
Edwards, K. F., Steward, G. F. and Schvarcz, C. R. (2021). Making sense of virus size and the tradeoffs shaping viral fitness. Ecology Letters, 24: 363–373.

Li, Q., Edwards, K. F., Schvarcz, C. R., Selph, K. E. and Steward, G. F. (2021). Plasticity in the grazing ecophysiology of Florenciella (Dichtyochophyceae), a mixotrophic nanoflagellate that consumes Prochlorococcus and other bacteria. Limnology and Oceanography 66:47-60.

Madin, J. S., Nielsen, D. A., Brbic, M., Corkrey, R., Danko, D., Edwards, K., Engqvist, M. K. M., Fierer, N., Geoghegan, J. L., Gillings, M. and others. (2020). A synthesis of bacterial and archaeal phenotypic trait data. Scientific data 7: 1–8.

Barton, K. E., Jones, C., Edwards, K. F., Shiels, A. B. and Knight, T. (2020). Local adaptation constrains drought tolerance in a tropical foundation tree. Journal of Ecology 108: 1540–1552.

Barton, K. E., Edwards, K. F. and Koricheva, J. (2019). Shifts in woody plant defence syndromes during leaf development. Functional Ecology, 33: 2095–2104.

Edwards, K. F. (2019). Mixotrophy in nanoflagellates across environmental gradients in the ocean. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 116:6211–6220.

Smith, A. N. and Edwards, K. F. (2019). Effects of multiple timescales of resource supply on the maintenance of species and functional diversity. Oikos: 128: 1123–1135.

Edwards, K. F., Kremer, C. T., Miller, E. T., Osmond, M. M., Litchman, E. and Klausmeier, C. A. (2018). Evolutionarily stable communities: a framework for understanding the role of trait evolution in the maintenance of diversity. Ecology Letters 21: 1853–1868.

Edwards, K. F., and G. F. Steward. (2018). Host traits drive viral life histories across phytoplankton viruses. American Naturalist 191:566-581.

Robson, B., Brebion, J., Emlyn, J., Skerratt, J., Shimoda, Y., Kruk, C., Wild-Allen, K., Edwards, K., Trevathan-Tackett, S., Arhonditsis, G., Steven, A., van Dongen-Volges, V., Mongin, M., Baird, M., Geoffroy, L., Hébert, M., Kong, X. (2018). Towards evidence-based parameter values and priors for aquatic ecosystem modeling. Environmental Modeling and Software 100:74-81.

Counsell, C.W., Donahue, M.J., Edwards, K.F., Franklin, E.C. and Hixon, M.A., (2018). Variation in coral-associated cryptofaunal communities across spatial scales and environmental gradients. Coral Reefs.

Ziegler, A. F., Smith, C. R., Edwards, K. F., and M. Vernet. (2017). Glacial dropstones: Islands enhancing seafloor species richness in West Antarctic Peninsula Fjords. Marine Ecology Progress Series 583:1-14.

Edwards, K. F. (2016). Community trait structure in phytoplankton: seasonal dynamics from a method for sparse trait data. Ecology 97:3441-3451.

Edwards, K. F., M. K. Thomas, C. A. Klausmeier, and E. Litchman. (2016). Phytoplankton growth and the interaction of light and temperature: A synthesis at the species and community level. Limnology and Oceanography 61:1232-1244.

Bonachela, J. A., C. A. Klausmeier, K. F. Edwards, E. Litchman, and S. A. Levin. (2016). The role of phytoplankton diversity in the emergent oceanic stoichiometry. Journal of Plankton Research 38:1021-1035.

Long, E. C., K. F. Edwards, and A. M. Shapiro. (2015). A test of fundamental questions in mimicry theory using long-term datasets. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 116:487–494.

Edwards, K. F., C. A. Klausmeier, and E. Litchman. (2015). Nutrient utilization traits of phytoplankton: Ecological Archives E096-202. Ecology 96:2311.

