

Logics of Proofs and Justifications

(with Thomas Studer)

volume 80 of Mathematical Logic and Foundations

College Publications, 2019

©Roman Kuznets, Thomas Studer, and College Publications, 2019

Justification logics are closely related to modal logics and can be viewed as a refinement of the latter with machinery for justification manipulation. Justifications are represented directly in the language by terms, which can be interpreted as formal proofs in a deductive system, evidence for knowledge, winning strategy in a game, etc. This more expressive language proved beneficial in both proof theory and epistemology and helped investigate problems ranging from a classical provability semantics for intuitionistic logic to the logical omniscience problem.

Justification logic is a new and fast evolving field that offers unexpected new approaches and insights into old problems. Its position at the junction of mathematics, philosophy, and computer science makes it of interest to a wide audience.

This book provides a rigorous introduction to justification logic. It covers the basic constructions of justification logic as well as epistemic models and provability semantics. Further it includes chapters on decidability and complexity of justification logics as well as a chapter on self-referentiality. It also contains detailed historic remarks on the subject.

Book chapters

Through an inference rule, darkly

In S. Centrone, S. Negri, D. Sarikaya, and P. M. Schuster, editors

Mathesis Universalis, Computability and Proof

volume 412 of Synthese Library, pages 131158. Springer, 2019

©Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

Mathematical logic provides a formal language to describe complex abstract phenomena whereby a finite formula written in a finite alphabet states a property of an object that may even be infinite. Thus, the complexity of the underlying objects is abstracted away to give way for a simple syntactic description, a kind of mathesis universalis. The complexity, however, continues affecting which ways of reasoning are valid.

Structural proof theory reasons using proof objects more complex than individual formulas. One of its goals is to find minimal additional structures, depending on the complexity of the underlying objects, sufficient for efficient and modular reasoning about them.

In this paper, we are primarily interested in both the global structure used for reasoning and the local part of this structure employed to justify single inference steps. We provide recently developed examples where adapting the global structure of the sequent to the local structure of (potentially infinite) Kripke models yielded both quantitative and qualitative benefits in establishing fundamental logical properties such as complexity and interpolation.

Craig interpolation via hypersequents

In D. Probst and P. Schuster, editors

Concepts of Proof in Mathematics, Philosophy, and Computer Science

volume 6 of Ontos Mathematical Logic, pages 193214. De Gruyter, 2016

©2016 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston

In this paper, we describe a novel constructive method of proving the Craig interpolation property (CIP) based on cut-free hypersequent calculi and apply the method to prove the CIP for the modal logic S5.

Journal publications

Impure simplicial complexes: Complete axiomatization

(with Hans van Ditmarsch and Rojo Randrianomentsoa)

Logical Methods in Computer Science 19(4), Art. No. 3, October 2023

©R. Randrianomentsoa, H. van Ditmarsch, and R. Kuznets

Combinatorial topology is used in distributed computing to model concurrency and asynchrony. The basic structure in combinatorial topology is the simplicial complex, a collection of subsets called simplices of a set of vertices, closed under containment. Pure simplicial complexes describe message passing in asynchronous systems where all processes (agents) are alive, whereas impure simplicial complexes describe message passing in synchronous systems where processes may be dead (have crashed). Properties of impure simplicial complexes can be described in a three-valued multi-agent epistemic logic where the third value represents formulae that are undefined, e.g., the knowledge and local propositions of dead agents. In this work we present an axiomatization for the logic of the class of impure complexes and show soundness and completeness. The completeness proof involves the novel construction of the canonical simplicial model and requires a careful manipulation of undefined formulae.

The role of a priori belief in the design and analysis of fault‑tolerant distributed systems

(with Giorgio Cignarale, Ulrich Schmid, and Tuomas Tahko)

Minds and Machines 33(2):293–319, June  2023
©Giorgio Cignarale, Ulrich Schmid, Tuomas Tahko, and Roman Kuznets 2023

The debate around the notions of a priori knowledge and a posteriori knowledge has proven crucial for the development of many fields in philosophy, such as metaphysics, epistemology, metametaphysics etc. We advocate that the recent debate on the two notions is also fruitful for man-made distributed computing systems and for the epistemic analysis thereof. Following a recently proposed modal and fallibilistic account of a priori knowledge, we elaborate the corresponding concept of a priori belief: We propose a rich taxonomy of types of a priori beliefs and their role for the different agents that participate in the system engineering process, which match the existing view exceedingly well and are particularly promising for explaining and dealing with unexpected behaviors in fault-tolerant distributed systems. Developing such a philosophical foundation will provide a sound basis for eventually implementing our ideas in a suitable epistemic reasoning and analysis framework and, hence, constitutes a mandatory first step for developing methods and tools to cope with the various challenges that emerge in such systems.

Justification logic for constructive modal logic

(with Sonia Marin and Lutz Straßburger)

Journal of Applied Logics 8(8):2313–2332, September 2021

©Roman Kuznets, Sonia Marin, Lutz Straßburger, and College Publications 2021

We provide a treatment of the intuitionistic modality in the style of justification logic. We introduce a new type of terms, called satisfiers, that justify consistency, obtain justification analogs for the constructive modal logics CK, CD, CT, and CS4, and prove the realization theorem for them.

Interpolation for intermediate logics via injective nested sequents 

(with Björn Lellmann)

Journal of Logic and Computation 31(3):797–831, April 2021

©Roman Kuznets and Björn Lellmann 2021. Published by Oxford University Press

We introduce a novel, semantically inspired method of constructing nested sequent calculi for propositional intermediate logics. Applying recently developed methods for proving Craig interpolation to these nested sequent calculi, we obtain constructive proofs of the interpolation property for most non-trivial interpolable intermediate logics, as well as Lyndon interpolation for Gödel logic. Finally, we provide a prototype implementation combining proof search and countermodel construction.

Maehara-style modal nested calculi 

(with Lutz Straßburger)

Archive for Mathematical Logic 58(3–4):359–385, May 2019

©Roman Kuznets and Lutz Straßburger 2018

We develop multi-conclusion nested sequent calculi for the fifteen logics of the intuitionistic modal cube between IK and IS5. The proof of cut-free completeness for all logics is provided both syntactically via a Maehara-style translation and semantically by constructing an infinite birelational countermodel from a failed proof search. Interestingly, the Maehara-style translation for proving soundness syntactically fails due to the hierarchical structure of nested sequents. Consequently, we only provide the semantic proof of soundness. The countermodel construction used to prove completeness required a completely novel approach to deal with two independent sources of non-termination in the proof search present in the case of transitive and Euclidean logics.

Multicomponent proof-theoretic method for proving interpolation properties

Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 169(12):13691418, December 2018

©2018 Roman Kuznets. Published by Elsevier B.V. 

Proof-theoretic method has been successfully used almost from the inception of interpolation properties to provide efficient constructive proofs thereof. Until recently, the method was limited to sequent calculi (and their notational variants), despite the richness of generalizations of sequent structures developed in structural proof theory in the meantime. In this paper, we provide a systematic and uniform account of the recent extension of this proof-theoretic method to hypersequents, nested sequents, and labelled sequents for normal modal logic. The method is presented in terms and notation easily adaptable to other similar formalisms, and interpolant transformations are stated for typical rule types rather than for individual rules.

Grafting hypersequents onto nested sequents 

(with Björn Lellmann)

Logic Journal of the IGPL 24(3):375423, June 2016

©Roman Kuznets and Björn Lellmann 2016. Published by Oxford University Press

We introduce a new Gentzen-style framework of grafted hypersequents that combines the formalism of nested sequents with that of hypersequents. To illustrate the potential of the framework, we present novel calculi for the modal logics K5 and KD5, as well as for extensions of the modal logics K and KD with the axiom for shift reflexivity. The latter of these extensions is also known as SDL^+ in the context of deontic logic. All our calculi enjoy syntactic cut-elimination and can be sed in backwards proof search procedures of optimal complexity. The tableaufication of the calculi for K5 and KD5 yields simplified prefixed tableau calculi for these logic reminiscent of the simplified tableau system for S5, which might be of independent interest.

