
Publications list for Kristina Cockle. Check out additional publications by other people in our team!


79. Cockle KL*, Gomez MR*, Ferreyra CA*, Di Sallo FG, Bodrati A (2024). Lesser Woodcreepers (Xiphorhynchus fuscus) excavate nest cavities in trees. Ornithology 141: ukad060. *Co-1st authors.

78. Zulian V, Norris AR, Cockle KL, Porter AN, Do LG, De Groot KL (2023). Seasonal variation in drivers of bird-window collisions on the west coast of British Columbia, Canada. Avian Conservation and Ecology 18(2):15.

77. Cockle KL*, Villalba O*, Fariña N*, Bodrati A, Pagano LG, Stein ED, Norris AR (2023). Non-breeding ecology of a Neotropical-Nearctic migrant, the Common Nighthawk (Chordeiles minor): habitat, activity patterns, molt, and migration. Ecología en temporada no reproductiva de un migrante neotropical-neártico, el Añapero Boreal (Chordeiles minor): hábitat, patrones de actividad, muda y migración. Journal of Field Ornithology 94(3): 8. (En inglés y castellano). *Co-1st authors.

76. Soares L*, Cockle KL*, Ruelas Inzunza E*, Ibarra JT*, Miño CI*, Zuluaga S*, Bonaccorso E*, Ríos-Orjuela JC*, Montano-Centellas FA*, Freile JF, Echeverry-Galvis MA, Bonaparte EB, Diele-Viegas LM, Speziale K, Cabrera-Cruz SA, Acevedo-Charry O, Velarde E, Lima CC, Ojeda VS, Fontana CS, Echeverri A, Lambertucci SA, Macedo RH, Esquivel A, Latta SC, Ruvalcaba-Ortega I, Alves MAS, Santiago-Alarcon D, Bodrati A, Garcia FG, Fariña N, Martínez-Gómez JE, Ortega-Álvarez R, Núnez Montellano MG, Ribas CC, Bosque C, Di Giacomo AS, Areta JI, Emer C, Valdés LM, González C, Rebollo M, Mangini G, Lara C, Pizarro JC, Cueto VR, Bolaños-Sittler PR, Ornelas JF, Acosta M, Cenizo M, Marini MÂ, Vázquez-Reyes LD, González-Oreja JA, Bugoni L, Quiroga M, Ferretti V, Manica LT, Grande JM, Rodríguez-Gómez F, Diaz S, Büttner N, Mentesana L, Campos-Cerqueira M, López FG, Guaraldo A, MacGregor-Fors I, Aguiar-Silva FH, Miyaki CY, Ippi S, Mérida E, Kopuchian C, Cornelius C, Enríquez PL, Ocampo-Peñuela N, Renton K, Salazar JC, Sandoval L, Sandoval JC, Astudillo PX, Davis AO, Cantero N, Ocampo D, Gomez OHM, Borges SH, Cordoba-Cordoba S, Pietrek AG, de Araújo CB, Fernández G, de la Cueva H, Capurucho JMG, Gutiérrez-Ramos NA, Ferreira A, Costa LM, Soldatini C, Madden HM, Santillán MA, Jiménez-Uzcátegui G, Jordan EA, Freitas GHS, Pulgarin-R PC, Almazán-Núñez RC, Altamirano T, Gomez MR, Velazquez MC, Irala R, Gandoy FA, Trigueros AC, Ferreyra CA, Albores-Barajas YV, Tellkamp M, Oliveira CD, Weiler A, del Coro Arizmendi M, Tossas AG, Zarza R, Serra G, Villegas-Patraca R, Di Sallo FG, Valentim C, Noriega JI, García GA, de la Peña MR, Fraga RM, Martins P (2023) Neotropical Ornithology: Reckoning with historical assumptions, removing systemic barriers, and reimagining the future. Ornithological Applications 125: duac046 *Co-1st authors.  pdf  Traducción al castellano  Traducción al portugués

75. Ruelas Inzunza E*, Cockle KL*, Núñez Montellano MG, Fontana CS, Cuatianquiz Lima C, Echeverry-Galvis MA, Fernández-Gómez RA, Montaño-Centellas FA, + 13 coauthors (2023). How to include and recognize the work of ornithologists based in the Neotropics: 14 actions for Ornithological Applications, Ornithology, and other global-scope journals. Ornithological Applications 125: duac047. *Co-1st authors.  pdf   Traducción al castellano  Traducción al portugués

