Research Overview

Research Overview

My research interests lie at the interface between fluid and solid structures with an emphasis on its applications in healthcare and energy. I look at different biological and engineering problems using a number of techniques, from the application of analytical techniques to the development of novel and powerful numerical methods. Below are a few examples of my current and previous research. Feel free to contact me for more information.

For more information, please visit my publications page.

Bio-inspired Engineering and Bio-Mechanics

Examples of conducted projects related to the biological inspired engineering including flow interaction with ray-strengthened fish fins, flexible an-isotropic insect wings,Bio-medical flows and heart valves, multilevel analysis of cell locomotion, and hydrodynamic benefits of drafting and schooling in dolphins and fishes, and bending dynamics of flexible trees

Renewable Energy, Offshore Wind and Wave

Examples of conducted projects related to the renewable energies including wave harnessing devices, dynamics of offshore wind turbines, power generation by offshore floating wind farms, floating ocean current turbines, analytical FSI stability analyses, An inverted piezoelectric beam energy harvester, wave-current energy harvesting by piezoelectric flexible sheets, integrated dynamics of the floating oscillatory water column with an impulse turbine, and novel technique based on fluid-structure interaction for heat transfer enhancement in microprocessors.

Computational Mechanics

Examples of conducted projects related to the numerical methods including wave structure interaction using boundary element technique, integrated wave energy simulator, multilevel implicit immersed boundary method, vortex sheets methods, highly nonlinear fiber structures and cables, implicit immersed unstructured finite element method for simulation of different biological systems, and high-fidelity immersed boundary approaches for numerical simulations of nonlinear solid and shell structures.