Weak arithmetical interpretations for the Logic of Proofs

(with Thomas Studer)

Logic Journal of the IGPL 24(3):424440, June 2016

©Roman Kuznets and Thomas Studer 2016. Published by Oxford University Press

Artemov established an arithmetical interpretation for the Logics of Proofs LP_CS, which yields a classical provability semantics for the modal logic S4. The Logics of Proofs are parameterized by so-called constant specifications CS, stating which axioms can be used in the reasoning process, and the arithmetical interpretation relies on constant specifications being finite. In this article, we remove this restriction by introducing weak arithmetical interpretations that are sound and complete for a wide class of constant specifications, including infinite ones. In particular, they interpret the full Logic of Proofs LP.

Modal interpolation via nested sequents

(with Melvin Fitting)

Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 166(3):274305, March 2015

©2014 Elsevier B.V.

The main method of proving the Craig Interpolation Property (CIP) constructively uses cut-free sequent proof systems. Until now, however, no such method has been known for proving the CIP using more general sequent-like proof formalisms, such as hypersequents, nested sequents, and labelled sequents. In this paper, we start closing this gap by presenting an algorithm for proving the CIP for modal logics by induction on a nested-sequent derivation. This algorithm is applied to all the logics of the so-called modal cube.

Realizing public announcements by justifications

(with Samuel Bucheli and Thomas Studer)

Journal of Computer and System Sciences 80(6):10461066, September 2014

©2014 Elsevier B.V.

Modal public announcement logics study how beliefs change after public announcements. However, these logics cannot express the reason for a new belief. Justification logics fill this gap since they can formally represent evidence and justifications for an agent's belief. We present OPAL(K) and JPAL(K), two alternative justification counterparts of Gerbrandy–Groeneveld's public announcement logic PAL(K). We show that PAL(K) is the forgetful projection of both OPAL(K) and JPAL(K). We also establish that JPAL(K) partially realizes PAL(K). The question whether a similar result holds for OPAL(K) is still open.

Logical omniscience as infeasibility

(with Sergei Artemov)

Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 165(1):625, January 2014

©2013 Elsevier B.V.

Logical theories for representing knowledge are often plagued by the so-called Logical Omniscience Problem. The problem stems from the clash between the desire to model rational agents, which should be capable of simple logical inferences, and the fact that any logical inference, however complex, almost inevitably consists of inference steps that are simple enough. This contradiction points to the fruitlessness of trying to solve the Logical Omniscience Problem qualitatively if the rationality of agents is to be maintained. We provide a quantitative solution to the problem compatible with the two important facets of the reasoning agent: rationality and resource boundedness. More precisely, we provide a test for the logical omniscience problem in a given formal theory of knowledge. The quantitative measures we use are inspired by the complexity theory. We illustrate our framework with a number of examples ranging from the traditional implicit representation of knowledge in modal logic to the language of justification logic, which is capable of spelling out the internal inference process. We use these examples to divide representations of knowledge into logically omniscient and not logically omniscient, thus trying to determine how much information about the reasoning process needs to be present in a theory to avoid logical omniscience.

Realization for justification logics via nested sequents: 

Modularity through embedding

(with Remo Goetschi)

Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 163(9):12711298, September 2012

©2012 Elsevier B.V.

Justification logics are refinements of modal logics, where justification terms replace modalities. Modal and justification logics are connected via the so-called realization theorems. We develop a general constructive method of proving the realization of a modal logic in an appropriate justification logic by means of cut-free modal nested sequent systems. We prove a constructive realization theorem that uniformly connects every normal modal logic formed from the axioms d, t, b, 4, and 5 with one of its justification counterparts. We then generalize the notion of embedding introduced by Fitting for justification logics, which enables us to extend our realization theorem to all natural justification counterparts. As a result, we obtain a modular realization theorem that provides several justification counterparts based on various axiomatizations of a modal logic. We also prove that these justification counterparts realize the same modal logic if and only if they belong to the same equivalence class induced by our embedding relation, thereby demonstrating that the embedding provides the right level of granularity among justification logics.

Lower complexity bounds in justification logic

(with Samuel R. Buss)

Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 163(7):888905, July 2012

©2011 Elsevier B.V.

Justification logic studies epistemic and provability phenomena by introducing justifications/proofs into the language in the form of justification terms. Pure justification logics serve as counterparts of traditional modal epistemic logics, and hybrid logics combine epistemic modalities with justification terms. The computational complexity of pure justification logics is typically lower than that of the corresponding modal logics. Moreover, the so-called reflected fragments, which still contain complete information about the respective justification logics, are known to be in NP for a wide range of justification logics, pure and hybrid alike. This paper shows that, under reasonable additional restrictions, these reflected fragments are NP-complete, thereby proving a matching lower bound. The proof method is then extended to provide a uniform proof that the corresponding full pure justification logics are Π^p_2-hard, reproving and generalizing an earlier result by Milnikel.

Justifications for common knowledge

(with Samuel Bucheli and Thomas Studer)

Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 21(1):3560, JanuaryMarch 2011

©2011 Lavoisier, Paris

Justification logics are epistemic logics that explicitly include justifications for the agents' knowledge. We develop a multi-agent justification logic with evidence terms for individual agents as well as for common knowledge. We define a Kripke-style semantics that is similar to Fitting's semantics for the Logic of Proofs LP. We show the soundness, completeness, and finite model property of our multi-agent justification logic with respect to this Kripke-style semantics. We demonstrate that our logic is a conservative extension of Yavorskaya's minimal bimodal explicit evidence logic, which is a two-agent version of LP. We discuss the relationship of our logic to the multi-agent modal logic S4 with common knowledge. Finally, we give a brief analysis of the coordinated attack problem in the newly developed language of our logic.

Self-referential justifications in epistemic logic

Theory of Computing Systems 46(4):636661, May 2010

©Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2009

This paper is devoted to the study of self-referential proofs and/or justifications, i.e., valid proofs that prove statements about these same proofs. The goal is to investigate whether such self-referential justifications are present in the reasoning described by standard modal epistemic logics such as S4. We argue that the modal language by itself is too coarse to capture this concept of self-referentiality and that the language of justification logic can serve as an adequate refinement. We consider well-known modal logics of knowledge/belief and show, using explicit justifications, that S4, D4, K4, and T with their respective justification counterparts LP, JD4, J4, and JT describe knowledge that is self-referential in some strong sense. We also demonstrate that self-referentiality can be avoided for K and D.

In order to prove the former result, we develop a machinery of minimal evidence functions used to effectively build models for justification logics. We observe that the calculus used to construct the minimal functions axiomatizes the reflected fragments of justification logics. We also discuss difficulties that result from an introduction of negative introspection.

Making knowledge explicit: How hard it is

(with Vladimir Brezhnev)

Theoretical Computer Science 357(13):2334, July 2006

©2006 Elsevier B.V.

Artemov's logic of proofs LP is a complete calculus of propositions and proofs, which is now becoming a foundation for the evidence-based approach to reasoning about knowledge. Additional atoms in LP have form t:F, read as t is a proof of F” (or, more generally, as “t is an evidence for F”) for an appropriate system of terms t called proof polynomials. In this paper, we answer two well-known questions in this area. One of the main features of LP is its ability to realize modalities in any S4-derivation by proof polynomials thus revealing a statement about explicit evidences encoded in that derivation. We show that the original Artemov's algorithm of building such realizations can produce proof polynomials of exponential length in the size of the initial S4-derivation. We modify the realization algorithm to produce proof polynomials of at most quadratic length. We also found a modal formula, any realization of which necessarily requires self-referential constants of type c:A(c). This demonstrates that the evidence-based reasoning encoded by the modal logic S4 is inherently self-referential.

