

Communication Modalities

Special session talk

CiE 2024: Computability in Europe 2024,
Special Session Computing Knowledge: Computational Aspects of Epistemic Logics (HaPoC)

10 July 2024

Amsterdam University College (Academiegebouw)

Amsterdam, Netherlands

Epistemic analysis of distributed systems is one of the biggest successes among applications of logic in computer science. The reason for that is that agents' actions are necessarily guided by their knowledge. Thus, epistemic modal logic, with its knowledge and belief modalities (and group versions thereof), has played a vital role in establishing both impossibility results and necessary conditions for solvable distributed tasks. In distributed systems, knowledge is largely attained via communication. It has been standard in both distributed systems and dynamic epistemic logic to treat incoming messages as trustworthy, thus, creating difficulties in the epistemic analysis of byzantine distributed systems where faulty agents may lie. In this paper, we argue that handling such communication scenarios calls for additional modalities representing the informational content of messages that should not be taken at face value. We present two such modalities: hope for the case of fully byzantine agents and creed for non-uniform communication protocols in general.

Reasoning about Knowledge in Byzantine Distributed Systems

Computational Logic Seminar (Ph.D. Program in Computer Science)

9 April 2024

City University of New York (Graduate Center)


Knowledge is inherent in any distributed system due to the universal Knowledge of Preconditions Principle, as formulated by Moses: if A is a necessary precondition for an action of an agent, then this agent's knowledge of A must also be a precondition for this action. Epistemic analysis of distributed systems has an illustrious and successful history. 

But what happens when some of the agents are byzantine and can do whatever they want? What do they know? And how does the possibility of corruption affect the uncorrupted agents? These were the motivating questions of the ByzDEL grant I have been working on for the last few years with Ulrich Schmid, Giorgio Cignarale, Stephan Felber, Krisztina Fruzsa, Rojo Randrianomentsoa, Hugo Rincón Galeana, and Thomas Schlögl.

In my talk I will report on the highlights of the findings of our team, including but not limited to the following topics:

Simplicial Approaches to Crashing Agents

Invited talk

Wormshop 2023: Workshop on Proof Theory, Modal Logic and Reflection Principles

31 October 2023

University of Bern (Hallerstrasse)

Bern, Switzerland

Kripke models have long been a preferred semantics for modeling knowledge and belief. For distributed systems, this is commonly done via the runs-and-systems framework, where the Kripke model is induced from a given interpreted system by abstracting away most low-level details, including agents' local states. Simplicial complexes provide an alternative algebraic-topological semantics that is categorically dual to Kripke models and treats agents' local states as primary objects. This is more in line with how agents' knowledge is determined in interpreted systems. One of the benefits of the tangible presence of agents and their local states is the ability to model the absence of some of the agents, which is necessary to faithfully represent distributed systems with crash failures. Modeling knowledge of crashed agents presents interesting dilemmas on the purely logical level. We outline the available choices, discuss the difficulties involved, e.g., the failure of modus ponens in one, and outline the benefits and pitfalls of the existing approaches.

Always Look on Both Sides of Proof:
Syntax and Semantics as the Yin and Yang of Structural Proof Theory

Keynote talk

TABLEAUX 2023: Automated Reasoning with Analytic Tableaux and Related Methods

19 September 2023

Czech Technical University in Prague (Český institut informatiky, robotiky a kybernetiky)

Prague, Czechia

Proof theory provides a purely syntactic way of reasoning, without the need to resort to semantics. This is especially true of internal proof calculi where proof objects are interpreted as formulas, as opposed to external calculi that also exploit semantic elements. On the other hand, tableau formalisms suggest that the distinction between pure and “impure” syntax, between internal and external calculi is, perhaps, more superficial than commonly believed. Indeed, tableaus are typically isomorphic to some internal sequent-like calculus, despite themselves being described in largely semantic terms. 

I argue that the choice between embracing and avoiding semantic elements is a false one, that the two sides of proof formalisms mutually enrich rather than oppose each other. As an illustration of such successful interplay, I will discuss how semantic intuitions have been instrumental in developing several proof formalisms, including those used for solving two open problems: (1) the Lyndon interpolation property for Gödel–Dummett Logic and (2) decidability for the intuitionistic modal logic S4.

Messages Agents Send; Agents Who Send Messages

Keynote talk

CELIA: Coalition and Epistemic Logic: Intensional Approach to Groups, First Project Meeting

24 February 2023

University of Bayreuth (Geisteswissenschaften II)

Bayreuth, Germany

Dynamic epistemic logic describes how agents learn through communication, typically assuming the agents to be trustful. We discuss the challenges of formalizing information flows in the setting of fault-tolerant distributed systems where it is commonly known that fully byzantine agents can lie and and/or communicate false beliefs. A new epistemic modality called hope, weaker than both knowledge and belief, is shown to capture what agents learn from messages in this setting. We also discuss how a priori knowledge is implicitly featured in distributed systems design and why it is useful to formalize it.

On Interpolation

Invited talk

Fitting at 80

28 January 2023


Nested Sequents, Kripke Models, and Uniform Interpolation

Invited talk

Proof-theoretic and Algebraic Aspects of (Intuitionistic) Modal Logics

1 November 2022

Utrecht University (Janskerkhof 3)

Utrecht, Netherlands

Proof-theoretic method is one of the primary sources for constructive proofs of interpolation. After first being used to prove Craig interpolation using cut-free sequent calculi, the method has been extended to Lyndon interpolation, and uniform interpolation, as well as to analytic sequent calculi. More recently, it has been extended to hypersequents, nested sequents, labelled sequents, yielding, for instance, a positive answer to the open problem of whether Gödel logic (intermediate logic of linear frames) has Lyndon interpolation.

An interesting feature of this extension is its essential use of Kripke semantics (for modal or intermediate logics). While the algorithm for contructing interpolants is purely proof-theoretic, the proof of its correctness relies on the semantics. More pertinently, the algorithm in general and individual interpolant transformations in particular are guided and shaped by the structure of Kripke models of the logic in question.

In this work, we extend this syntactico-semantic method to proving uniform interpolation for K, D, and T using nested sequents and for S5 using hypersequents.

Intuiting Duals of Proofs

Invited seminar talk

Logic Lunch Seminar Series (LUCI Lab: Logic, Uncertainty, Computation, Information)

7 March 2021

University of Milan


Justification Logic was introduced by Sergei Artemov, under the name of Logic of Proofs, in 1995 as a refinement of modal logic with explicit terms in place of the necessity/provability/knowledge modality. Over the years, multiple modal logics have received a justification treatment, which led to uncovering of the diversity of functional operators hidden within the modality []. For instance, while the K modality can be represented using only two functions on proofs/justifications (concatenation and application), the same modality of strength S5 is realized with two additional operators (positive and negative proof checker). However, the other modal operator <> has never been explored because classically it is simply a dual of []. In this joint work with Sonia Marin and Lutz Straßburger, we explore for the first time the nature of explicit terms for <> in bimodal intuitionistic-style modal logics, such as constructive modal logics, where De Morgan laws do not hold and the modality <> is uncoupled from [].