74. Norris AR, Martin K, Cockle KL (2022) Weather and nest cavity characteristics influence fecundity in mountain chickadees. PeerJ 10: e14327. pdf

73. Di Sallo FG, Cockle KL (2022) The role of body size in nest-site selection by secondary cavity-nesting birds in a subtropical Chaco forest. Ibis 164: 168-187.  pdf   Supplementary Material 

72. Pagano LG, Bodrati A, Fariña N, Di Sallo FG, Wioneczak MJ, Pradier LS, Krauczuk ER, Krause LO, Cockle KL (2021) Distribución e historia natural del Alilicucú Orejudo o Ribereño (Megascops sanctaecatarinae) en Argentina. Hornero 36(2): 51-64  pdf 

71. Trzcinski MK, Cockle KL, Norris AR, Edworthy M, Wiebe KL, Martin K (2021) Woodpeckers and other excavators maintain the diversity of cavity-nesting vertebrates. Journal of Animal Ecology. Early View published 15 Nov 2021. 

70. Norris AR, Frid L, Debyser C, De Groot KL, Thomas J, Lee A, Dohms KM, Robinson A, Easton W, Martin K, Cockle KL (2021) Forecasting the cumulative effects of multiple stressors on breeding habitat for a steeply declining aerial insectivorous songbird, the Olive-sided Flycatcher (Contopus cooperi). Frontiers in Ecology & Evolution 9: 635872. Open Access.

69. Cockle KL, Ferreyra CA, Gómez MR, Pagano LG, Bodrati A (2020) Reproductive biology of the Rusty-breasted Nunlet (Nonnula rubecula). Wilson Journal of Ornithology 132: 911923.  pdf  Traducción al Castellano  

68. Ojeda V, Schaaf A, Altamirano T, Bonaparte B, Bragagnolo L, Chazaretta L, Cockle K, Dias R, Di Sallo F, Ibarra JT, Ippi S, Jauregui A, Jiménez JE, Lammertink M, López F, Núñez Montellano MG, de la Peña M, Rivera L, Vivanco C, Santillán M, Soto GE, Vergara PM, Wynia A, Politi N (2021) Latitude does not influence cavity entrance orientation of South American avian excavators. Ornithology 138: 1–14.  pdf

67. Ibarra JT, Cockle KL, Altamirano TA, van der Hoek Y, Simard S, Bonacic C, Martin K (2020) Nurturing resilient forest biodiversity: nest webs as complex adaptive systems. Ecology & Society 25: 27.  pdf

66. Bonaparte EB, Ibarra JT, Cockle KL (2020) Conserving nest trees used by cavity-nesting birds from endangered primary Atlantic Forest to open farmland: increased relevance of excavated cavities in large dead trees on farms. Forest Ecology and Management 475: 118440.  pdf

65. Zulian V, Müller ES, Cockle KL, Lesterhuis A, Tomasi Júnior R, Prestes NP, Martinez J, Kery M, Ferraz G (2020) Addressing multiple sources of uncertainty in the estimation of parrot abundance from roost counts: a case study with the Vinaceous-breasted Parrot (Amazona vinacea). Biological Conservation 248: 108672.   pdf

64. Lammertink M, Fernández JM, Cockle KL (In Press) Comparison of nesting ecology of three co-existing Atlantic Forest woodpeckers reveals narrow specialization in the Helmeted Woodpecker Celeus galeatus. Acta Ornithologica.

