1. K.G. Makris, H. Sarkissian, D.N. Christodoulides, and G. Assanto 

Nonlocal incoherent spatial solitons in liquid crystals


2. K.G. Makris, S. Suntsov, D.N. Christodoulides, G.I. Stegeman, and A. Hache 

Discrete surface solitons

OPTICS LETTERS 30, 2466 (2005).


3. S. Suntsov, K.G. Makris, D.N. Christodoulides, G.I Stegeman, A. Hache, R. Morandotti, H. Yang, G. Salamo, and M. Sorel

Observation of discrete surface solitons 

PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 96, 063901 (2006), (highlighted in the April 2006 issue of Physics Today)

4. R. El-Ganainy, S. Mokhov, K.G. Makris, D.N. Christodoulides, and R. Morandotti 

Solitons in dispersion-inverted AlGaAs nanowires

OPTICS EXPRESS 14, 2277 (2006).

5. K.G. Makris, and D.N. Christodoulides 

Method of images in optical discrete systems 

PHYSICAL REVIEW E 73, 036616 (2006).

6. A. Betlej, S. Suntsov, K.G. Makris, L. Jankovic, D.N. Christodoulides, G.I. Stegeman, J. Fini, R.T. Bise, and J. DiGiovanni

All-optical switching and multifrequency generation in a dual-core photonic crystal fiber

OPTICS LETTERS 31, 1480 (2006).

7. G.A. Siviloglou, K.G. Makris, R. Iwanow, R. Schiek, D.N. Christodoulides, G.I. Stegeman, Y. Min, and W. Sohler, 

Observation of discrete quadratic surface solitons 

OPTICS EXPRESS 14, 5508 (2006).

8. K.G. Makris, J. Hudock, D.N. Christodoulides, G.I. Stegeman, D.N. Christodoulides, O. Manela, and M. Segev 

Surface lattice solitons 

OPTICS LETTERS 31, 2774 (2006).


9. X. S. Wang, A. Bezryadina, ZG. Chen, K.G. Makris, D.N. Christodoulides, and G.I. Stegeman

Observation of two-dimensional surface solitons

PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 98, 123903 (2007).

10. S. Suntsov, K.G. Makris, D.N. Christodoulides, G.I. Stegeman, R. Morandotti, M. Volatier, V. Aimez, R. Ares, C.E. Ruter, and D. Kip

Optical modes at the interface between two dissimilar discrete meta-materials 

OPTICS EXPRESS 15, 4663 (2007).

11. R. El-Ganainy, K.G. Makris, D.N. Christodoulides, and Z.H. Musslimani 

Theory of coupled optical PT-symmetric structures

OPTICS LETTERS 32, 2632 (2007).

12. S. Suntsov, K.G. Makris, D.N. Christodoulides, G.I. Stegeman, R. Morandotti, H. Yang, G. Salamo, and M. Sorel

Power thresholds of families of discrete surface solitons

OPTICS LETTERS 32, 3098 (2007).

13. S. Suntsov, K.G. Makris, G.A. Siviloglou, R. Iwanow, R. Schiek, D.N. Christodoulides, G.I. Stegeman, R. Morandotti, H. Yang, G. Salamo, M. Volatier, V. Aimez, R. Ares, M. Sorel, Y. Min, W. Sohler, X.S. Wang, A. Bezryadina, and Z.G. Chen 

Observation of one- and two-dimensional discrete surface spatial solitons



14. Z. H. Musslimani, K.G. Makris, R. El-Ganainy, and D.N. Christodoulides

Optical solitons in PT periodic potentials

PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 100, 030402 (2008). 

15. K.G. Makris, R. El-Ganainy, D.N. Christodoulides, and Z.H. Musslimani 

Beam dynamics in PT symmetric optical lattices 

PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 100, 103904 (2008) (Cover Article). 

16. Z.H. Musslimani, K.G. Makris, R. El-Ganainy, and D.N. Christodoulides 

Analytical solutions to a class of nonlinear Schrodinger equations with PT-like potentials 


17. S. Suntsov, K.G. Makris, D.N. Christodoulides, G. Stegeman, R. Morandotti, M. Volatier, V. Aimez, R. Ares, E. Yang, and G. Salamo

Optical spatial solitons at the interface between two dissimilar periodic media: Theory and experiment

OPTICS EXPRESS 16, 10480 (2008). 

18. K.G. Makris, D.N. Christodoulides, O. Peleg, M. Segev, and D. Kip 

Optical transitions and Rabi oscillations in waveguide arrays 

OPTICS EXPRESS 16, 10309 (2008). 


19. K. Shandarova, C.E. Ruter, D. Kip, K.G. Makris, D.N. Christodoulides, O. Peleg, and M. Segev

Experimental observation of Rabi oscillations in photonic lattices 

PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 102, 123905 (2009).

20. A. Salandrino, K.G. Makris, D.N. Christodoulides, Y. Lahini, Y. Silberberg, and R. Morandotti

Analysis of a three-core adiabatic directional coupler

OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS 282, 4524 (2009). 


21. C. E. Ruter, K.G. Makris, R. El-Ganainy, D.N. Christodoulides, M. Segev, and D. Kip

Observation of parity-time symmetry in optics

NATURE PHYSICS 6, 192 (2010). 

22. K.G. Makris, R. El-Ganainy, D.N. Christodoulides, and Z.H. Musslimani

PT-symmetric optical lattices

PHYSICAL REVIEW A 81, 063807 (2010).