Peer-reviewed conference proceedings

A logic for repair and state recovery in byzantine  fault-tolerant multi-agent systems

(with Hans van Ditmarsch, Krisztina Fruza, and Ulrich Schmid)

In C. Benzmüller, M. J. H. Heule, and R. A. Schmidt, editors
Automated Reasoning:
12th International Joint Conference,  IJCAR 2024, Nancy, France, July 3–6, 2024, Proceedings, Part II

volume 14740 of Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, pages  114–134. Springer, 2024
©Hans van Ditmarsch, Krisztina Fruzsa, Roman Kuznets, and Ulrich Schmid 2024

We provide novel epistemic logical language and semantics for modeling and analysis of byzantine fault-tolerant multi-agent systems, with the intent of not only facilitating reasoning about the agents' fault status but also supporting model updates for repair and state recovery. Besides the standard knowledge modalities, our logic provides additional agent-specific hope modalities capable of expressing that an agent is not faulty, and also dynamic modalities enabling change to the agents' correctness status. These dynamic modalities are interpreted as model updates that come in three flavors: fully public, more private, and/or involving factual change. Tailored examples demonstrate the utility and flexibility of our logic for modeling a wide range of fault-detection, isolation, and recovery (FDIR) approaches in mission-critical distributed systems. By providing complete axiomatizations for all variants of our logic, we also create a foundation for building future verification tools for this important class of fault-tolerant applications.

A simple loopcheck for intuitionistic K

(with Marianna Girlando, Sonia Marin, Marianela Morales, and Lutz Straßburger)

In G. Metcalfe, T. Studer, and R. de Queiroz, editors
Logic, Language, Information, and Computation:

30th International Workshop, WoLLIC 2024, Bern, Switzerland, June 10–13, 2024, Proceedings

volume 14672 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 4763. Springer, 2024
©Marianna Girlando, Roman Kuznets, Sonia Marin, Marianela Morales, and Lutz Straßburger 2024

In this paper, we present an algorithm for establishing decidability and finite model property of intuitionistic modal logic IK. These two results have been previously established independently by proof theoretic and model theoretic techniques respectively. Our algorithm, by contrast, enables us to establish both properties at the same time and simplifies previous approaches. It implements root-first proof search in a labelled sequent calculus that employs two binary relations: one corresponding to the modal accessibility relation and the other to the preorder relation of intuitionistic models. As a result, all the rules become invertible, hence semantic completeness could be established directly by extracting a (possibly infinite) countermodel from a failed proof attempt. To obtain the finite model property, we rather introduce a simple loopcheck ensuring that root-first proof search always terminates. The resulting finite countermodel displays a layered structure akin to that of intuitionistic first order models.

Minimizing agents' state corruption resulting from leak-free epistemic communication modeling
(with Giorgio Cignarale and Thomas Schlögl)

In A. Meier and M. Ortiz, editors
Foundations of Information and Knowledge Systems:
13th International Symposium, FoIKS 2024, Sheffield, UK, April 8–11, 2024, Proceedings

volume 14589 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 165–181. Springer, 2024
©Giorgio Cignarale, Roman Kuznets, and Thomas Schlögl 2024

Epistemic Logic (EL) successfully models epistemic and doxastic attitudes of agents and groups in multi-agent systems, including distributed systems, via relational structures called Kripke models. Dynamic Epistemic Logic (DEL) adds communication in the form of model-transforming updates. Private communication is key in distributed systems as processes exchanging (potentially corrupted) information about their private local state may not be detectable by any other process. This focus on privacy clashes with the fact that updates are applied to the whole Kripke model, which is usually commonly known by all agents, potentially leading to information leakage. To avoid information leakage and to minimize the corruption of local states resulting from faulty information, we introduce a special stratified structure for Kripke models using a privatization operation that explicitly breaks the common knowledge of the model. To represent agent-to-agent communication we introduce a novel leakage-free update mechanism for solving the consistent update synthesis task: design an update that makes a given goal formula true while maintaining the consistency of agents’ beliefs, if possible.

On two- and three-valued semantics for impure simplicial complexes

(with Hans van Ditmarsch and Rojo Randrianometsoa)

In A. Achilleos and D. Della Monica, editors

Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Symposium on Games, Automata, Logics, and Formal Verification, Udine, Italy, 18–20th September 2023

volume 390 of Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science, pages 5066. Open Publishing Association, 2023

©2023 H. van Ditmarsch, R. Kuznets & R. Randrianomentsoa

Simplicial complexes are a convenient semantic primitive to reason about processes (agents) communicating with each other in synchronous and asynchronous computation. Impure simplicial complexes distinguish active processes from crashed ones, in other words, agents that are alive from agents that are dead. In order to rule out that dead agents reason about themselves and about other agents, three-valued epistemic semantics have been proposed where, in addition to the usual values true and false, the third value stands for undefined: the knowledge of dead agents is undefined and so are the propositional variables describing their local state. Other semantics for impure complexes are two-valued where a dead agent knows everything. Different choices in designing a semantics produce different three-valued semantics, and also different two-valued semantics. In this work, we categorize the available choices by discounting the bad ones, identifying the equivalent ones, and connecting the non-equivalent ones via a translation. The main result of the paper is identifying the main relevant distinction to be the number of truth values and bridging this difference by means of a novel embedding from three- into two-valued semantics. This translation also enables us to highlight quite fundamental modeling differences underpinning various two- and three-valued approaches in this area of combinatorial topology. In particular, pure complexes can be defined as those invariant under the translation.

Logic of communication interpretation: How to not get lost in translation
(with Giorgio Cignarale, Hugo Rincon Galeana, and Ulrich Schmid)

In U. Sattler and M. Suda, editors
Frontiers of Combining Systems:
14th International Symposium, FroCoS 2023, Prague, Czech Republic, September 20–22, 2023, Proceedings

volume 14279 of Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, pages 119136. Springer, 2023
©Giorgio Cignarale, Roman Kuznets, Hugo Rincon Galeana, and Ulrich Schmid 2023

Byzantine fault-tolerant distributed systems are designed to provide resiliency despite arbitrary faults, i.e., even in the presence of agents who do not follow the common protocol and/or despite compromised communication. It is, therefore, common to focus on the perspective of correct agents, to the point that the epistemic state of byzantine agents is completely ignored. Since this view relies on the assumption that faulty agents may behave arbitrarily adversarially, it is overly conservative in many cases. In blockchain settings, for example, dishonest players are usually not malicious, but rather selfish, and thus just follow some “hidden” protocol that is different from the protocol of the honest players. Similarly, in high-availability large-scale distributed systems, software updates cannot be globally instantaneous, but are rather performed node-by-node. Consequently, updated and non-updated nodes may simultaneously be involved in a protocol for solving a distributed task like consensus or transaction commit. Clearly, the usual assumption of common knowledge of the protocol is inappropriate in such a setting. On the other hand, joint protocol execution and, sometimes, even basic communication becomes problematic without this assumption: How are agents supposed to interpret each other’s messages without knowing their mutual communication protocols? We propose a novel epistemic modality creed for epistemic reasoning in heterogeneous distributed systems with agents that are uncertain of the actual communication protocol used by their peers. We show that the resulting logic is quite closely related to modal logic S5, the standard logic of epistemic reasoning in distributed systems. We demonstrate the utility of our approach by several examples .

Extensions of K5: Proof theory and uniform Lyndon interpolation

(with Iris van der Giessen and Raheleh Jalali)

In R. Ramanayake and J. Urban, editors
Automated Reasoning with Analytic Tableaux and Related Methods:

32nd International Conference, TABLEAUX 2023, Prague, Czech Republic, September 18–21, 2023, Proceedings

volume 14278 of Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, pages 263–282. Springer, 2023
©Iris van der Giessen, Raheleh Jalali, and Roman Kuznets 2023

We introduce a Gentzen-style framework, called layered sequent calculi, for modal logic K5 and its extensions KD5, K45, KD45, KB5, and S5 with the goal to investigate the uniform Lyndon interpolation property (ULIP), which implies both the uniform interpolation property and the Lyndon interpolation property. We obtain complexity-optimal decision procedures for all logics and present a constructive proof of the ULIP for K5, which to the best of our knowledge, is the first such syntactic proof. To prove that the interpolant is correct, we use model-theoretic methods, especially bisimulation modulo literals.