63. Wiebe KL, Cockle KL, Trzcinski MK, Edworthy AB, Martin K (2020) Gaps and runs in nest cavity occupancy: cavity “destroyers” and “cleaners” affect reuse by secondary cavity nesting vertebrates. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 8: 205. Open Access

62. Cockle KL, Ibarra JT, Altamirano TA, Martin K (2019) Interspecific networks of cavity-nesting vertebrates reveal a critical role of broadleaf trees in endangered Araucaria mixed forests of South America. Biodiversity and Conservation 28: 3371–3386.  pdf

61. Bodrati A, Fariña N, Villalba O, Pagano L, Cockle KL (2019) Notas sobre la biología reproductiva y el ciclo anual del atajacaminos ala negra (Eleothreptus anomalus) en Argentina. Ornitologia Neotropical 30: 157–162.  pdf

60. Bodrati A, Gómez MR, Ferreyra CA, Cockle KL (2019) Nidificación de la lechucita canela (Aegolius harrisii) en Misiones, Argentina. Ornitologia Neotropical 30: 151–156.  pdf

59. Cockle KL, Trzcinski MK, Wiebe KL, Edworthy AB, Martin K (2019) Lifetime productivity of tree cavities used by cavity-nesting animals in temperate and subtropical forests. Ecological Applications 29: e01916. pdf  Appendix S1

58. Campanello PI, Von Below J, Hilgert NI, Cockle KL, Villagra M, di Francescantonio D, García DS, Jaramillo M, Gauto OA, Goldstein G (2019) ¿Es posible el uso sostenible del bosque en Misiones? Necesidades de manejo a diferentes escalas, investigación, intervenciones de alto impacto y más recursos económicos. Ecología Austral 29: 122–137.   Open Access

57. Di Sallo FG, Bodrati A, Cockle KL (2019) Nesting and natural history of the Chestnut-bellied Euphonia (Euphonia pectoralis) in Misiones, Argentina, and comparison with other species in the genus. Ornitologia Neotropical 30: 19–26.  pdf

56. Lammertink M, Fernández JM, Cockle KL (2019) Helmeted Woodpeckers roost in decay-formed cavities in large living trees: a clue to an old-growth forest association. The Condor: Ornithological Applications 121: 1–10.  pdf

55. Bodrati A, Cockle KL, Di Sallo FG (2018) Nesting and natural history of the Plain-winged Woodcreeper (Dendrocincla turdina). Wilson Journal of Ornithology 130: 696–707.  pdf

54. Fariña N, Villalba O, Pagano L, Bodrati A, Cockle KL (2018) Vocalizaciones, sonidos mecánicos y despliegues del Atajacaminos Ala Negra (Eleothreptus anomalus) en Argentina. Ornitologia Neotropical 29: 117–127.  pdf

53. Edworthy AB, Trzcinski MK, Cockle KL, Wiebe KL, Martin K (2018) Tree cavity occupancy by nesting vertebrates across cavity age. Journal of Wildlife Management 82: 639–648.  pdf

52. Bodrati A, Cockle KL (2018) Reproductive biology and distribution of the Silky-tailed Nightjar (Antrostomus sericocaudatus) in Argentina. Ornitología Neotropical 29: 1–11.  pdf

51. Bodrati A, Cockle KL (2017) Nest, eggs and reproductive behavior of Greenish Schiffornis (Schiffornis virescens). Revista Brasileira de Ornitologia 25: 273–276.  Open Access

50. Cockle KL, Bodrati A (2017) Divergence in nest placement and parental care of Neotropical foliage-gleaners and treehunters (Furnariidae: Philydorini). Journal of Field Ornithology 88: 336–348.  pdf  Traducción al español

49. Bodrati A, Cockle KL (2017) Nest predation and interspecific nesting associations involving Plumbeous Kite (Ictinia plumbea) and becards (Pachyramphus spp.). Ornitologia Neotropical 28: 201–207.  pdf  Traducción al español

48. Berkunsky I, ..., Cockle KL, ... et al. (2017) Current threats faced by Neotropical parrot populations. Biological Conservation 214: 278–287.  pdf

47. Ibarra JT, Martin M, Cockle KL, Martin K (2017) Maintaining ecosystem resilience: functional responses of tree cavity nesters to logging in temperate forests of the Americas. Scientific Reports 7: 4467.  Open Access

46. Bonaparte EB, Cockle KL (2017) Nest niche overlap among the endangered Vinaceous-breasted Parrot (Amazona vinacea) and sympatric cavity-using birds, mammals, and social insects in the subtropical Atlantic Forest, Argentina. The Condor: Ornithological Applications 119: 58-72.  pdf  blog

45. Cockle KL, Martin K, Bodrati A (2017) Persistence and loss of tree cavities used by birds in the subtropical Atlantic Forest. Forest Ecology and Management 384: 200–207.  pdf

