards flow theory on the design of a tutoring system for improving affective quality”, 12th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS 2014), Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, Jun. 5-9, 2014. (LNCS8474, pp. 611-612, ISBN: 978-3-319-07220-3, Springer)

(出版_專利) 蕭子健、林筱涵 獲得中華民國專利證書-發明第I440446號:呼吸訊號處理裝置及方法(專利期間:2014/06/11~2029/04/20)。


(人事) 詹珮姍同學 順利通過生醫工程研究所碩士畢業口試、獲得 交大資訊學院資訊科學與工程研究所 博士班直接錄取資格

(出版_會議論文) 林軒達、李柏明、蕭子健, “透過基因演算法為基礎之增強式學習法最佳化教學策略”, CSCL & CSPL 2014, 新竹,台灣,May 9-10, 2014. (Oral)

(出版_會議論文) 鄭欣宇、李柏明、蕭子健, “於教學互動中偵測學生心流狀態-以線性代數教學系統為例”, CSCL & CSPL 2014, 新竹,台灣,May 9-10, 2014.

(出版_會議論文) (EI) S.-C. Hsieh, D.-L. Hsieh, and T.-C. Hsiao, “Dynamic analysis of facial expressions on Internet addiction people”, 2nd International Conference on Science and Engineering in Biology, Medical and Public Health 2014 (BioMedPub 2014), Bali, Indonesia, 31 May-01 Jun., 2014. (Oral)

(出版_專利) 蕭子健、林冠威 獲得中華民國專利證書-發明第I436800號:身體姿態檢測方法及身體姿態檢測系統 (專利期間:2014/05/11~2032/02/07)。

(獎勵) 陳亮宇、林沛辰、蘇倩鈺、林以鎬、蕭子健等人獲得 2014中華民國生物醫學工程創意競賽佳作 (題目:應用三維建模技術於肺癌術後呼吸復健輔助系統之開發),主辦單位為科技部南部科學工業園區管理局、中華民國生物醫學工程學會、國立成功大學等。May 20, 2014.

(獎勵) 鄭丁豪同學 通過科技部大專生研究計畫 (基於經驗模態分解之情緒激發生理訊號濾波法, MOST-103-2815-C-009-011-E, 2014/07/01-2015/02/28)

(獎勵) 潘亮宇同學 通過科技部大專生研究計畫 (情緒激發、產生與反應的時間性探討, MOST-103-2815-C-009-032-E, 2014/07/01-2015/02/28)

(獎勵) 鄭允中同學 通過科技部大專生研究計畫 (經驗模態分解平行演算法之研究與設計-使用GPGPU, MOST-103-2815-C-010-003-E, 2014/07/01-2015/02/28)


(出版_期刊論文) (EI) (SCI, 0/0) C.-C. Chang, H.-Y. Hsu, and T.-C. Hsiao*, “The interpretation of very high frequency band of instantaneous pulse rate variability during paced respiration”, BioMedical Engineering OnLine, 13:46, 2014. DOI: 10.1186/1475-925X-13-46, Apr. 2014. (IF=1.608, Ranking=39/79=49.00% at Engineering, Biomedical)

(出版_教科書) 張家齊、蕭子健, “生醫訊號系統實作 LabVIEW & Biomedical System”, 國立交通大學出版社, ISBN: 978-986-630-169-8, 2014.05.

(獎勵) 謝岱凌同學 通過交大IRB計畫(NCTU-REC-102-009, 2014/06/01-2015/06/30)


(人事)謝岱凌同學 順利通過“博士論文計畫書口試” (博士候選人)

(獎勵)李柏明同學 通過交大IRB計畫(NCTU-REC-102-007, 2014/05/01-2015/06/01)


(獎勵) 陳亮宇同學榮獲 102學年度第一學期研究所書卷獎


(出版) D.-L. Hsieh and T.-C. Hsiao*, “A questionnaire investigation of emotion pictures and films in computer science students with Internet addiction”, International Journal of Emerging Trends in Signal Processing (IJETSP), V. 2(1), February 2014.

(人事) 李柏明同學 順利通過“博士論文計畫書口試” (博士候選人)

(獎勵) 蕭子健/莊濬超/陳雅蓁 通過中山醫學大學附設醫院IRB計畫(CS13241)、交大IRB計畫(NCTU-REC-102-006, 2014/07/31-2016/06/31)


(出版) (EI) Y.-C. Chen, T.-C. Hsiao*, J.-H. Hsu, J.-L. Chen, “Breathing pattern recognition of abdominal wall movement by using ensemble empirical mode decomposition”, Advances in Adaptive Data Analysis (AADA), V. 6, No. 1, 1450002 (17 pages), DOI: 10.1142/S1793536914500022, Jan. 2014.

(出版) (EI) (SCI, 0/0) C.-C. Chang, T.-C. Hsiao, and H.-Y. Hsu, “Frequency range extension of spectral analysis of pulse rate variability based on Hilbert-Huang transform”, Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, DOI: 10.1007/s1151701311355, Jan. 2014. (IF=1.790, Ranking=29/100=29.00% at Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications)

(專利)蕭子健、李柏明、謝岱凌 獲得中華民國專利證書-發明第 I423159號:具有感測生理狀態之決策支援系統 (專利期間:2014/01/11~2030/07/27)。