Intuitionistic S4 is decidable

(with Marianna Girlando, Sonia Marin, Marianela Morales, and Lutz Straßburger)

In 2023 38th Annual ACM/IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science (LICS):
26–29 June 2023, Boston, USA. IEEE, 2023
©2023 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted.  Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.

In this paper we demonstrate decidability for the intuitionistic modal logic S4 first formulated by Fischer Servi. This solves a problem that has been open for almost thirty years since it had been posed in Simpson's PhD thesis in 1994. We obtain this result by performing proof search in a labelled deductive system that, instead of using only one binary relation on the labels, employs two: one corresponding to the accessibility relation of modal logic and the other corresponding to the order relation of intuitionistic Kripke frames. Our search algorithm outputs either a proof or a finite counter-model, thus, additionally establishing the finite model property for intuitionistic S4, which has been another long-standing open problem in the area.

A new hope

(with Hans van Ditmarsch and Krisztina Fruzsa)

In D. Fernández-Duque, A. Palmigiano, and S. Pinchinat, editors

volume 14 of Advances in Modal Logic, pages 349369. College Publications, 2022

©Hans van Ditmarsch, Krisztina Fruzsa, Roman Kuznets, and College Publications 2022

Knowledge has long been identified as an inherent component of agents' decision-making in distributed systems. However, for agents in fault-tolerant distributed systems with fully byzantine agents, achieving knowledge is, in most cases, unrealistic. If agents can both lie and themselves be mistaken, then a message received is generally not sufficient to create knowledge. This problem is adequately addressed by an epistemic modality named hope, which has already been axiomatized. In this paper, we propose an alternative complete axiomatization for the hope modality by removing the reliance on designated atoms denoting correctness of individual agents and show that hope can be described as a KB4_n system. This additionally bringsa more streamlined presentation of the common hope modality (the hope analog of common knowledge). We also combine KB4_n hope modalities with S5_n knowledge modalities traditionally used in the epistemic analysis of fault-free distributed systems and present a logic enriched with both common knowledge and common hope. In these logics we formalize as frame-characterizable axioms some of the main properties of fully byzantine distributed systems: bounds on the number of faulty agents and the epistemic limitations due to agents' inability to rule out brain-in-a-vat scenarios.

Uniform interpolation via nested sequents

(with Iris van der Giessen and Raheleh Jalali)

In A. Silva, R. Wassermann, and R. de Queiroz, editors

Logic, Language, Information, and Computation:

27th International Workshop, WoLLIC 2021, Virtual Event, October 5–8, 2021, Proceedings

volume 13038 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 337354. Springer, 2021

©Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021

A modular proof-theoretic framework was recently developed to prove Craig interpolation for normal modal logics based on generalizations of sequent calculi (e.g., nested sequents, hypersequents, and labelled sequents). In this paper, we turn to uniform interpolation, which is stronger than Craig interpolation. We develop a constructive method for proving uniform interpolation via nested sequents and apply it to reprove the uniform interpolation property for normal modal logics K, D, and T. While our method is proof-theoretic, the definition of uniform interpolation for nested sequents also uses semantic notions, including bisimulation modulo an atomic proposition.


(with Krisztina Fruzsa and Ulrich Schmid)

In J. Halpern and A. Perea, editors

Proceedings of the Eighteenth Conference on Theoretical Aspects of Rationality and Knowledge, Beijing, China, June 2527, 2021

volume 335 of Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science, pages 139153. Open Publishing Association, 2021

©2021 K. Fruzsa, R. Kuznets & U. Schmid

In this paper, we provide an epistemic analysis of a simple variant of the fundamental consistent broadcasting primitive for byzantine fault-tolerant asynchronous distributed systems. Our Firing Rebels with Relay (FRR) primitive enables agents with a local preference for acting/not acting to trigger an action (FIRE) at all correct agents, in an all-or-nothing fashion. By using the epistemic reasoning framework for byzantine multi-agent systems introduced in our TARK'19 paper, we develop the necessary and sufficient state of knowledge that needs to be acquired by the agents in order to FIRE. It involves eventual common hope (a modality related to belief), which we show to be attained already by achieving eventual mutual hope in the case of FRR. We also identify subtle variations of the necessary and sufficient state of knowledge for FRR for different assumptions on the local preferences.

The persistence of false memory: Brain in a vat despite perfect clocks

(with Thomas Schlögl and Ulrich Schmid)

In  T. Uchiya, Q. Bai, and I. Marsá Maestre, editors

PRIMA 2020: Principles and Practice of Multi-Agent Systems:

23rd International Conference, Nagoya, Japan, November 1820, 2020, Proceedings

volume 12568 of Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, pages 403411. Springer, 2021

©Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021

We extend a recently introduced epistemic reasoning framework for multi-agent systems with byzantine faulty asynchronous agents by incorporating features like reliable communication, time-bounded communication, multicasting, synchronous and lockstep synchronous agents. We use this extension framework for analyzing fault detection abilities of synchronous and lockstep synchronous agents and show that even perfectly synchronized clocks cannot be used to avoid “brain-in-a-vat” scenarios.

Epistemic reasoning with byzantine-faulty agents

(with Krisztina Fruzsa, Laurent Prosperi, and Ulrich Schmid)

In A. Herzig and A. Popescu, editors

Frontiers of Combining Systems:

12th International Symposium, FroCoS 2019, London, UK, September 46, 2019, Proceedings

volume 11715 of Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, pages 259276. Springer, 2019

©Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

We introduce a novel comprehensive framework for epistemic reasoning in multi-agent systems where agents may behave asynchronously and may be byzantine faulty. Extending Fagin et al.'s classic runs-and-systems framework to agents who may arbitrarily deviate from their protocols, it combines epistemic and temporal logic and incorporates fine-grained mechanisms for specifying distributed protocols and their behaviors. Besides our framework's ability to express any type of faulty behavior, from fully byzantine to fully benign, it allows to specify arbitrary timing and synchronization properties. As a consequence, it can be adapted to any message-passing distributed computing model we are aware of, including synchronous processes and communication, (un-)reliable uni-/multi-/broadcast communication, and even coordinated action. The utility of our framework is demonstrated by formalizing the brain-in-a-vat scenario, which exposes the substantial limitations of what can be known by asynchronous agents in fault-tolerant distributed systems. Given the knowledge of preconditions principle, this restricts preconditions that error-prone agents can use in their protocols. In particular, it is usually necessary to relativize preconditions with respect to the correctness of the acting agent.

Causality and epistemic reasoning in byzantine multi-agent systems

(with Krisztina Fruzsa, Laurent Prosperi, and Ulrich Schmid)

In L. S. Moss, editor

Proceedings of the Seventeenth Conference on Theoretical Aspects of Rationality and Knowledge, Toulouse, France, 1719 July 2019

volume 297 of Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science, pages 293312. Open Publishing Association, 2019

©2019 R. Kuznets, L. Prosperi, U. Schmid & K. Fruzsa

Causality is an important concept both for proving impossibility results and for synthesizing efficient protocols in distributed computing. For asynchronous agents communicating over unreliable channels, causality is well studied and understood. This understanding, however, relies heavily on the assumption that agents themselves are correct and reliable. We provide the first epistemic analysis of causality in the presence of byzantine agents, i.e., agents that can deviate from their protocol and, thus, cannot be relied upon. Using our new framework for epistemic reasoning in fault-tolerant multi-agent systems, we determine the byzantine analog of the causal cone and describe a communication structure, which we call a multipede, necessary for verifying preconditions for actions in this setting.

Interpolation for intermediate logics via hyper- and linear nested sequents

(with Björn Lellmann)

In G. Bezhanishvili, G. D'Agostino, G. Metcalfe, and T. Studer, editors

volume 12 of Advances in Modal Logic, pages 473492. College Publications, 2018

©Roman Kuznets, Björn Lellmann, and College Publications 2018

The goal of this paper is extending to intermediate logics the constructive proof-theoretic method of proving Craig and Lyndon interpolation via hypersequents and nested sequents developed earlier for classical modal logics. While both Jankov and Gödel logics possess hypersequent systems, we show that our method can only be applied to the former. To tackle the latter, we switch to linear nested sequents, demonstrate syntactic cut elimination for them, and use it to prove interpolation for Gödel logic. Thereby, we answer in the positive the open question of whether Gödel logic enjoys the Lyndon interpolation property.