44. Cockle KL, Bodrati A, Lammertink M, Bonaparte EB, Ferreyra C, Di Sallo FG (2016) Predators of bird nests in the Atlantic forest of Argentina and Paraguay. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 128:120-131.  pdf

43. Cockle KL, Martin K (2015) Temporal dynamics of a commensal network of cavity-nesting vertebrates: increased diversity during an insect outbreak. Ecology 96:1093-1104.  pdf

42. Cockle KL, Bodrati A, Lammertink M, Martin K (2015) Cavity characteristics, but not habitat, influence nest survival of cavity-nesting birds along a gradient of human impact in the subtropical Atlantic forest. Biological Conservation 184:193-200.  pdf 

41. Bodrati A, Cockle KL, Di Sallo FG, Ferreyra C, Salvador SA, Lammertink M (2015) Nesting and social roosting of the Ochre-collared Piculet (Picumnus temminckii) and White-barred Piculet (Picumnus cirratus), and implications for the evolution of woodpecker (Picidae) breeding biology. Ornitologia Neotropical 26:223-244.  pdf

40. Bodrati A, Cockle KL, Di Sallo FG, Salvador SA (2015) Biología reproductiva del Picapalo Colorado (Campylorhamphus trochilirostris) y el Picapalo Oscuro (C. falcularius) en Argentina. Ornitologia Neotropical 26:165-174.  pdf

39. Bodrati A, Cockle K, Di Sallo FG (2014) Nesting of the Short-tailed Antthrush (Chamaeza campanisona) in the Atlantic forest of Argentina. Ornitologia Neotropical 25:421-431.  pdf

38. Cockle KL, Bodrati A (2013) Nesting of the White-throated Woodcreeper Xiphocolaptes albicollis. The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 125:782-789.  pdf

37. Bodrati A, Cockle KL (2013) Distribution, nesting, and vocalizations of the Black-banded Owl (Ciccaba huhula albomarginata) in Argentina. Ornitologia Neotropical 24:169-182.  pdf

36. Cockle KL, Areta JI (2013) Specialization on bamboo by Neotropical birds. Condor 115:217-220.  pdf

35. Altshuler DL, Cockle KL, Boyle WA (2013) North American ornithology in transition. Biology Letters 9:20120876.  pdf

34. Cockle KL, Martin K, Robledo G (2012) Linking fungi, trees, and hole-using birds in a Neotropical tree-cavity network: Pathways of cavity production and implications for conservation. Forest Ecology and Management 264:210-219.  pdf  Versión español

33. Bodrati A, Cockle KL, Salvador SA, Klavins J (2012) Nesting of the Olivaceous Woodcreeper (Sittasomus griseicapillus). Ornitologia Neotropical 23:325-334.  pdf

32. Bodrati A, Cockle KL (2012) El Atajacaminos Coludo Macropsalis forcipata en Argentina: ¿una especie amenazada o en expansión? Cotinga 34:118-125.  pdf

31. Cockle KL, Berkunsky I, López de Casenave J (2012) Ecología, conservación y manejo de loros en Argentina. El Hornero 27: 1-4.  pdf

30. Segovia JM, Cockle KL (2012) Conservación del loro vinoso (Amazona vinacea) en Argentina. El Hornero 27: 27-37pdf

29. Areta JI, Cockle KL (2012) A theoretical framework for understanding the ecology and conservation of bamboo-specialist birds. Journal of Ornithology 153:S163-S170.  pdf

28. Cockle KL, Martin K, Wesołowski T (2011) Woodpeckers, decay, and the future of cavity-nesting vertebrate communities worldwide. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 9:377-382pdf   Versión español.     Profiled in Science, La Nación, Science News  

27. Stouffer PC, Cockle KL, Aleixo A, Areta JI, Mazar Barnett J, Bodrati A, Cadena CD, Di Giacomo AS, Herzog SK, Hosner P, Johnson EI, Naka LN, Sánchez C (2011) No evidence for widespread bird declines in protected South American forests. Climatic Change 108:383-386pdf