Interpolation for Intermediate Logics via Injective Nested Sequents

Invited seminar talk

Partout (Proof Automation and RepresenTation: a fOundation of compUtation and deducTion) seminar

9 November 2020

Inria Saclay Centre and École Polytechnique


We introduce a novel, semantically inspired method of constructing nested sequent calculi for propositional intermediate logics. Applying recently developed methods for proving Craig interpolation to these nested sequent calculi, we obtain constructive proofs of the interpolation property for most non-trivial interpolable intermediate logics, as well as Lyndon interpolation for Gödel logic. 

Extrapolating Interpolation

Invited talk

Proof Theory in Logic (satellite workshop of WoLLIC 2019)

1 July 2019

Utrecht University (Janskerkhof 3)

Utrecht, Netherlands

Interpolation is one of fundamental desired properties of a logic. The ability to construct interpolants is often listed as an expected benefit of treating a logic by methods of structural proof theory, alongside proving decidabilty. While proof theory has long expanded from simple sequent systems to more complex data structures allowing to capture more and more logics, the applications of these data structures to interpolation lagged behind. We present an overview of how constructive interpolation proofs can be achieved via hypersequents, nested sequents, labelled sequents, and other intermediate formalisms.

Interpolation Using Sequents and Their Generalizations


PhDs in Logic X

2 May 2018

Czech Academy of Sciences (Akademické konferenční centrum)

Prague, Czechia

The interpolation property is one of the basic desirable properties of logics, first formulated by Craig in 1957. It has deep connections to algebra and multiple applications in computer science. Proof theory provides one of the more robust constructive methods of proving interpolation by using a suitable analytic proof system for the logic involved. In addition, the syntactic nature of the method facilitates proving stronger forms of interpolation. Until recently, the provenance of this method was limited to those logics that possess an analytic sequent system, thus, excluding many staple modal and intuitionistic logics. In the tutorial, we will discuss the original Maehara's sequent-based method of proving interpolations and explain how to extend it to generalizations of sequent calculi ranging from hypersequents to labelled sequents. fundamental desired properties of a logic. The ability to construct interpolants is often listed as an expected benefit of treating a logic by methods of structural proof theory, alongside proving decidabilty. While proof theory has long expanded from simple sequent systems to more complex data structures allowing to capture more and more logics, the applications of these data structures to interpolation lagged behind. We present an overview of how constructive interpolation proofs can be achieved via hypersequents, nested sequents, labelled sequents, and other intermediate formalisms.

Syntactic Interpolation: Limits and challenges

Invited talk

Proof Theory and Modal Logic

2 December 2016

University of Turin (Palazzo del Rettorato)

Turin, Italy

Interpolation beyond Sequent Calculi: Modal, intuitionistic, and intermediate logics

Keynote talk

FISP: The Fine Structure of Formal Proof Systems and their Computational Interpretations, Kick-Off Meeting

16 November 2016

University of Innsbruck (ICT-Technologiepark)

Innsbruck, Austria

We will survey the recently developed method of proving Craig and Lyndon interpolation using analytic generalizations of sequent calculi, such as hypersequent, grafted hypersequent, nested sequent, linear nested sequent, and labelled sequent calculi. We discuss the pros and contras of the method, as well as the area of its applicability. The talk will include new, unpublished results on using the method for intermediate logics.

Proof-theoretic Approach to Craig Interpolation

Special session talk

Logic Colloquium 2015, Special Session on Proof Theory 

4 August 2015

University of Helsinki (Porthania)

Helsinki, Finland

Craig Interpolation Property (CIP) is one of the fundamental properties of logical theories, with applications to verification, synthesis, description logics, automated reasoning, etc. Proof theory provides a way of establishing the CIP for a logic by constructing interpolants out of derivations in an analytic proof calculus for the logic. One of the limitations of this proof-theoretic method lies in the restricted scope of analytic sequent calculi. With the advent of automated methods for manufacturing cut-free hypersequent calculi, as well as the development of even more general sequent-like formalisms (nested sequents/tree-hypersequents and labelled sequents), recent years have witnessed an explosion of interest in extensions of sequent calculi. With sequent-type systems boldly going where no sequent calculus has gone before, it is time to stretch the limits of the proof-theoretic method accordingly, adapting it to the strange newformalisms.

Separating Truth and Proof in the Logic of Proofs

Keynote talk

GeTFun 2.0: Compositional Meaning in Logic (Vienna Summer of Logic)

22 July 2014

TU Wien (Freihaus)

Vienna, Austria

The Logic of Proofs LP was introduced by Artemov to provide arithmetical semantics for intuitionistic propositional logic. The truth-functional semantics of LP, developed by Mkrtychev, however, exhibited only partial compositionality: the proof-functional meaning of a term depended not only on the proof-functional meanings of its subterms but also on the truth-functional meaning of extraneous formulas. Kripke-style semantics developed later by Fitting exhibited the same partial compositionality. 

I will discuss the recently developed fully compositional semantics of modular models for the Logic of Proofs and other justification logics and its suitability for proving metalogical properties, e.g., decidability.

Talks by the Organizers' Invitation

Impure Simplicial Complexes: Local view

Epistemic and Topological Reasoning in Distributed Systems
Dagstuhl Seminar 23272

4 July 2023

Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik (Schloss Dagstuhl)
Wadern, Germany

We discuss the choices that the local view suggests for impure simplicial complexes, i.e., complexes where some of the agents may have crashed. We settle on a three-valued semantics with the third value being "undefined" and provide a sound and complete axiomatization by means of a novel canonical simplicial model construction.

Translating Quantitative Semantic Bounds into Nested Sequents

TICAMORE: Translating and Discovering Calculi for Modal and Related Logics, 5th Meeting

12 November 2019

Wolfgang Pauli Institute

Vienna, Austria

As follows from their name, tree-hypersequents (also known as nested sequents) were created to represent the tree structure of underlying Kripke models. While this approach works well on modal and intermediate logics complete w.r.t. many types of tree-like frames, it is not directly suited to encode quantitative restrictions on these frames, e.g., bounded depth and/or bounded number of children per node. In order to capture these restrictions, we add the injectivity condition to nested sequents requiring different sequent nodes to correspond to distinct worlds in the underlying Kripke model. The downside is the loss of the formula interpretation. On the plus side, we show how the injective nested sequents can be used to constructively prove the Craig interpolation property for all interpolable intermediate logics strictly between the intuitionistic and classical propositional logics that are complete with respect to tree-like models, i.e., Smetanich logic (also known as the logic of here and there), the greatest semiconstructive logic, logic BD_2 of bounded depth 2, and Gödel logic. For the last one, we obtain a stronger form of interpolation called Lyndon interpolation.

