
Everyone here contributes to defining research questions and work plans, funding and budgeting, field work, data curation, interpretation of analyses, and writing of publications.

In Memoriam: Luis Pagano (1985-2020). A technician at Museo de La Plata, Luis played an instrumental role in developing much of the research described on this website. He started our Common Nighthawk study, taught us to band cavity-nesters and White-bearded Antshrikes, and discovered the plumage patterns that allow us to age and sex Sickle-winged Nightjars. Luis was a fantastic ornithologist, an adventurous field companion, and a dear friend who is deeply missed. His life and legacy are celebrated in a special issue of El Hornero. (English translation).

Kristina Cockle, Research Scientist at IBS-CONICET (National Scientific & Technical Research Council -Argentina) and Adjunct Professor in the Department of Forest and Conservation Sciences at the University of British Columbia., Google Scholar, Research Gate., @CockleKristina

Alejandro Pietrek, Research Scientist at IBIGEO-CONICET in Salta, Argentina. Interests: demography, invasive species, models in ecology. Google Scholar, Research Gate.

Bianca Bonaparte, PhD 2024. Interests: social-ecological systems, Atlantic forest conservation., Research Gate.

Facundo Di Sallo, Post-doc at IBS-CONICET in Iguazú. Interests: life history, reproductive biology, Chaco, Atlantic forest. Research Gate.

Agostina Juncosa Polzella, PhD candidate at IBS-CONICET in Iguazú. Interests: ecology and conservation of nocturnal raptors, occupancy models., Research Gate, figshare.

Alejandro Bodrati, Naturalist, Misiones. Interests: natural history and distribution, rare species, bamboo specialists. Research Gate.

Olga Villalba, Park Ranger, Reserva Natural Rincón de Santa María, Corrientes. Interests: nightjars, amphibians, natural history, habitat restoration. 

Milka Gómez, Field Technician, Misiones. Interests: nests, natural history, Atlantic forest. 

Nestor Fariña, Park Ranger, Reserva Natural Rincón de Santa María, Corrientes. Interests: nightjars, amphibians, natural history, habitat restoration, grasslands, Atlantic forest.

Carlos Ferreyra, Field Technician & Park Ranger, Misiones. Interests: nests, natural history, Atlantic forest.

Celebrating our first time tracking a Sickle-winged Nightjar at Reserva Natural Rincón de Santa María, Corrientes, Argentina, October 2018