Edwards, K. F., M. K. Thomas, C. A. Klausmeier, and E. Litchman. (2015). Light and growth in marine phytoplankton: allometric, taxonomic, and environmental variation. Limnology and Oceanography 60:540–552.

Litchman, E., K. F. Edwards, and C. A. Klausmeier. (2015). Microbial resource utilization traits and trade-offs: implications for community structure, functioning, and biogeochemical impacts at present and in the future. Frontiers in microbiology 6.

Karban, R., Yang, L. H., Edwards, K. F. (2014). Volatile communication between plants that affects herbivory: a meta-analysis. Ecology Letters 17:44-52.

Edwards, K. F. & E. Litchman (2014). Marine phytoplankton communities. in Marine Community Ecology and Conservation, eds. Bertness, M. D., Bruno, J. F., Silliman, B. R., Stachowicz, J. J. Sinauer.

Edwards, K. F., Klausmeier, C. A., Litchman, E. (2013). A three-way tradeoff maintains functional diversity under variable resource supply. American Naturalist 182:786-800.

Edwards, K. F., Litchman, E., Klausmeier, C. A. (2013). Functional traits explain phytoplankton responses to environmental gradients across lakes of the United States. Ecology 94:1626-1635.

Barton, A.D., Pershing, A. J., Litchman, E., Record, N. R., Edwards, K. F., Finkel, Z. V., Kiørboe, T., Ward, B. A. (2013) The biogeography of plankton traits. Ecology Letters 16:522-534.

Edwards, K. F., Litchman, E., Klausmeier, C. A. (2013). Functional traits explain phytoplankton community structure and seasonal dynamics in a marine ecosystem. Ecology Letters 16:56-63.

Litchman, E., Edwards, K. F., Klausmeier, C. A., Thomas, M. K. (2012). Phytoplanton niches, traits, and eco-evolutionary responses to global environmental change. Marine Ecology Progress Series 470:235-248.

Edwards, K. F. & J. J. Stachowicz (2012). Temporally variable settlement, competition, and coexistence in a sessile invertebrate community. Marine Ecology Progress Series 462:93-102.

Edwards, K. F., Litchman, E., Thomas, M., & C. A. Klausmeier. (2012). Allometric scaling and taxonomic variation in nutrient utilization traits and maximum growth rate of phytoplankton. Limnology and Oceanography 57:554-566.

Edwards, K. F., Klausmeier C. A., & E. Litchman. (2011). Evidence for a three-way tradeoff between nitrogen and phosphorus competitive abilities and cell size in phytoplankton*. Ecology 92:2085-2095.

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Claar, D. C., Edwards K. F., & J. J. Stachowicz (2011). Positive and negative effects of a dominant competitor on the settlement, growth, and survival of competing species in an epibenthic community. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 399(2):130-134.

Edwards, K. F. & J. J. Stachowicz (2011). Spatially stochastic settlement and the coexistence of benthic marine animals. Ecology 92:1094-1103.

Edwards, K. F. & J. J. Stachowicz (2010). Multivariate tradeoffs, succession, and phenological differentiation in a guild of colonial invertebrates. Ecology. 91:3146-3152.

Edwards, K. F., Aquilino, K. M., Best, R. J, Sellheim, K. S., & J. J. Stachowicz. (2010). Prey diversity is associated with weaker consumer effects in a meta-analysis of benthic marine experiments. Ecology Letters. 13:194-201

Edwards, K. F. & S. J. Schreiber. (2010). Preemption of space can lead to intransitive coexistence of competitors. Oikos. 119:1201-1209

Yang, L. H., Edwards, K. F., Byrnes, J. E., Bastow, J. L., Wright, A. N., & K. O. Spence. (2010). A meta-analysis of resource pulse-consumer interactions. Ecological Monographs. 80(1): 125-151

Edwards, K. F., Pfister, C. A., & K. L. Van Alstyne. (2006). Nitrogen content in the brown alga Fucus gardneri and its relation to light, herbivory, and wave exposure. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 336(1): 99-109.