Causality in the Age of Fake News

Logic and Theoretical Computer Science seminar (Institute of Computer Science)

31 October 2019

University of Bern (Exakte Wissenschaften)

Bern, Switzerland

As recently formulated by Yoram Moses, actions are not based on facts but rather on our knowledge of facts. This Knowledge of Preconditions Principle (KoP) underscores the central role that knowledge plays in decision making. The propagation of information in asynchronous in asynchronous distributed systems, i.e., those where agents do not have access to a global synchronized clock, has been well studied. It can rely solely on chains of messages, which form what Leslie Lamport called a causal cone. Until recently, this causality analysis existed only for fault-free systems and systems with very restricted types of faults. In our talk, we generalize the concept of the causal cone to systems with arbitrary byzantine failures and extract necessary conditions for achievable states of knowledge in fault-tolerant distributed systems.

Byzantine Causal Cone

FRIDA 2019: 6th Workshop on Formal Reasoning in Distributed Algorithms (co-located with DISC 2019)

18 October 2019

Thermal Margaret Island Health Spa Hotel

Budapest, Hungary

To prove the correctness of a given distributed algorithm, it is necessary to verify that each action is taken only when the global system state allows it. However, due to the incomplete local view of each agent, the Knowledge of Preconditions Principle (KoP), formulated by Yoram Moses, lifts preconditions to the epistemic level. KoP states that, for any condition that is specified as necessary for an agent to perform a certain action, this agent knowing that the condition is fulfilled is also necessary for performing this action. It is well known that causality in asynchronous distributed systems, i.e., those where agents do not have access to a global synchronized clock, is governed solely by messages the agents exchange: an agent cannot know what happened to another agent without a chain of messages delivering this information, leading to the concept of a causal cone, first introduced by Leslie Lamport.

In this talk, we discuss the impact of byzantine failures on causality in asynchronous systems. If any agent can arbitrarily violate its protocol, e.g., send incorrect information, possibly different information to different respondents, then a simple chain of messages is not sufficient anymore. We provide an elaborate modeling and analysis framework for multi-agent systems with byzantine faults and use it to describe the byzantine analog of Lamport's causal cone, the limitations on what can be known in principle, as well as the necessary conditions for achievable states of knowledge in fault-tolerant distributed systems.

Nesting Multi-conclusions: The Maehara conundrum

FISP: The Fine Structure of Formal Proof Systems and their Computational Interpretations, 3rd Meeting

8 December 2018

TU Wien (Freihaus)

Vienna, Austria

What do Byzantine agents know?

Programs, minds and machines: 1st joint workshop by the Mathematics and the Philosophy Research Institutes of UNAM

8 August 2018

National Autonomous University of Mexico (Instituto de Investigaciones Filosóficas)

Mexico City, Mexico

The idea to analyze communication in distributed systems using epistemic logic, the logic of knowledge, has been around for more than 25 years and yielded such seminal results as the necessity of common knowledge as a precondition for simultaneous coordinated action. The goal of this ongoing project is to incorporate Byzantine agents, i.e., agents prone to failure, into the epistemic framework. Some limited types of Byzantine behaviours have already been studied in this respect, e.g., crash failures by Dwork and Moses. But handling knowledge in such limited circumstances is more straightforward.

We consider fully Byzantine agents whose behavior is maximally unrestricted but whose knowledge remains local. Failures of such agents to follow their protocol may happen due to malicious intent or to malfunction. Epistemically, the latter case presents more interest. In particular, a natural goal is for a protocol to take into account and try to remedy possible failures, which would require the agent to know a failure has occurred.

Our contribution is a comprehensive and modular distributed framework for message passing, incorporating the possibility of arbitrary failures by agents. We demonstrate the potential of this framework by providing a modular way of incorporating into it various popular communication contexts, including synchronous agents, synchronous communication, broadcast (both hardware and software), coordinated action, etc.

The Byzantine Mind

Logic and Theoretical Computer Science seminar (Logic and Theory Group)

16 November 2017

University of Bern (Exakte Wissenschaften)

Bern, Switzerland

The idea to analyze communication in distributed systems using epistemic logic has been around for more than 25 years and yielded such seminal results as the necessity of common knowledge as a precondition for coordinated action. The goal of this ongoing project is to incorporate Byzantine agents, i.e., agents prone to failure, into the epistemic framework. Some limited types of Byzantine behaviours, e.g., crash failures, have already been studied in this respect by Dwork and Moses. But handling knowledge in such limited circumstances is more straightforward. We consider fully Byzantine agents whose behavior is maximally unrestricted but whose knowledge remains local. The failures of such agents to follow their protocol can be assigned either to malicious intent or to malfunction. It is the latter case that is of most interest from the epistemic perspective. One of the natural questions is whether such an agent can determine its own correctness or its own faultiness based solely on its local view of the system. In order to analyze such agents, we develop a detailed layered view of each transition step in a distributed system and prove first lower bounds on the communication necessary for performing actions despite at most f agents potentially failing. We demonstrate the potential of our framework by providing a modular way of incorporating into it various popular communication contexts, including synchronous agents, synchronous communication, broadcast (both hardware and software), coordinated action, etc.

Through an Inference Rule, Darkly

Humboldt Kolleg Proof Theory as Mathesis Universalis

27 July 2017

Villa Vigoni (Villa Garovaglio-Ricci)

Menaggio, Italy

Herbrand's Phenomena in Justification Logic

Collegium Logicum Proof Theory: Herbrand's Theorem revisited

25 May 2017

TU Wien (Favoritenstraße)

Vienna, Austria

Justification logic is a refinement of modal logic that views the modality as an existential quantifier over justifications. Thus, both modal and justification logic can be viewed as sublanguages of the same first-order language with terms ranging over justifications. In the talk we explore how Herbrandization emerged as a stepping stone in proving the Realization Theorem, one of the central results in justification logic, providing its connection to modal logic.

Modal Calculi from Semantics: A case study

TICAMORE: Translating and Discovering Calculi for Modal and Related Logics, Kick-off Meeting

16 March 2017

Wolfgang Pauli Institute

Vienna, Austria

How I stopped worrying about formulas and learned to interpolate

Logic and Theory Group

13 December 2016

University of Bern (Uni Engehalde, Neubrückstrasse 10)

Bern, Switzerland

This talk will summarize the quest for achieving constructive interpolation results by proof-theoretic means, which started 5 years ago in Bern. We will present the general view of sequent-like formalisms for classical and intermediate logics that makes them susceptible to interpolation proofs and present the results for hypersequents, nested sequents, and labelled sequents. We will also discuss a curious case of Gödel logic, the interpolation for which cannot be proved using the standard hypersequent or labelled sequent calculi but can be proved using linear nested sequents, recently developed by Björn Lellmann.