Proving Craig and Lyndon interpolation using labelled sequent calculi

In L. Michael and A. Kakas, editors

Logics in Artificial Intelligence:

15th European Conference, JELIA 2016, Larnaca, Cyprus, November 911, 2016, Proceedings

volume 10021 of Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, pages 320335. Springer, 2016

©2016 Springer International Publishing AG

Interpolation is a fundamental logical property with applications in mathematics, computer science, and artificial intelligence. In this paper, we develop a general method of translating a semantic description of modal logics via Kripke models into a constructive proof of the Lyndon interpolation property (LIP) via labelled sequents. Using this method we demonstrate that all frame conditions representable as Horn formulas imply the LIP and that all 15 logics of the modal cube, as well as the infinite family of transitive Geach logics, enjoy the LIP.

Interpolation method for multicomponent sequent calculi

In S. Artemov and A. Nerode, editors

Logics Foundations of Computer Science:

International Symposium, LFCS 2016, Deerfield Beach, FL, USA, January 47, 2016, Proceedings

volume 9537 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 202218. Springer, 2016

©2016 Springer International Publishing Switzerland

The proof-theoretic method of proving the Craig interpolation property was recently extended from sequents to nested sequents and hypersequents. There the notations were formalism-specific, obscuring the underlying common idea, which is presented here in a general form applicable also to other similar formalisms, e.g., prefixed tableaus. It describes requirements sufficient for using the method on a proof system for a logic, as well as additional requirements for certain types of rules. The applicability of the method, however, does not imply its success. We also provide examples from common proof systems to highlight various types of interpolant manipulations that can be employed by the method. The new results are the application of the method to a recent formalism of grafted hypersequents (in their tableau version), the general treatment of external structural rules, including the analytic cut, and the method's extension to the Lyndon interpolation property.

Realization theorems for justification logics: Full modularity

(with Annemarie Borg)

In H. De Nivelle, editor

Automated Reasoning with Analytic Tableaux and Related Methods:

24th International Conference, TABLEAUX 2015, Wrocław, Poland, September 2124, 2015, Proceedings

volume 9323 of Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, pages 221236. Springer, 2015

©2015 Springer International Publishing Switzerland

Justification logics were introduced by Artemov in 1995 to provide intuitionistic logic with a classical provability semantics, a problem originally posed by Gödel. Justification logics are refinements of modal logics and formally connected to them by so-called realization theorems. A constructive proof of a realization theorem typically relies on a cut-free sequent-style proof system for the corresponding modal logic. A uniform realization theorem for all the modal logics of the so-called modal cube, i.e., for the extensions of the basic modal logic K with any subset of the axioms d, t, b, 4, and 5, has been proven using nested sequents. However, the proof was not modular in that some realization theorems required postprocessing in the form of translation on the justification logic side. This translation relied on additional restrictions on the language of the justification logic in question, thus, narrowing the scope of realization theorems. We present a fully modular proof of the realization theorems for the modal cube that is based on modular nested sequents introduced by Marin and Straßburger.

Update as evidence: Belief expansion

(with Thomas Studer)

In S. Artemov and A. Nerode, editors

Logical Foundations of Computer Science:

International Symposium, LFCS 2013, San Diego, CA, USA, January 2013, Proceedings

volume 7734 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 266279. Springer, 2013

©2013 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg

We introduce a justification logic with a novel constructor for evidence terms, according to which the new information itself serves as evidence for believing it. We provide a sound and complete axiomatization for belief expansion and minimal change and explain how the minimality can be graded according to the strength of reasoning. We also provide an evidential analog of the Ramsey axiom.

Decidability for justification logics revisited

(with Samuel Bucheli and Thomas Studer)

In G. Bezhanishvili, S. Löbner, V. Marra, and F. Richter, editors

Logic, Language, and Computation:

9th International Tbilisi Symposium on Logic, Language, and Computation, TbiLLC 2011, Kutaisi, Georgia, September 2011, Revised Selected Papers

volume 7758 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 166181. Springer, 2013

©2013 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg

Justification logics are propositional modal-like logics that instead of statements A is known include statements of the form A is known for reason t where the term t can represent an informal justification for A or a formal proof of A. In our present work, we introduce model-theoretic tools, namely: filtrations and a certain form of generated submodels, in the context of justification logic in order to obtain decidability results. Apart from reproving already known results in a uniform way, we also prove new results. In particular, we use our submodel construction to establish decidability for a justification logic with common knowledge for which so far no decidability proof was available.

Justifications, ontology, and conservativity

(with Thomas Studer)

In T. Bolander, T. Braüner, S. Ghilardi, and L. Moss, editors

volume 9 of Advances in Modal Logic, pages 437458. College Publications, 2012

©Roman Kuznets, Thomas Studer, and College Publications 2012

An ontologically transparent semantics for justifications that interprets justifications as sets of formulas they justify has been recently presented by Artemov. However, this semantics of modular models has only been studied for the case of the basic justification logic J, corresponding to the modal logic K. It has been left open how to extend and relate modular models to the already existing symbolic and epistemic semantics for justification logics with additional axioms, in particular, for logics of knowledge with factive justifications.

We introduce modular models for extensions of J with any combination of the axioms (jd), (jt), (j4), (j5), and (jb), which are the explicit counterparts of standard modal axioms. After establishing soundness and completeness results, we examine the relationship of modular models to more traditional symbolic and epistemic models. This comparison yields several new semantics, including symbolic models for logics of belief with negative introspection (j5) and models for logics with the axiom (jb). Besides pure justification logics, we also consider logics with both justifications and a belief/knowledge modal operator of the same strength. In particular, we use modular models to study the conditions under which the addition of such an operator to a justification logic yields a conservative extension.

Partial realization in dynamic justification logic

(with Samuel Bucheli and Thomas Studer)

In L. D. Beklemishev and R. de Queiroz, editors

Logic, Language, Information and Computation:

18th International Workshop, WoLLIC 2011, Philadelphia, PA, USA, May 2011, Proceedings

volume 6642 of Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, pages 3551. Springer, 2011

©2011 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg

Justification logic is an epistemic framework that provides a way to express explicit justifications for the agent's belief. In this paper, we present OPAL, a dynamic justification logic that includes term operators to reflect public announcements on the level of justifications. We create dynamic epistemic semantics for OPAL. We also elaborate on the relationship of dynamic justification logics to Gerbrandy–Groeneveld's PAL by providing a partial realization theorem.

A syntactic realization theorem for justification logics

(with Kai Brünnler and Remo Goetschi)

In L. Beklemishev, V. Goranko, and V. Shehtman, editors

volume 8 of Advances in Modal Logic, pages 3958. College Publications, 2010

©Kai Brünnler, Remo Goetschi, Roman Kuznets, and College Publications 2010

Justification logics are refinements of modal logics where modalities are replaced by justification terms. They are connected to modal logics via so-called realization theorems. We present a syntactic proof of a single realization theorem that uniformly connects all the normal modal logics formed from the axioms d, t, b, 4, and 5 with their justification counterparts. The proof employs cut-free nested sequent systems together with Fitting’s realization merging technique. We further strengthen the realization theorem for KB5 and S5 by showing that the positive introspection operator is superfluous.

Two ways to common knowledge

(with Samuel Bucheli and Thomas Studer)

In T. Bolander and T. Braüner, editors

Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Methods for Modalities (M4M-6 2009):

1214 November 2009, Copenhagen, Denmark

volume 262 of Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, pages 8398. Elsevier, 2010

©2010 Elsevier B.V.

