
Welcome to the Laboratory of NanoBiomaterials Application!!!

Lab News! (Update: 2024/02/20) Click


Dr. Hung-Wei Yang


Email: howardyang@gs.ncku.edu.tw

Phone: +886-6-2757575 ext. 63421

Office: Room 9044, 3rd floor, the Technology Building , TZU-CHIANG CAMPUS

地址: 自強校區科技大樓3樓9044室


While we do not have any specific positions available right now, we are always interested to know about excellent postdoctoral candidates for possible future openings. If you are interested, please email Dr. Hung-Wei Yang (howardyang@gs.ncku.edu.tw) indicating your areas of interest along with a copy of your CV.

We are opening several positions for students who want to study in the Master program and Ph. D. program.

We are opening several positions for students who want to join our lab.