Interpolation Method for Multicomponent Sequent Calculi

Logic and Theoretical Computer Science seminar (Logic and Theory Group)

29 October 2015

University of Bern (Exakte Wissenschaften)

Bern, Switzerland

Grafted Hypersequents

Logic and Information Graduate Seminar, Münchenwiler Meeting (Swiss Joint Master of Science in Computer Science)

25 March 2015

Schloss Münchenwiler

Münchenwiler, Switzerland

We introduce a new Gentzen-style framework of grafted hypersequents that combines the formalism of nested sequents with that of hypersequents. To illustrate the potential of the framework, we present novel calculi for the modal logics K5 and KD5, as well as for extensions of the modal logics K and KD with the axiom for shift reflexivity. The latter of these extensions is also known as SDL^+ in the context of deontic logic. All our calculi enjoy syntactic cut elimination and can be used in backwards proof search procedures of optimal complexity.

Applications of Nested-sequent Proof Systems for Modal Logics to the Craig Interpolation Property

NCPROOFS: Nonclassical Proofs: Theory, Applications and Tools (Vienna Summer of Logic)

20 July 2014

TU Wien (Freihaus)

Vienna, Austria

Realizing Public Announcements by Justifications

LMRC12: Logical Models of Reasoning and Computation

1 February 2012

Steklov Mathematical Institute

Moscow, Russia

Modal public announcement logics study how public announcements affect changes in beliefs of the agents. What cannot be expressed in these logics, however, is the exact reasons for the updated beliefs. Justification Logic suggests a way of filling this gap by representing evidence and/or justifications for agents' beliefs in the object language. We present two alternative justification counterparts of Gerbrandy–Groeneveld's logic of public introspective announcements over the basic modal logic K. In particular, we show that erasing justifications for belief in either of the two suggested counterparts yields a valid modal statement about announcements. For the opposite direction, we establish a constructive procedure for restoring justifications within modalities, a process called realization, for one of the suggested counterparts provided the modalities occur outside of announcements. We discuss how recording more information about announcements in our system of justifications in the other suggested counterpart creates difficulties for applying the method of "realization by reduction" we have developed.

Modal Interpolation via Nested Sequents

Workshop on Non-classical logics

25 November 2011

TU Wien (Favoritenstraße)

Vienna, Austria

Craig interpolation is known to hold for many modal logics. The proof-theoretic way of demonstrating it is by using induction on a cut-free derivation in a suitable sequent calculus. But for several modal logics cut-free sequent systems are not known. It is natural then to consider generalizations of sequent calculi that capture more modal logics in a cut-free way, such as labelled sequents and/or nested sequents. While it is not clear how to perform induction interpolation proof for the former, nested sequents seem well suited for the task due to the absence of semantical elements in the calculus. Despite this, the only use of nested sequents to prove interpolation we are aware of is due to Marta Bílková. Her method deals only with uniform interpolation and only for the basic normal logic K. We present a general framework for proving interpolation by induction on a nested-sequent derivation. The method, a joint work with Melvin Fitting, is inspired by prefixed sequent calculi that he recently introduced as a formalism, intermediate between nested sequents and prefixed tableaus. We discuss how our method applies to normal modal logics axiomatized using axioms d, t, b, 4, and 5 in various combinations.

Logical Omniscience, Public Announcements and Justification Logic

Prague Workshop on Epistemic Logics

16 June 2011

Charles University (Faculty of Arts)

Prague, Czech Republic

Constructive Realization of Justification Logics via Nested Sequents

Computational Logic Seminar (Ph.D. Program in Computer Science)

17 May 2011

City University of New York (Graduate Center)

New York, NY, United States

Justification counterparts for most modal logics in the so-called “modal cube” are known. However, until recently there was no uniform method of proving the Realization Theorem for all of them. We present such a method for all the normal modal logics formed from the axioms d, t, b, 4, and 5. The main tools used are cut-free nested sequent calculi a la Kai Brünnler and Melvin Fitting's realization merging technique.

Based on our realization method, we discuss the question of modularity of realizations: each modal axiom has a natural justification counterpart. However, one modal logic may have several axiomatizations, accordingly it is natural to suggest there to be several natural justification counterparts, one for each axiomatization. Our goal is to completely classify these various realizations by introducing a natural equivalence relation on them that extends that of Fitting. The naturality of the equivalence relation here means that justification logics are equivalent iff they have the same forgetful projection.

On the Way to the Realization of Public Announcement Logic

Proof Theory seminar

24 January 2011

Steklov Mathematical Institute

Moscow, Russia

Public Announcement Logic PAL was created by Jan Plaza in 1989. It describes how agents' knowledge is updated after public announcements. In 1997, Gerbrandy and Groeneveld independently developed a similar logic that describes updates of agents' beliefs in settings where the announced facts need not be true.

Logics from the family of Artemov's Logic of Proofs have been successfully used to realize modal epistemic logics and analyze evidence behind knowledge/beliefs. Our goal is to expand this method of study to the logic of public announcement. We will present two candidate logics, JPAL and OPAL, describe their update semantics and formulate a partial realization theorem. We will also discuss the challenges on the way to the full realization.

Justifications for Belief Revision

Computer Science Colloquium (Ph.D. Program in Computer Science)

2 September 2010

City University of New York (Graduate Center)

New York, NY, United States

In this talk, we discuss how the language of justification logic can be effectively used to describe belief revision that arises as a result of public announcements. The field of belief revision investigates how one's beliefs can be represented in a logical framework and how changes in beliefs upon receipt of new information can be described axiomatically. Dependent on the intended application, different logical formalisms can be employed to describe initial and modified beliefs. Beliefs about "real-world" facts — but not about the beliefs of other agents (e.g., database model) — can be represented as a belief set, i.e., a set of all facts that the agent believes, which must be closed under logical consequence. In this approach, the operation of belief change is performed on a meta-level rather than within the language and is typically described by a set of postulates, such as AGM postulates or KM postulates, that specify the properties of the new belief set based on the initial one and the new information acquired. To represent both higher-order beliefs and the belief change operation syntactically within the language, the doxastic modalities are typically supplied with more or less complex operators that describe belief change. This is the realm of dynamic epistemic logic that has roots in the public announcement logic of Plaza and later independent work by Gerbrandy–Groeneveld. What is missing from these approaches is a simple syntactic connection between the public announcement/new information and the change in beliefs. Since justification logic supplies a connection between static beliefs and the reasons for them, it is also natural to use it for describing beliefs that arise from public announcements. We present two systems of justification terms for public announcements that are not necessarily truthful and hence may lead to inconsistent beliefs. One system provides an explicit analog of GerbrandyGroeneweld's modal system of belief change, and the other is intended as an internalized version of the belief expansion operation. The benefit of both systems is that only a small number of additional justification operations is needed compared to those used to describe static beliefs. We also discuss the behavior of Moore-like sentences in both systems, i.e., sentences that in the modal case become false after being truthfully announced. 