26. Cockle K, Martin K, Wiebe K (2011) Selection of nest trees by cavity-nesting birds in the Neotropical Atlantic forest. Biotropica 43:228–236.  pdf (in English with Spanish translation)

25. Bodrati A, Cockle KL (2011) Nesting of the Scalloped Woodcreeper (Lepidocolaptes falcinellus). Ornitologia Neotropical 22:195–206.  pdf (in English with Spanish translation)

24. Cockle KL, Martin K, Drever MC (2010) Supply of tree-holes limits nest density of cavity-nesting birds in primary and logged subtropical Atlantic forest. Biological Conservation 143:2851–2857.  pdf (in English with Spanish translation)

23. Cockle KL (2010) Interspecific cavity-sharing between a Helmeted Woodpecker (Dryocopus galeatus) and two White-eyed Parakeets (Aratinga leucophthalma). Wilson Journal of Ornithology 122:803–806.  pdf (in English with Spanish translation)

22. Norris AR, Cockle KL, Martin K (2010) Evidence for tolerance of parasitism in a tropical cavity-nesting bird, planalto woodcreeper, in northern Argentina. Journal of Tropical Ecology 26:619–626.  pdf (in English with Spanish translation)

21. Kirwan GM, Bodrati A, Cockle K (2010) The nest of the Bay-ringed Tyrranulet, a little-known Atlantic forest endemic, supports a close relationship between Phylloscartes and Pogonotriccus. Ornitologia Neotropical 21:397–408.  pdf   Versión español

20. Vitale S, Cockle K, Bodrati A, Ferrari C, Roesler I, Jordan E, Ramos D (2010) Nidificación y distribución de la Torcaza Alas Blancas (Zenaida meloda) en Argentina. Nuestras Aves 55:6–8.  pdf

19. Bodrati A, Cockle K, Segovia JM, Roesler I, Areta JI, Jordan E (2010) La avifauna del Parque Provincial Cruce Caballero, Provincia de Misiones, Argentina. Cotinga 32:41–64.  pdf

18. Bodrati A, Cockle K, Segovia JM, Areta JI, Mérida E (2010) La Paloma Trocal (Patagioenas speciosa) en Argentina. Nuestras Aves 55:9–11.  pdf

17. Areta JI, Bodrati A, Cockle K (2009) Specialization on Guadua bamboo seeds by three bird species in the Atlantic Forest of Argentina. Biotropica 41:66–73.  pdf   Versión español

16. Cockle KL, Bodrati AA (2009) Nesting of the Planalto Woodcreeper (Dendrocolaptes platyrostris). Wilson Journal of Ornithology 121:789–795.  pdf   Versión español

15. Bodrati A, Maders C, Di Santo G, Cockle K, Areta JI, Segovia JM (2009) Distribución, hábitat, e historia natural del Bailarín Castaño Piprites pileata, una especie Críticamente Amenazada en Argentina. Cotinga 31:95–100.  pdf

14. Bodrati A, Cockle K, Krauczuk E (2009) La Mosqueta Pecho Pardo (Hemitriccus obsoletus) en la Argentina II: nuevas localidades, fenología y hábitat. Nuestras Aves 54:3–5.  pdf

13. Fariña N, Welter M, Cockle K, Bodrati A (2009) Estado de las poblaciones del Loro Vinoso (Amazona vinacea) en la Argentina: resultados del conteo 2008 en el departamento San Pedro, Misiones. Nuestras Aves 54:44–46.  pdf

12. Cockle K, Martin K, Wiebe K (2008) Availability of cavities for nesting birds in the Atlantic forest, Argentina. Ornitologia Neotropical 19 (Suppl.):269–278.  pdf   Versión español

11. Cockle K, Maders C, Di Santo G, Bodrati A (2008) The Black-capped Piprites Piprites pileata builds a spherical moss nest. Cotinga 29:166–168.  pdf   Versión español

10. Cornelius C, Cockle K, Politi N, Berkunsky I, Sandoval L, Ojeda V, Rivera L, Hunter M Jr, Martin K (2008) Cavity-nesting birds in Neotropical forests: cavities as a potentially limiting resource. Ornitologia Neotropical 19 (Suppl.):253–268.  pdf   Versión español

