Hyebin Kim

contact: kyle27(at)gmail.com 

Hyebin Kim is a senior deputy director at  the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs of the Republic of Korea.  She received her doctoral degree in Visual Media at Ewha University in 2015 and her research interests lie in broad topics of Digital Media and Culture. She worked at  the Ministry of Justice, Ministry of the Interior and safety,  KBS Media(KBS2, MV Bank) and Neowiz(FIFA Online 2), etc. 


Work Experience

* 2017.05.19 - 2017.07.18   Transition committee in the 19th Government of Korea 대한민국 19대 정부 국정기획자문위원회 파견

Academic Background

 *  Title "A Study on Game Usage Characteristics and Patterns in Heavy Users of Mobile Games" (Advisor: Young Il Park)

Honors and Awards

Recent Talks (link)



Publications (link)

CV  (https://www.linkedin.com/in/hyebin)