Logical Omniscience as a Computational Complexity Problem

PALMYR VIII: ParisAmsterdamSwitzerland Logic Meeting of Young Researchers

Annual Meeting of the Swiss Graduate Society for Logic and Philosophy of Science

9 May 2009

University of Geneva (St-Ours)

Geneva, Switzerland

The logical omniscience feature assumes that an epistemic agent knows all logical consequences of her assumptions. This paper offers a general theoretical framework that views logical omniscience as a computational complexity problem. We suggest the following approach: we assume that the knowledge of an agent is represented by an epistemic logical system E; we call such an agent not logically omniscient if for any valid knowledge assertion A of type F is known, a proof of F in E can be found in polynomial time in the size of A. We show that agents represented by major modal logics of knowledge and belief are logically omniscient, whereas agents represented by justification logic systems are not logically omniscient with respect to t is a justification for F .

Justifications: Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis

Workshop on Recent Trends in Proof Theory (satellite workshop of Logic Colloquium 2008)

11 July 2008

University of Bern (Exakte Wissenschaften)

Bern, Switzerland

Complexity of Justification

Computer Science Colloquium (Ph.D. Program in Computer Science)

3 April 2008

City University of New York (Graduate Center)

New York, NY, United States

Justification Logic is a relatively new field that studies provability, knowledge, and belief via proofs, or justifications, explicitly present in the language. Many justification logics have been developed that closely resemble modal epistemic logics of knowledge and belief with one important difference: instead of modality box with existential epistemic reading 'there exists a proof of F,' justification logics operate with constructs t : F, where a justification term t represents a blueprint of a Hilbert-style proof of F. The machinery of explicit justifications can be used to analyze well-known epistemic paradoxes such as Gettier's examples, to study self-referential properties of modal logics, and to avoid the Logical Omniscience Problem. This talk will focus on quantitative analysis of justification logics. We will give an overview of what is known about their decidability and complexity of the decision procedure, including most recent results. We will also analyze a realization procedure that provides a bridge from a modal epistemic logic to its justification counterpart. We will discuss the complexity of one such realization procedure as well as provide a qualitative analysis that leads to interesting corollaries about self-referentiality of modal logics.

Making Knowledge Explicit

New York City Logic Conference 2005

21 May 2005

City University of New York (Graduate Center)

New York, NY, United States

Making Proofs Explicit: How hard it is

New Developments in Logics of Knowledge and Belief

12 June 2004

City University of New York (Graduate Center)

New York, NY, United States

The Logic of Proofs LP is an explicit counterpart of the modal logic S4, where modalities Box F, understood as "there is a proof for F," have been replaced by explicit propositions t:F, read as "t is a proof of F," for an appropriate system of proof terms t. LP naturally subsumes both typed lambda-calculus and modal logic. Artemov has offered an algorithm that recovered explicit proof terms in modalities in a given cut-free S4-derivation, thus, revealing a system of explicit proofs encoded in each S4-derivation. We modify this algorithm to produce explicit proofs whose lengths are polynomial in the size of the initial S4-derivation whereas the original algorithm gave an exponential blow-up. We also show that according to the explicit proofs semantics, the modal logic S4 encodes self-referential proofs, i.e. the ones where c:A(c) can occur.

Courses Taught at International Schools

Efficient Proof Systems for Modal Logics

(taught jointly with Lutz Straßburger)

ESSLLI 2017: European Summer School in Logic, Language, and Information

(Advanced course in Logic and Computation track)

17–21 July 2017

Toulouse 1 Capitole University (Arsenal)

Toulouse, France

Modal logic has emerged as versatile, tractable language for reasoning about such disparate concepts as necessity, provability, obligation, time, space, knowledge, and belief. For reasoning to be efficient, one needs algorithms for deciding the problems of validity, satisfiability, etc. Many applications, including software and hardware verification, require constructing interpolants. One of the sources for these algorithms is structural proof theory, with its central, search-space limiting requirement of analyticity. While modern proof theoretical methods can be traced back to Gentzen's work in the 1930s, for a long time modal logic has resisted systematic proof-theoretical study. Only recently has the advent of more powerful, more structural proof formalisms finally bucked the trend. This course will concentrate on sequent systems and their generalizations, starting from the introduction of basic concepts for the simplest case of sequent calculi and then discussing the constantly expanding range of modern proof-theoretic tools, including hypersequents and nested sequents.

Justification Logic

Tbilisi 2015: International Tbilisi Summer School in Logic and Language
(in conjunction with TbiLLC 2015)

17–18 September 2015

Tbilisi State University (Block I)

Tbilisi, Georgia

Contributed Talks

A priori Knowledge in Distributed System

KGD 2024: Kurt Gödel Day 2024 + CGL 2024: Czech Gathering of Logicians 2024

27 May 2024

Brno Observatory and Planetarium

Brno, Czechia

What Proof Theory Can Do for You

Seminar on Applied Mathematical Logic (LogICS research group)

17 January 2024

Czech Academy of Sciences (Ústav informatiky)

Prague, Czechia

Although the prime object of study for structural proof theory is proof calculi (especially analytic ones), it has many applications to important logical properties, such as conservativity, consistency, decidability, complexity, interpolation, etc. In my talk, I will present some recent successes in solving long-time open problems by proof-theoretic means, including the Lyndon interpolation property for Gödel logic (intermediate logic of linear frames) and the decidability of (bimodal) intuitionistic S4.

What Proof Theory Can Do for You

Seminar on Applied Mathematical Logic (LogICS research group)

17 January 2024

Czech Academy of Sciences (Ústav informatiky)

Prague, Czechia

Although the prime object of study for structural proof theory is proof calculi (especially analytic ones), it has many applications to important logical properties, such as conservativity, consistency, decidability, complexity, interpolation, etc. In my talk, I will present some recent successes in solving long-time open problems by proof-theoretic means, including the Lyndon interpolation property for Gödel logic (intermediate logic of linear frames) and the decidability of (bimodal) intuitionistic S4.

Simplicial Introduction

(joint work with Hans van Ditmarsch and Rojo Randrianomentsoa)

CELIA: Coalition and Epistemic Logic: Intensional Approach to Groups, Second Project Meeting

6 October 2023

Czech Academy of Sciences (Akademické konferenční centrum)

Prague, Czechia

Intuitionistic S4 and Its Decidability

(joint work with Marianna Girlando, Sonia Marin, Marianela Morales, and Lutz Straßburger)

MOSAIC Workshop 2023: Modalities in Substructural Logics: Theory, Methods and Applications

27 September 2023

TU Wien (Campus Gußhaus)

Vienna, Austria

We present a decision procedure for IS4, an intuitionistic modal logic first formulated by Fisher Servi. The logic has two independent modalities and is interpreted over birelational Kripke models. Unlike other intuitionistic modal logics, the problem of decidability of IS4 has been open for almost thirty years, since it has been posed in Simpson’s PhD thesis in 1994. Our result is obtained by defining a proof-search algorithm based on a labelled sequent calculus that explicitly incorporates the two accessibility relations of Kripke models for the logic. The search algorithm outputs either a proof or a finite countermodel, thus additionally establishing the finite model property for IS4.