9. Bodrati A, Cockle K (2008) La Torcaza Alas Blancas (Zenaida meloda): una nueva especie para la avifauna Argentina. Hornero 23:35–36.  pdf

8. Bodrati A, Maders C, Cockle K, Pugnali G, Di Santo G (2008) El Picaflor Amatista (Calliphlox amethystina) en la Argentina. Nuestras Aves 53:39-41.  pdf   

7. Cockle K, Capuzzi G, Bodrati A, Clay R, del Castillo H, Velázquez M, Areta JI, Fariña N, Fariña R (2007) Distribution, abundance, and conservation of Vinaceous Amazons (Amazona vinacea) in Argentina and Paraguay. Journal of Field Ornithology 78:21–39.  pdf   Versión español

6. Bodrati A, Cockle K, Areta JI, Capuzzi G, Fariña R (2006) El Maracaná Lomo Rojo (Primolius maracana) en Argentina: ¿de plaga a la extinción en 50 años?. Hornero 21:3743.  pdf

5. Bodrati A, Cockle K (2006) Habitat, distribution, and conservation of Atlantic forest birds in Argentina: notes on nine rare or threatened species. Ornitologia Neotropical 17:243258.  pdf   Versión español

4. Bodrati A, Cockle K (2006) New records of rare and threatened birds from the Atlantic forest of Misiones, Argentina. Cotinga 26:2024.  pdf   Versión español

3. Cockle K, Leonard M, Bodrati A (2005) Presence and abundance of birds in an Atlantic forest reserve and adjacent plantation of shade-grown yerba mate. Biodiversity and Conservation 14:3265–3288.  pdf

2. Braslavsky O, Bodrati A, Cockle K, Avedano Schaller M (2005) Nueva información sobre el ipequí (Heliornis fulica) en la provincia de Chaco, Argentina. Nuestras Aves 50:28–30.  pdf

1. Cockle K, Richardson JS (2003) Do riparian buffer strips mitigate the impacts of clearcutting on small mammals? Biological Conservation 113:133–140.  pdf 

Non-refereed Publications

18. Bodrati A, Jensen RF, Monteleone DL, Fariña N, Di Sallo FG, Jordan EA, Cockle KL, Imberti S, Grilli P, Roesler I, Ferreyra CA, Villalba O, Mérida E, Notarnicola J, Vitale S, Ferrari C, Cenizo M, Berkunsky I, Burgos F & Fraga RM (2021) Hablando de la libertad. Luis Pagano (1985-2020): Amigo, maestro, ornitólogo de vanguardia. El Hornero 36(2):9-19  pdf  English translation

17. Cockle KL (2021) The greatest gift was being held accountable for my racism. Teacher: Magazine of the BC Teachers' Federation 33(5):18-19. pdf   Reprinted by School Magazine (Education Action Toronto) 2021-06-08. 

16. Campanello PI, Hilgert NI, Pinazo M, Barth S, Di Bitetti M, von Below J, Arturi M, Goya J, Cockle K, Giombini M, Villagra M, Cristiano P, di Francescantonio D, García D, Trentini C, Díaz Villa V, Rodríguez S, Medina M, Ritter L, Graciano C, Crechi E, Moretti AP, Olguín F, Goldstein G, Fassola H (2021) Selvas en Misiones. Pp. 219–367 in Peri PL,  Martínez Pastur  G, Schlichter T. Uso sostenible del bosque: aportes desde la silvicultura argentina. Buenos Aires: Argentina Unida. ISBN 978-987-46815-4-6 

15. Bonaparte EB, Cockle KL (2021) Conservando al loro vinoso (Amazona vinacea) en la selva de pino paraná (Araucaria angustifolia), Argentina. Pp. 415–432 in Martinez J and Prestes NP (eds.) Biologia da conservação: Programa nacional para a conservação do papagaio-de-peito-roxo e outras iniciativas. Passo Fundo, Brasil: Livraria e Editora Werlang LTDA.  pdf 

14. Cockle KL, Bodrati A, Robledo G (2013) Hongos y aves: una relación más estrecha de lo que creemos. Aves Argentinas N&C 36-37.  pdf

