
Zabierek, K.C., Gabor, C.R. Multimodal communication, mixed messages and the effects of turbidity on the antipredator behavior of the Barton Springs salamander,         Eurycea sosorum. In review.

Zabierek, K.C., Epp, K.J. Antipredator response of Eurycea nana to a nocturnal and a diurnal predator. In review.

Gabor, C.R., Zabierek, K.C., Kim, D.S., Alberici da Barbiano, L., Mondelli, M.J., Bendik, N.F., Davis, D.R. A non-invasive water-borne assay of stress hormones in         aquatic salamanders. Copeia, In press.

Baker, M., Hossain, K., Zabierek, K., Collie, K., Alyokhin, A., Mota-Sanchez, D., Whalon, M. 2014. Geographic variation in cannibalism in Colorado potato beetle         populations. Environmental Entomology, 43(1):102-109 [pdf]