Decidability of Intuitionistic S4

(joint work with Marianna Girlando, Sonia Marin, Marianela Morales, and Lutz Straßburger)

Logica 2023

21 June 2023

Teplá Abbey

Teplá, Czechia

Framing Faultiness Kripke Style

(joint work with Hans van Ditmarsch and Krisztina Fruzsa)

MOSAIC: Modalities in Substructural Logics: Theory, Methods and Applications, Kick Off Conference

(colocated with LATD 2022)

6 September 2022

Hotel Tafuri

Capaccio Paestum, Italy

Time and Retrocausality in Distributed Systems

Kurt Gödel’s Legacy: Does Future lie in the Past?

26 July 2019

University of Vienna (Hauptgebäude)

Vienna, Austria

Gödel's universe with the possibility of time travel was inspired by philosophical considerations regarding absolute time and change. He explicitly discussed paradoxes of causality associated with time travel and even provided calculations to show that traveling to one's own past and violating causal laws is not feasible in his universe. Whereas major causality paradoxes associated with time travel apply to matter and information alike, it is not obvious that his argument would apply equally well to sending messages rather than objects. 

Another argument often used against backwards causation is the so-called bilking argument, where, given an alleged instance of backward causality, one tries to doctor who did what in such a way that the alleged future cause is removed without affecting its alleged effects in the past. Needless to say, bilking is best studied in an appropriate formal setting.

The runs and systems framework, originally designed to represent distributed systems, seems to provide a perfect setting. It has been used by Lamport to explore ordinary causality in asynchronous setting, meaning it does not rely on absolute time.

While working on fault-tolerant distributed systems, we have extended this framework to account for the possibility of arbitrary actions by individual agents. Not able to rely on some a priori normative behavior, we had to implement a causality filter as a separate independent part of the system. As a result, our framework is versatile enough to model variations of backward causality, thus, providing a robust formal model to study bilking. In my talk, I plan to schematically describe our extended runs and systems framework and report some initial observations, including the relationship between time travel and determinacy.

Causality and Epistemic Reasoning in Byzantine Multi-agent Systems

(joint work with Krisztina Fruzsa, Laurent Prosperi, and Ulrich Schmid)

TARK 2019: Theoretical Aspects of Rationality and Knowledge

17 July 2019 (poster presentation)

Toulouse 1 Capitole University (Manufacture des tabacs)

Toulouse, France

Causality is an important concept both for proving impossibility results and for synthesizing efficient protocols in distributed computing. For asynchronous agents communicating over unreliable channels, causality is well studied and understood. This understanding, however, relies heavily on the assumption that agents themselves are correct and reliable. We provide the first epistemic analysis of causality in the presence of byzantine agents, i.e., agents that can deviate from their protocol and, thus, cannot be relied upon. Using our new framework for epistemic reasoning in fault-tolerant multi-agent systems, we determine the byzantine analog of the causal cone and describe a communication structure, which we call a multipede, necessary for verifying preconditions for actions in this setting.

Interpolation for Intermediate Logics via Hyper- and Linear Nested Sequents (joint talk with Björn Lellmann)

AiML 2018: Advances in Modal Logic (co-located with LATD 2018)

28 August 2018

University of Bern (Exakte Wissenschaften)

Bern, Switzerland

The goal of this paper is extending to intermediate logics the constructive proof-theoretic method of proving Craig and Lyndon interpolation via hypersequents and nested sequents developed earlier for classical modal logics. While both Jankov and Gödel logics possess hypersequent systems, we show that our method can only be applied to the former. To tackle the latter, we switch to linear nested sequents, demonstrate syntactic cut elimination for them, and use it to prove interpolation for Gödel logic. Thereby, we answer in the positive the open question of whether Gödel logic enjoys the Lyndon interpolation property.

Proving Craig and Lyndon Interpolation Using Labelled Sequent Calculi

JELIA 2016: 15th European Conference On Logics In Artificial Intelligence 

(Sequent calculi session)

9 November 2016

Lordos Beach Hotel & Spa

Pyla, Cyprus

Interpolation is a fundamental logical property with applications in mathematics, computer science, and artificial intelligence. In this paper, we develop a general method of translating a semantic description of modal logics via Kripke models into a constructive proof of the Lyndon interpolation property (LIP) via labelled sequents. Using this method we demonstrate that all frame conditions representable as Horn formulas imply the LIP and that all 15 logics of the modal cube, as well as the infinite family of transitive Geach logics, enjoy the LIP.

Syntax meets semantics to prove interpolation

SYSMICS 2016: Syntax Meets Semantics

6 September 2016

University of Barcelona (Edifici històric)

Barcelona, Spain

Craig and Lyndon Interpolation via Labelled Sequent Calculi

Modalities, Conditionals, and Values: A Symposium on Philosophical Logic in Celebration of the Centenary of Georg Henrik von Wright

25 May 2016

University of Helsinki (Kielikeskus, Fabianinkatu 26)

Helsinki, Finland

The blending of syntactic and semantic methods through correspondence theory has provided both new generic ways of creating analytic cut-free calculi and a novel modular constructive method for proving interpolation properties in modal logics. We show that the two methods can be combined to the mutual benefit by demonstrating that the Craig and Lyndon interpolation properties (IPs) can be proved based on a labelled sequent calculus. We also provide sufficient criteria on the Kripke-frame characterization of a logic that guarantee the IPs. In particular, we show that classes of frames definable by quantifier-free Horn formulas correspond to logics with the IPs. These criteria capture the modal cube and the infinite family of transitive Geach logics.

Interpolation Method for Multicomponent Sequent Calculi

LFCS 2016: Symposium on Logical Foundations of Computer Science

4 January 2016

Wyndham Deerfield Beach Resort

Deerfield Beach, FL, United States

The proof-theoretic method of proving the Craig interpolation property was recently extended from sequents to nested sequents and hypersequents. There the notations were formalism-specific, obscuring the underlying common idea, which is presented here in a general form applicable also to other similar formalisms, e.g., prefixed tableaus. It describes requirements sufficient for using the method on a proof system for a logic, as well as additional requirements for certain types of rules. The applicability of the method, however, does not imply its success. We also provide examples from common proof systems to highlight various types of interpolant manipulations that can be employed by the method. The new results are the application of the method to a recent formalism of grafted hypersequents (in their tableau version), the general treatment of external structural rules, including the analytic cut, and the method’s extension to the Lyndon interpolation property.