13. Cockle K (2013) Review of Video Surveillance of Nesting Birds. Christine A. Ribic, Frank R. Thompson III, and Pamela J. Pietz, Eds. 2012. Studies in Avian Biology No. 43, University of California Press, Berkeley, CA. xv + 224 pages, black and white illustrations. ISBN: 978-0-520-27313-9. $65 (Hard Cover). Also available as e-book. Journal of Field Ornithology 84:322-323.  pdf

12. Eisen Rupp A, Bodrati A, Giorgi AP, Wajntal A, Miyaki CY, Sipinski E, Strike Soares E, Schunck F, Fernandes Seixas GH, Martinez J, Machado Ferreira J, Cockle K, Abe LM, Klemann Junior L, Somenzari M, Pauletti Prestes N, Pereira Serafini P, Scherer Neto P, Caparroz R (2011) Plano de ação nacional para a conservação dos papagaios da mata Atlantica. Série espécies ameaçadas 20. Brasilia: ICMBio.

11. Cockle KL, Bodrati A (2011) Situación de la yacutinga (Aburria jacutinga) en Argentina. Bulletin of the Cracid Specialist Group 31:12-21.  PDF

10. Cockle KL, Bodrati A (2011) Vinaceous Parrot (Amazona vinacea). In Schulenberg TS (ed.) Neotropical Birds Online. Ithaca: Cornell Lab of Ornithology.

9. Norris A, Cockle K (2010) Cavity-nesting communities in the subtropical Atlantic forest of Northern Argentina. Branchlines 21:15–17. pdf

8. Cockle K, Bodrati A, Areta JI (2008) Bamboo specialist birds of the Atlantic forest. Pp. 52-59 in Hirschfeld E. (ed.) Rare Birds Yearbook 2009. UK: BirdLife International.   pdf 

7. Fariña R, Cockle K (2005) Gigantescos guardianes del monte. Naturaleza & Conservación 17:24–27. pdf

6. Bodrati A, Cockle K, Matuchaka V, Maders C (2005) Reserva de la Biósfera Yabotí. Pp. 300–302 in Di Giacomo AS (ed.) Áreas Importantes para la Conservación de las Aves en Argentina. Sitios Prioritarios para la Conservación de la Biodiversidad. Temas de Naturaleza y Conservación 5. Buenos Aires: Aves Argentinas/Asociación Ornitológica del Plata. pdf

5. Bodrati A, Cockle K (2005) Alta Cuenca del Arroyo Alegría. Pp. 290–292 in Di Giacomo AS (ed.) Áreas Importantes para la Conservación de las Aves en Argentina. Sitios Prioritarios para la Conservación de la Biodiversidad. Temas de Naturaleza y Conservación 5. Buenos Aires: Aves Argentinas/Asociación Ornitológica del Plata.

4. Cockle K, Bodrati A (2005) Reserva Privada Yaguaroundí. Pp. 297–298 in Di Giacomo AS (ed.) Áreas Importantes para la Conservación de las Aves en Argentina. Sitios Prioritarios para la Conservación de la Biodiversidad. Temas de Naturaleza y Conservación 5. Buenos Aires: Aves Argentinas/Asociación Ornitológica del Plata.

3. Bodrati A, Cockle K (2005) Parque Provincial Cruce Caballero. Pp. 313–315 in Di Giacomo AS (ed.) Áreas Importantes para la Conservación de las Aves en Argentina. Sitios Prioritarios para la Conservación de la Biodiversidad. Temas de Naturaleza y Conservación 5. Buenos Aires: Aves Argentinas/Asociación Ornitológica del Plata.

2. Bodrati A, Cockle K (2005) San Antonio. Pp. 287–288 in Di Giacomo AS (ed.) Áreas Importantes para la Conservación de las Aves en Argentina. Sitios Prioritarios para la Conservación de la Biodiversidad. Temas de Naturaleza y Conservación 5. Buenos Aires: Aves Argentinas/Asociación Ornitológica del Plata.

1. Bodrati A, Cockle K, Capuzzi G (2005) San Pedro. Pp. 294–297 in Di Giacomo AS (ed.) Áreas Importantes para la Conservación de las Aves en Argentina. Sitios Prioritarios para la Conservación de la Biodiversidad. Temas de Naturaleza y Conservación 5. Buenos Aires: Aves Argentinas/Asociación Ornitológica del Plata.