It is not clear what a system for evidence-based common knowledge should look like if common knowledge is treated as a greatest fixed point. This paper is a preliminary step towards such a system. We argue that the standard induction rule is not well suited to axiomatize evidence-based common knowledge. As an alternative, we study two different deductive systems for the logic of common knowledge. The first system makes use of an induction axiom whereas the second one is based on co-inductive proof theory. We show the soundness and completeness for both systems.

Logical omniscience as a computational complexity problem

(with Sergei Artemov)

In A. Heifetz, editor

Theoretical Aspects of Rationality and Knowledge, Proceedings of the Twelfth Conference (TARK 2009)

pages 1423. ACM, 2009

©2009 Sergei Artemov and Roman Kuznets

The logical omniscience feature assumes that an epistemic agent knows all logical consequences of her assumptions. This paper offers a general theoretical framework that views logical omniscience as a computational complexity problem. We suggest the following approach: we assume that the knowledge of an agent is represented by an epistemic logical system E; we call such an agent not logically omniscient if for any valid knowledge assertion A of type F is known, a proof of F in E can be found in polynomial time in the size of A. We show that agents represented by major modal logics of knowledge and belief are logically omniscient, whereas agents represented by justification logic systems are not logically omniscient with respect to t is a justification for F.

The NP-completeness of reflected fragments of justification logics

(with Samuel R. Buss)

In S. Artemov and A. Nerode, editors

Logical Foundations of Computer Science:

International Symposium, LFCS 2009, Deerfield Beach, FL, USA, January 2009, Proceedings

volume 5407 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 122136. Springer, 2008

©2008 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg

Justification Logic studies epistemic and provability phenomena by introducing justifications/proofs into the language in the form of justification terms. Pure justification logics serve as counterparts of traditional modal epistemic logics, and hybrid logics combine epistemic modalities with justification terms. The computational complexity of pure justification logics is typically lower than that of the corresponding modal logics. Moreover, the so-called reflected fragments, which still contain complete information about the respective justification logics, are known to be in NP for a wide range of justification logics, pure and hybrid alike. This paper shows that, under reasonable additional restrictions, these reflected fragments are NP-complete, thereby proving a matching lower bound.

Self-referentiality of justified knowledge

In E. A. Hirsch, A. A. Razborov, A. Semenov, and A. Slissenko, editors

Computer Science — Theory and Applications:

Third International Computer Science Symposium in Russia, CSR 2008, Moscow, Russia, June 2008, Proceedings

volume 5010 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 228239. Springer, 2008

©2008 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg

The principal result of Justification Logic is the Realization Theorem, which states that behind major epistemic modal logics there are corresponding systems of evidence/justification terms sufficient for reading all provable knowledge assertions as statements about justifications. A knowledge/belief modality is self-referential if there are modal sentences that cannot be realized without using self-referential evidence of type “t is a proof of A(t).” Building on an earlier result that S4 and its justification counterpart LP describe knowledge that is self-referential, we show that the same is true for K4, D4, and T with their justification counterparts whereas for K and D self-referentiality can be avoided. Therefore, no single modal axiom from the standard axiomatizations of these logics is responsible for self-referentiality.

Proof identity for classical logic: Generalizing to normality

In S. N. Artemov and A. Nerode, editors

Logical Foundations of Computer Science:

International Symposium, LFCS 2007, New York, NY, USA , June 2007, Proceedings

volume 4514 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 332348. Springer, 2007

©2007 Springer Berlin Heidelberg

The problem of the identity criteria for proofs can be traced to Hilbert and Prawitz. One of the approaches, which uses the concept of generality of proofs, was suggested in 1968 by Lambek. Following his ideas, we propose a language and a logic to represent Hilbert-style proofs for classical propositional logic by adapting the Logic of Proofs (LP) introduced by Artemov in 1994. We prove that proof polynomials, the objects representing Hilbert derivations in LP, are sufficient to realize all propositional derivations, with or without hypotheses. We also show that proof polynomials respect the ideas of generality and provide an algorithm for determining whether two given proof polynomials represent the same proof. These results naturally extend similar properties of combinatory logic demonstrated by Hindley. The language of LP allows us to formally capture more structure of Hilbert-style proofs. In particular, we show how the well-known phenomenon of proof composition in classical logic manifests itself in the case of Hilbert proofs.

Logical omniscience via proof complexity

(with Sergei Artemov)

In Z. Ésik, editor

Computer Science Logic:

20th International Workshop, CSL 2006, 15th Annual Conference of the EACSL, Szeged, Hungary, September 2006, Proceedings

volume 4207 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 135149. Springer, 2006

©2006 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg

The Hintikka-style modal logic approach to knowledge contains a well-known defect of logical omniscience, i.e., the unrealistic feature that an agent knows all logical consequences of her assumptions. In this paper, we suggest the following Logical Omniscience Test (LOT): an epistemic system E is not logically omniscient if for any valid in E knowledge assertion A of type ‘F is known,’ there is a proof of F in E, the complexity of which is bounded by some polynomial in the length of A. We show that the usual epistemic modal logics are logically omniscient (modulo some common complexity assumptions). We also apply LOT to evidence-based knowledge systems, which, along with the usual knowledge operator K_i(F) (‘agent i knows F’), contain evidence assertions t:F (‘t is a justification for  F’). In evidence-based systems, the evidence part is an appropriate extension of the Logic of Proofs LP, which guarantees that the collection of evidence terms t is rich enough to match modal logic. We show that evidence-based knowledge systems are logically omniscient w.r.t. the usual knowledge and are not logically omniscient w.r.t. evidence-based knowledge.

Complexity of evidence-based knowledge

In S. Artemov and R. Parikh, editors

Proceedings of the Workshop on Rationality and Knowledge:

18th European Summer School in Logic, Language, and Information, 7–11 August 2006, Universidad de Málaga, pages 6675. FoLLI, 2006

©2006 Roman Kuznets

A system of evidence-based knowledge S4LP was recently proposed by Artemov and Nogina. It combines epistemic modal operator with explicit evidence represented by evidence terms similar to those of Artemov's Logic of Proofs. This logic S4LP and its generalizations promise a new approach to common knowledge and to the logical omniscience problem. In this paper, we show that this logic is PSPACE-complete. Thus adding explicit evidence to S4 does not seem to increase the complexity of the logic.

On the complexity of explicit modal logics

In P. G. Clote and H. Schwichtenberg, editors

Computer Science Logic:

14th International Workshop, CSL 2000, Annual Conference of the EACSL, Fischbachau, Germany, August 2000, Proceedings

volume 1862 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 371383. Springer, 2000

©2000 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg

Explicit modal logic was introduced by S. Artemov. Whereas the traditional modal logic uses atoms ☐F with a possible semantics “F is provable”, the explicit modal logic deals with atoms of form t:F, where t is a proof polynomial denoting a specific proof of a formula F. Artemov found the explicit modal logic LP in this new format and built an algorithm that recovers explicit proof polynomials corresponding to modalities in every derivation in K. Gödel’s modal provability calculus S4. In this paper we study the complexity of LP as well as the complexity of explicit counterparts of the modal logics K, D, T, K4, D4 found by V. Brezhnev. The main result: the satisfiability problem for each of these explicit modal logics belongs to the class Σ^p_2 of the polynomial hierarchy. Similar problem for the original modal logics is known to be PSPACE-complete. Therefore, explicit modal logics have much better upper complexity bounds than the original modal logics.

Ph.D. thesis

Complexity Issues in Justification Logic

Ph.D. thesis

City University of New York, May 2008

©2008 Roman Kuznets

Justification Logic is an emerging field that studies provability, knowledge, and belief via explicit proofs or justifications that are part of the language. There exist many justification logics closely related to modal epistemic logics of knowledge and belief. Instead of modality ◻ in pure justification logics, or in addition to modality ◻ in hybrid logics, which has an existential epistemic reading 'there exists a proof of F,' all justification logics use constructs t:F, where a justification term t represents a blueprint of a Hilbert-style proof of F. The first justification logic, LP, introduced by Sergei Artemov, was shown to be a justification counterpart of modal logic S4 and serves as a missing link between S4 and Peano arithmetic, thereby solving a long-standing problem of provability semantics for S4 and Int.