Realization theorems for justification logics: Full modularity

(joint work with Annemarie Borg)

TABLEAUX 2015: Automated Reasoning with Analytic Tableaux and Related Methods

(co-located with FroCoS 2015)

22 September 2015

University of Wrocław (Instytut Informatyki)

Wrocław, Poland

Justification logics were introduced by Artemov in 1995 to provide intuitionistic logic with a classical provability semantics, a problem originally posed by Gödel. Justification logics are refinements of modal logics and formally connected to them by so-called realization theorems. A constructive proof of a realization theorem typically relies on a cut-free sequent-style proof system for the corresponding modal logic. A uniform realization theorem for all the modal logics of the so-called modal cube, i.e., for the extensions of the basic modal logic K with any subset of the axioms d, t, b, 4, and 5, has been proven using nested sequents. However, the proof was not modular in that some realization theorems required postprocessing in the form of translation on the justification logic side. This translation relied on additional restrictions on the language of the justification logic in question, thus, narrowing the scope of realization theorems. We present a fully modular proof of the realization theorems for the modal cube that is based on modular nested sequents introduced by Marin and Straßburger.

Weak Arithmetical Interpretations for the Logic of Proofs

(joint work with Thomas Studer)

ISRALOG 2014: Israeli Workshop on Non-Classical Logics and Their Applications

29 September 2014

University of Haifa (Education and Sciences Building)

Haifa, Israel

Artemov established an arithmetical interpretation for the Logics of Proofs LP(CS), which yields a classical provability semantics for the modal logic S4. These Logics of Proofs are parameterized by so-called constant specifications CS that state which axioms can be used in the reasoning process, and the arithmetical interpretation relies on the constant specifications being finite. In this paper, we remove this restriction by introducing weak arithmetical interpretations that are sound and complete for a wide class of constant specifications, including infinite ones. In particular, they interpret the full Logic of Proofs LP. 

Craig Interpolation, Proof-Theoretically via Nested Sequents
(joint work with Melvin Fitting)

LIX Colloquium 2013: Theory and Application of Formal Proofs (Proof structures session)

(co-located with the International Workshop on Proof Search in Axiomatic Theories and Type Theories)

5 November 2013

École Polytechnique (Bâtiment Alan Turing)

Palaiseau, France

Constructive Interpolation for the Modal Cube Using Nested Sequents

(joint work with Melvin Fitting)
Arbeitstagung Bern–München 2012
20 December 2012

Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (Mathematisches Institut)

Munich, Germany

Modal Interpolation via Nested Sequents

(joint work with Melvin Fitting)
Arbeitstagung Bern–München 2011
15 December 2011

Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (Mathematisches Institut)

Munich, Germany

Partial Realization in Dynamic Justification Logic

(joint work with Samuel Bucheli and Thomas Studer)

WoLLIC 2011: Workshop on Logic, Language, Information and Computation

18 May 2011

University of Pennsylvania (David Rittenhouse Laboratory)

Philadelphia, PA, United States

Justification logic is an epistemic framework that provides a way to express explicit justifications for the agent's belief. In this paper, we present OPAL, a dynamic justification logic that includes term operators to reflect public announcements on the level of justifications. We create dynamic epistemic semantics for OPAL. We also elaborate on the relationship of dynamic justification logics to Gerbrandy–Groeneveld's PAL by providing a partial realization theorem.

Analytic Proof Systems for Justification Logic: The road not to be taken
Arbeitstagung Bern–München 2010: Deduktive Aspekte in Beweistheorie und Informatik
17 December 2010

Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (Mathematisches Institut)

Munich, Germany

A Note on the Abnormality of Realizations of S4LP

PCC 2010: Proof, Computation, Complexity

19 June 2010

University of Bern (Exakte Wissenschaften)

Bern, Switzerland

Cut-Intolerant Realizations: Case study
Arbeitstagung Bern–München 2009: Deduktive Aspekte in Beweistheorie und Informatik
10 December 2009

Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (Mathematisches Institut)

Munich, Germany

A Note on the Use of Sum in the Logic of Proofs

PLS 2009: Panhellenic Logic Symposium

18 July 2009

University of Patras (Conference and Cultural Centre)

Patras, Greece

The Logic of Proofs LP, introduced by Artemov, encodes the same reasoning as the modal logic S4 using proofs explicitly present in the language. In particular, Artemov showed that three operators on proofs (application ⋅, positive introspection !, and sum +) are sufficient to mimic provability concealed in S4 modality. While the first two operations go back to Gödel, the exact role of + remained somewhat unclear. In particular, it was not known whether the other two operations are sufficient by themselves. We provide a positive answer to this question under a very weak restriction on the axiomatization of LP.

Logical Omniscience as a Computational Complexity Problem

(joint work with Sergei Artemov)

TARK 2009: Theoretical Aspects of Rationality and Knowledge (co-located with EC 2009)

8 July 2009

Stanford University (Graduate School of Business, South Building)

Stanford, CA, United States

The logical omniscience feature assumes that an epistemic agent knows all logical consequences of her assumptions. This paper offers a general theoretical framework that views logical omniscience as a computational complexity problem. We suggest the following approach: we assume that the knowledge of an agent is represented by an epistemic logical system E; we call such an agent not logically omniscient if for any valid knowledge assertion A of type F is known, a proof of F in E can be found in polynomial time in the size of A. We show that agents represented by major modal logics of knowledge and belief are logically omniscient, whereas agents represented by justification logic systems are not logically omniscient with respect to t is a justification for F.

Justification Logic and Its Applications
Arbeitstagung Bern–München 2009: Deduktive Aspekte in Beweistheorie und Informatik
18 December 2008

Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (Mathematisches Institut)

Munich, Germany

Complexity through Tableaux in Justification Logic

Logic Colloquium 2008

4 July 2008

University of Bern (Exakte Wissenschaften)

Bern, Switzerland

Self-referentiality of Justified Knowledge

CSR 2008: Computer Science Symposium in Russia

9 June 2008

Moscow Institute of Open Education (Timiryazevskaya)

Moscow, Russia

The principal result of Justification Logic is the Realization Theorem, which states that behind major epistemic modal logics there are corresponding systems of evidence/justification terms sufficient for reading all provable knowledge assertions as statements about justifications. A knowledge/belief modality is self-referential if there are modal sentences that cannot be realized without using self-referential evidence of type "t is a proof of A(t)." Building on an earlier result that S4 and its justification counterpart LP describe knowledge that is self-referential, we show that the same is true for K4, D4, and T with their justification counterparts whereas for K and D self-referentiality can be avoided. Therefore, no single modal axiom from the standard axiomatizations of these logics is responsible for self-referentiality.

Justification, Complexity, Self-Referentiality

Combinatorics seminar (Department of Mathematics)

22 April 2008

University of California, San Diego (Applied Physics & Mathematics Building)

La Jolla, CA, United States

Justification Logic is a relatively new field that studies provability, knowledge, and belief via proofs, or justifications, explicitly present in the language. Many justification logics have been developed that closely resemble modal epistemic logics of knowledge and belief with one important difference: instead of modality box with existential epistemic reading 'there exists a proof of F,' justification logics operate with constructs t : F, where a justification term t represents a blueprint of a Hilbert-style proof of F. The machinery of explicit justifications can be used to analyze well-known epistemic paradoxes such as Gettier's examples, to study self-referential properties of modal logics, and to avoid Logical Omniscience. This talk will focus on quantitative analysis of justification logics. We will give an overview of what is known about their decidability and complexity of the decision procedure. We will also analyze a realization procedure that provides a bridge from a modal epistemic logic to its justification counterpart. We will discuss the complexity of one such realization procedure as well as provide its qualitative analysis that leads to interesting corollaries about self-referentiality of modal logics.

Proof Identity for Classical Logic: Generalizing to normality

LFCS 2007: Symposium on Logical Foundations of Computer Science

7 June 2007

City University of New York (Graduate Center)

New York, NY, United States

The problem of the identity criteria for proofs can be traced to Hilbert and Prawitz. One of the approaches, which uses the concept of generality of proofs, was suggested in 1968 by Lambek. Following his ideas, we propose a language and a logic to represent Hilbert-style proofs for classical propositional logic by adapting the Logic of Proofs LP introduced by Artemov in 1994. We prove that proof polynomials, the objects representing Hilbert derivations in LP, are sufficient to realize all propositional derivations, with or without hypotheses. We also show that proof polynomials respect the ideas of generality and provide an algorithm for determining whether two given proof polynomials represent the same proof. These results naturally extend similar properties of combinatory logic demonstrated by Hindley. The language of LP allows us to formally capture more structure of Hilbert-style proofs. In particular, we show how the well-known phenomenon of proof composition in classical logic manifests itself in the case of Hilbert proofs.

Finite Model Property: Proving decidability beyond modal logic

2nd New York Graduate Student Logic Conference

18 March 2007

St. John's University (Manhattan Campus)

New York, NY, United States

The finite model property (FMP) is routinely used in modal logic to prove decidability of a given modal logic L via Post's argument: a set of theorems of L is recursively enumerable if L enjoys a finite axiomatization, then FMP is used to show that the complement of the set of all theorems of L is also recursively enumerable. This modal variant of Post's Theorem is called Harrop's Theorem, but FMP in Harrop's Theorem is replaced by the requirement to be finitely approximable, which is the finite frame property rather than the finite model property. This discrepancy is rather subtle and may be easily overlooked (even in some commonly used textbooks). We explore what exactly is needed from the finite model property for Post's argument to go through. Then we use this understanding to formulate a proper finite model property for the logic of justified knowledge S4LP, which is a combined logic of explicit and implicit knowledge. We proceed to prove decidability of S4LP.

Logical Omniscience via Proof Complexity

(joint work with Sergei Artemov)

CSL 2006: Computer Science Logic (Processes and Modal Logic session)

27 September 2006

Novotel Szeged

Szeged, Hungary

The Hintikka-style modal logic approach to knowledge contains a well-known defect of logical omniscience, i.e., the unrealistic feature that an agent knows all logical consequences of her assumptions. In this paper, we suggest the following Logical Omniscience Test (LOT): an epistemic system E is not logically omniscient if for any valid in E knowledge assertion A of type 'F is known,' there is a proof of F in E, the complexity of which is bounded by some polynomial in the length of A. We show that the usual epistemic modal logics are logically omniscient (modulo some common complexity assumptions). We also apply LOT to evidence-based knowledge systems, which, along with the usual knowledge operator K_i (F) ('agent i knows F'), contain evidence assertions t:F ('t is a justification for F'). In evidence-based systems, the evidence part is an appropriate extension of the Logic of Proofs LP, which guarantees that the collection of evidence terms t is rich enough to match modal logic. We show that evidence-based knowledge systems are logically omniscient w.r.t. the usual knowledge and are not logically omniscient w.r.t. evidence-based knowledge.

Complexity of Evidence-based Knowledge

Workshop on Rationality and Knowledge
(ESSLLI 2006: European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information)

8 August 2006

University of Málaga (E.T.S.I. Informática)

Málaga, Spain

A system of evidence-based knowledge S4LP was recently proposed by Artemov and Nogina. It combines epistemic modal operator with explicit evidence represented by evidence terms similar to those of Artemov's Logic of Proofs. This logic S4LP and its generalizations promise a new approach to common-knowledge and to the logical omniscience problem. In this paper, we show that this logic is PSPACE-complete. Thus adding explicit evidence to S4 does not seem to increase the complexity of the logic.

On Self-Referentiality in Modal Logic

2005–06 Winter Meeting of the Association for Symbolic Logic
(co-located with Annual Meeting of the Eastern Division of the American Philosophical Association)

28 December 2005

New York Hilton Midtown

New York, NY, United States

Making Proofs Explicit: How hard that is

1st New York Graduate Student Logic Conference

21 November 2004

St. Francis College

Brooklyn, NY, United States

The Logic of Proofs LP is an explicit counterpart of the modal logic S4, where modalities ▢F, understood as "there is a proof for F," have been replaced by explicit propositions t : F, read as "t is a proof of F," for an appropriate system of proof terms t. LP naturally subsumes both typed lambda-calculus and modal logic. Artemov has offered an algorithm that recovers explicit proof terms in modalities in a given cut-free S4-derivation, thus revealing a system of explicit proofs encoded in each S4-derivation. We modify this algorithm to produce explicit proofs whose lengths are polynomial in the size of the initial S4-derivation, whereas the original algorithm gave an exponential blow-up. We also show that according to the explicit proofs semantics, the modal logic S4 encodes self-referential proofs, i.e. the ones where c:A(c) can occur.

On Decidability of the Logic of Proofs with Arbitrary Constant Specifications

2004 Annual Meeting of the Association for Symbolic Logic

21 May 2004

Carnegie Mellon University (Baker Hall)

Pittsburgh, PA, United States

On the Complexity of Explicit Modal Logics

CSL 2000: Computer Science Logic

22 August 2000

Hotel Aurachhof

Fischbachau, Germany

Explicit modal logic was introduced by S. Artemov in 1995. Whereas the traditional modal logic uses atoms "Box F" with a possible semantics "F is provable", the explicit modal logic deals with atoms of form t:F, where t is a proof polynomial denoting a specific proof of a formula F. Artemov found the explicit modal logic LP in this new format and built an algorithm that recovers explicit proof polynomials corresponding to modalities in every derivation in K. Goedel's modal provability calculus S4 (combined with the straightforward reading of proof polynomials as arithmetical proofs this provided an intended provability semantics for S4 and thus solved a problem left open by Goedel in 1933). In this paper we study the complexity of LP as well as the complexity of explicit counterparts of the modal logics K, D, T, K4, D4 found by V. Brezhnev. The main result: the satisfiability problem for each of these explicit modal logics belongs to the class Sigma_2 in the polynomial hierarchy. Similar problem for the original modal logics is known to be PSPACE-complete. Therefore, explicit modal logics have much better upper complexity bounds than the original modal logics.