The machinery of explicit justifications can be used to analyze well-known epistemic paradoxes, e.g. Gettier's examples of justified true belief that can hardly be considered knowledge, and to find new approaches to the concept of common knowledge. Yet another possible application is the Logical Omniscience Problem, which reflects an undesirable property of knowledge as described by modality when an agent knows all the logical consequences of his/her knowledge. The language of justification logic opens new ways to tackle this problem.

This thesis focuses on quantitative analysis of justification logics. We explore their decidability and complexity of Validity Problem for them. A closer analysis of the realization phenomenon in general and of one procedure in particular enables us to deduce interesting corollaries about self-referentiality for several modal logics. A framework for proving decidability of various justification logics is developed by generalizing the Finite Model Property. Limitations of the method are demonstrated through an example of an undecidable justification logic. We study reflected fragments of justification logics and provide them with an axiomatization and a decision procedure whose complexity (the upper bound) turns out to be uniform for all justification logics, both pure and hybrid. For many justification logics, we also present lower and upper complexity bounds.

Working papers and technical reports

Bisimulation for Impure Simplicial Complexes

(with  Marta Bílková, Hans van Ditmarsch, and Rojo Randrianomentsoa)
Eprint 2406.16785

arXiv, June 2024
In Press at AiML 2024.

As an alternative to Kripke models, simplicial complexes are a versatile semantic primitive on which to interpret epistemic logic. Given a set of vertices, a simplicial complex is a downward closed set of subsets, called simplexes, of the vertex set. A maximal simplex is called a facet. Impure simplicial complexes represent that some agents (processes) are dead. It is known that impure simplicial complexes categorically correspond to so-called partial epistemic (Kripke) models. In this contribution, we define a notion of bisimulation to compare impure simplicial complexes and show that it has the Hennessy-Milner property. These results are for a logical language including atoms that express whether agents are alive or dead. Without these atoms no reasonable standard notion of bisimulation exists, as we amply justify by counterexamples, because such a restricted language is insufficiently expressive.

Consistent Update Synthesis via Privatized Beliefs

(with  Giorgio Cignarale and Thomas Schlögl)
Eprint 2406.10010

arXiv, June 2024

Kripke models are an effective and widely used tool for representing epistemic attitudes of agents in multi-agent systems, including distributed systems. Dynamic Epistemic Logic (DEL) adds communication in the form of model transforming updates. Private communication is key in distributed systems as processes exchanging (potentially corrupted) information about their private local state should not be detectable by any other processes. This focus on privacy clashes with the standard DEL assumption for which updates are applied to the whole Kripke model, which is usually commonly known by all agents, potentially leading to information leakage. In addition, a commonly known model cannot minimize the corruption of agents' local states due to fault information dissemination. The contribution of this paper is twofold: (I) To represent leak-free agent-to-agent communication, we introduce a way to synthesize an action model which stratifies a pointed Kripke model into private agent-clusters, each representing the local knowledge of the processes: Given a goal formula ϕ representing the effect of private communication, we provide a procedure to construct an action model that (a) makes the goal formula true, (b) maintain consistency of agents' beliefs, if possible, without causing "unrelated" beliefs (minimal change) thus minimizing the corruption of local states in case of inconsistent information. (II) We introduce a new operation between pointed Kripke models and pointed action models called pointed updates which, unlike the product update operation of DEL, maintain only the subset of the world-event pairs that are reachable from the point, without unnecessarily blowing up the model size.

Representing Epistemic Attitudes via Simplicial Complexes
(report of the working group of Alexandru Baltag, Henning Basold, Hans van Ditmarsch, Roman Kniazev, Sophia Knight, Jérémy Ledent, David Lehnherr, Rojo Randrianomentsoa, Sonja Smets, Thomas Studer)
Dagstuhl Reports 13(7):53–60, March 2024
©2024 Alexandru Baltag, Henning Basold, Hans van Ditmarsch, Roman Kniazev, Sophia Knight, Roman Kuznets, Jérémy Ledent, David Lehnherr, Rojo Randrianomentsoa, Sonja Smets, Thomas Studer

A priori Belief Updates as a Method for Agent Self-Recovery

(with Giorgio Cignarale)

Eprint 2312.06471

arXiv, December 2023

Standard epistemic logic is concerned with describing agents' epistemic attitudes given the current set of alternatives the agents consider possible. While distributed systems can (and often are) discussed without mentioning epistemics, it has been well established that epistemic phenomena lie at the heart of what agents, or processes, can and cannot do. Dynamic epistemic logic (DEL) aims to describe how epistemic attitudes of the agents/processes change based on the new information they receive, e.g., based on their observations of events and actions in a distributed system. In a broader philosophical view, this appeals to an a posteriori kind of reasoning, where agents update the set of alternatives considered possible based on their "experiences."

Until recently, there was little incentive to formalize a priori reasoning, which plays a role in designing and maintaining distributed systems, e.g., in determining which states must be considered possible by agents in order to solve the distributed task at hand, and consequently in updating these states when unforeseen situations arise during runtime. With systems becoming more and more complex and large, the task of fixing design errors "on the fly" is shifted to individual agents, such as in the increasingly popular self-adaptive and self-organizing (SASO) systems. Rather than updating agents' a posteriori beliefs, this requires modifying their a priori beliefs about the system's global design and parameters.

The goal of this paper is to provide a formalization of such a priori reasoning by using standard epistemic semantic tools, including Kripke models and DEL-style updates, and provide heuristics that would pave the way to streamlining this inherently non-deterministic and ad hoc process for SASO systems.

Wanted Dead or Alive: Epistemic logic for impure simplicial complexes

(with Hans van Ditmarsch)

Eprint 2103.03032

arXiv, February 2022 (updated April 2023)
Accepted to Journal of Logic and Computation.

We propose a logic of knowledge for impure simplicial complexes. Impure simplicial complexes represent synchronous distributed systems under uncertainty over which processes are still active (are alive) and which processes have failed or crashed (are dead). Our work generalizes the logic of knowledge for pure simplicial complexes, where all processes are alive, by Goubault et al. In our semantics, given a designated face in a complex, a formula can only be true or false there if it is defined. The following are undefined: dead processes cannot know or be ignorant of any proposition, and live processes cannot know or be ignorant of factual propositions involving processes they know to be dead. The semantics are therefore three-valued, with undefined as the third value. We propose an axiomatization that is a version of the modal logic S5. We also show that impure simplicial complexes correspond to certain Kripke models where agents' accessibility relations are equivalence relations on a subset of the domain only. This work extends a WoLLIC 21 conference publication with the same title.

Knowledge in Byzantine Message-Passing Systems I: 

Framework and the Causal Cone

(with Krisztina Fruzsa, Lucas Gréaux, Laurent Prosperi, and Ulrich Schmid)

Technical Report TUW-260549 

TU Wien, January 2019

We present an extension incorporating Byzantine agents into the epistemic runs-and-systems framework for modeling distributed systems introduced by Fagin et al. Our framework relies on a careful separation of concerns for various actors involved in the evolution of a message-passing distributed system: the agents' protocols, the underlying computational model, and the adversary controlling Byzantine faulty behavior, with each component adjustable individually. This modularity will allow our framework to be eventually extended to most existing distributed computing models. The main novelty of our framework is its ability to reason about knowledge of Byzantine agents who need not follow their protocols and may or may not be aware of their own faultiness.

We demonstrate the utility of this framework by first reproducing the standard results regarding Lamport's happened-before causal relation and then identifying its Byzantine analog representing the necessary communication structure for attaining knowledge in asynchronous systems with Byzantine faulty agents.

Lightly peer-reviewed conference papers

Communication modalities

In L. L. Patey, E. Pimentel, L. Galeotti, and F. Manea, editors
Twenty Years of Theoretical and Practical Synergies:
20th Conference on Computability in Europe, CiE 2024, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, July 812, 2024, Proceedings

volume 14773 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages  6071. Springer, 2024
©Roman Kuznets 2024

Epistemic analysis of distributed systems is one of the biggest successes among applications of logic in computer science. The reason for that is that agents' actions are necessarily guided by their knowledge. Thus, epistemic modal logic, with its knowledge and belief modalities (and group versions thereof), has played a vital role in establishing both impossibility results and necessary conditions for solvable distributed tasks. In distributed systems, knowledge is largely attained via communication. It has been standard in both distributed systems and dynamic epistemic logic to treat incoming messages as trustworthy, thus, creating difficulties in the epistemic analysis of byzantine distributed systems where faulty agents may lie. In this paper, we argue that handling such communication scenarios calls for additional modalities representing the informational content of messages that should not be taken at face value. We present two such modalities: hope for the case of fully byzantine agents and creed for non-uniform communication protocols in general.

Justified belief change

(with Samuel Bucheli, Bryan Renne, Joshua Sack, and Thomas Studer)

In X. Arrazola and M. Ponte, editors


Proceedings of the Second ILCLI International Workshop on Logic and Philosophy of Knowledge, Communication and Action

pages 135155. University of the Basque Country Press, 2010

©Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco 

©Euskal Herriko Unibertsitateko Argitalpen Zerbitzua 

©University of the Basque Country Press

Justification Logic is a framework for reasoning about evidence and justification. Public Announcement Logic is a framework for reasoning about belief changes caused by public announcements. This paper develops JPAL, a dynamic justification logic of public announcements that corresponds to the modal theory of public announcements due to Gerbrandy and Groeneveld. JPAL allows us to reason about evidence brought about by and changed by Gerbrandy–Groeneveld-style public announcements.

A note on the use of sum in the Logic of Proofs

In C. Drossos, P. Peppas, and C. Tsinakis, editors

Proceedings of the 7th Panhellenic Logic Symposium

pages 99103. Patras University Press, 2009

©2009, PUP

The Logic of Proofs LP, introduced by Artemov, encodes the same reasoning as the modal logic S4 using proofs explicitly present in the language. In particular, Artemov showed that three operators on proofs (application , positive introspection !, and sum +) are sufficient to mimic provability concealed in S4 modality. While the first two operations go back to Gödel, the exact role of + remained somewhat unclear. In particular, it was not known whether the other two operations are sufficient by themselves. We provide a positive answer to this question under a very weak restriction on the axiomatization of LP.

Short notes and abstracts

A priori knowledge in distributed systems
In Kurt Gödel Day, KGD2024 & Czech Gathering of Logicians, CGL2024,
27–28 May 2024, Brno, the Czech Republic, Book of Abstracts
pages 24–25. 2024

Impure simplicial complexes: Local view
(with Hans van Ditmarsch and Rojo Randrianomentsoa)
Dagstuhl Reports 13(7):43, March 2024
©2024 Roman Kuznets

We discuss the choices that the local view suggests for impure simplicial complexes, i.e., complexes where some of the agents may have crashed. We settle on a three-valued semantics with the third value being "undefined" and provide a sound and complete axiomatization by means of a novel canonical simplicial model construction.

Simplicial approaches to crashing agents

(with Hans van Ditmarsch and Rojo Randrianomentsoa)

In Workshop on Proof Theory, Modal Logic and Reflection Principles,
Wormshop 2023, Bern, Booklet of Abstracts

A decision procedure for IS4

(with Marianna Girlando, Sonia Marin, Marianela Morales, and Lutz Straßburger)

In Workshop on Proof Theory, Modal Logic and Reflection Principles,
Wormshop 2023, Bern, Booklet of Abstracts

Always look on both sides of proof:
Syntax and semantics as the yin and yang of structural proof theory

In R. Ramanayake and J. Urban, editors
Automated Reasoning with Analytic Tableaux and Related Methods:

32nd International Conference, TABLEAUX 2023, Prague, Czech Republic, September 18–21, 2023, Proceedings

volume 14278 of Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, page xxi. Springer, 2023
©Roman Kuznets 2023

Decidability of intuitionistic S4: A labelled approach

(with Marianna Girlando, Sonia Marin, Marianela Morales, and Lutz Straßburger)

In SILFS 2023, Triennial International Conference, Urbino, 4–7 September, Book of Abstracts
page 29. 2023

Several intuitionistic versions of classical modal logics have been introduced in the literature, by adding modal operators to intuitionistic, instead of classical, propositional logic. We are here interested in logic IS4, which results from combining intuitionistic logic with classical modal logic S4, characterized by reflexive and transitive frames. The logic, proposed by Fischer Servi (1984) and Plotkin and Stirling (1986), has two independent modalities and is interpreted over birelational Kripke models. The problem of decidability of IS4 has been open for almost thirty years, since it has been posed in Simpson’s PhD thesis in 1994. We present a decision procedure for IS4, obtained by defining a proof-search algorithm based on a labelled sequent calculus, which explicitly incorporates the two accessibility relations of Kripke models for the logic. The search algorithm outputs either a proof or a finite countermodel, thus additionally establishing the finite model property for IS4.

To prove or not to prove that IS4

(with Marianna Girlando, Sonia Marin, Marianela Morales, and Lutz Straßburger)

In The Proof Society Summer School and Workshop 2023, Booklet of Abstracts
pages 55–56. 2023

Decidability of intuitionistic S4

(with Marianna Girlando, Sonia Marin, Marianela Morales, and Lutz Straßburger)

In Logica 2023, Abstracts
pages 32–33. 2023

Proving uniform interpolation via multicomponent sequent calculi 

(with Iris van der Giessen and Raheleh Jalali)

In Logic Colloquium 2023, European Summer Meeting of the Association for Symbolic Logic

University of Milan, Italy, 59 June 2023

Book of Abstracts
University of Milan, 2023.

Framing faultiness Kripke style

(with Hans van Ditmarsch and Krisztina Fruzsa)

In Logic, Algebra and Truth Degrees / MOSAIC kick-off conference

510 September 2022, Paestum, Italy

Volume of abstracts

pages 199–202. 2022

Justification logic for modal logics on an intuitionistic base

(with Sonia Marin and Lutz Strassburger)

Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 25(3):393–394, September 2019

©2019, Association for Symbolic Logic

Syntax meets semantics to prove interpolation

In L. Spada, editor 

SYSMICS 2016, Syntax Meets Semantics,

Universitat De Barcelona, 5–9 September 2016,

Booklet of Abstracts

pages 104–106. 2016

Proof-theoretic approach to Craig interpolation

Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 22(3):379, September 2016

©2016, Association for Symbolic Logic

Craig interpolation, proof-theoretically via nested sequents

(with Melvin Fitting)

In Collected Abstracts of the 2013 LIX Colloquium on the Theory and Application of Formal Proofs, November 57, 2013

Laboratoire d'Informatique de l'Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France, 2013

A note on the abnormality of realizations of S4LP

In K. Brünnler and T. Studer, editors

In Proof, Computation, Complexity PCC 2010, International Workshop, Proceedings

Technical report IAM10001

Institut für Informatik und angewandte Mathematik, Universität Bern, 2010

Complexity through tableaux in justification logic

Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 15(1):121, March 2009

©2009, Association for Symbolic Logic

On self-referentiality in modal logic

Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 12(3):510, September 2006

©2006, Association for Symbolic Logic

Logic of Proofs as a measure of Hilbert-style proof complexity

Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 12(2):355, June 2006

©2006, Association for Symbolic Logic

On decidability of the logic of proofs with arbitrary constant specifications

Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 11(1):111, March 2005

©2005, Association for Symbolic Logic

Edited Proceedings

Epistemic and Topological Reasoning in Distributed Systems (Dagstuhl Seminar 23272)

(co-edited with Armando Castañeda, Hans van Ditmarsch, Yoram Moses, and Ulrich Schmid)
Dagstuhl Reports 13(7):34–65, March 2024

Third Workshop Gentzen Systems and Beyond

(co-edited with George Metcalfe)

TABLEAUX 2011: Workshops, Tutorials, and Short Papers

(co-edited with Martin Giese)

Technical report IAM11002

Institut für Informatik und angewandte Mathematik, Universität Bern, 2011