23. K.G. Makris, R. El-Ganainy, D.N. Christodoulides, and Z.H. Musslimani

PT-symmetric periodic optical potentials


24. K.G. Makris, and D. Psaltis

Huygens-Fresnel diffraction and evanescent waves


25. R. El-Ganainy, K.G. Makris, D.N. Christodoulides, and Z.H. Musslimani 

Discrete beam acceleration in uniform waveguide arrays

PHYSICAL REVIEW A 84, 023842 (2011).

26. K.G. Makris, and D. Psaltis

Superoscillatory diffracion-free beams

OPTICS LETTERS 36, 4335 (2011) (Within the top 10 most downloaded articles of November 2011).


27. R. El-Ganainy, K.G. Makris, and D.N. Christodoulides

Local PT invariance and supersymmetric parametric oscillators

PHYSICAL REVIEW A 86, 033813 (2012).


28. Kaminer, J. Nemirovsky, K.G. Makris, and M. Segev 

Self-accelerating beams in photonic crystals

OPTICS EXPRESS 21, 8886 (2013).

29. E. Greenfield, R. Schley, I. Hurwitz, J. Nemirovsky, K.G. Makris, and M. Segev

Experimental generation of arbitrarily shaped diffractionless superoscillatory optical beams

OPTICS EXPRESS 21, 13425 (2013).

30. P. Ambichl, K.G. Makris, L. Ge, Y. Chong, A. D. Stone, and S. Rotter

Breaking of PT-symmetry in bounded and unbounded scattering systems

PHYSICAL REVIEW X 3, 041030  (2013).


31. X. Qi, K.G. Makris, R. El-Ganainy, P. Zhang, J. Bai, D. N. Christodoulides, and Z. Chen 

Observation of accelerating Wannier-Stark beams in optically induced photonic lattices

OPTICS LETTERS 39, 1065 (2014).

32. K.G. Makris, I. Kaminer, R. El-Ganainy, N.K. Efremidis, Z. Chen, M. Segev, and D.N. Christodoulides

Accelerating diffraction-free beams in photonics lattices

OPTICS LETTERS 39, 2129 (2014).

33. S. Esterhazy, D. Liu, M. Liertzer, A. Cerjan, L. Ge, K.G. Makris, A. D. Stone, J. M. Melenk, S. G. Johnson, and S. Rotter

A scalable numerical approach for the Steady-State Ab-Initio Laser Theory

PHYSICAL REVIEW A 90, 023816 (2014).

34. K.G. Makris, L. Ge, and H. Tureci

Anomalous transient amplification of waves in non-normal photonic media

PHYSICAL REVIEW X 4, 041044  (2014).


35. A. Goy, K.G. Makris, and D. Psaltis

Improving the quality of filament-impaired images in Kerr media by statistical averaging

OPTICS EXPRESS 23, 431 (2015).

36. K.G. Makris, Z. H. Musslimani, D.N. Christodoulides, and S. Rotter

Constant-intensity waves and their modulation instability in non-Hermitian potentials


37. O. Malik, K.G. Makris, and H. Tureci

Spectral method for efficient computation of time-dependent phenomena in complex lasers

PHYSICAL REVIEW A 92, 063829 (2015).

38. L. Ge, K.G. Makris, D.N. Christodoulides, and L. Feng

Scattering in PT and RT symmetric multimode waveguides: generalized conservation 

laws and spontaneous symmetry breaking beyond one dimension 

PHYSICAL REVIEW A 92, 062135 (2015).


39. J. Cole, K.G. Makris, Z. H. Musslimani, D.N. Christodoulides, and S. Rotter

Twofold PT-symmetry in doubly exponential lattices

PHYSICAL REVIEW A 93, 013803 (2016).

40. R. Penciu, K.G. Makris, and N. K. Efremidis

Nonparaxial abruptly autofocusing beams 

OPTICS LETTERS 41, 1042 (2016).

41. K.G. Makris, Z. H. Musslimani, D.N. Christodoulides, and S. Rotter

Constant intensity supermodes in non-Hermitian lattices


42. K. V. Kepesidis, T. J. Milburn, K.G. Makris, S. Rotter, and P. Rabl

PT-symmetry breaking in the steady state of microscopic gain-loss systems

NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS 18, 095003 (2016).

43. J. Cole, K.G. Makris, Z. Musslimani, D. N. Christodoulides, and S. Rotter

Modulation instability in a PT-symmetric Manakov system



44. K.G. Makris, D. G. Papazoglou, and S. Tzortzakis

Invariant superoscillatory electromagnetic fields in 3D-space

JOURNAL OF OPTICS 19, 014003 (2017).

45. S. Weimann, M. Kremer, Y. Plotnik, Y. Lumer, S. Nolte, K.G. Makris, M. Segev, M. C. Rechtsman, and A. Szameit

Topologically protected bound states in photonic parity-time-symmetric crystals

NATURE MATERIALS 16, 433 (2017).

46. L. Ge, K.G. Makris, and L. Zhang

Optical fluxes in coupled PT-symmetric photonic structures

PHYSICAL REVIEW A 96, 023820 (2017).

47. K.G. Makris, A. Brandstotter, P. Ambichl, Z. Musslimani, and S. Rotter

Wave propagation through disordered media without backscattering and intensity variations



48. R. El-Ganainy, K.G. Makris, M. Khajavikhan, Z. H. Musslimani, S. Rotter, and D. N. Christodoulides

Non-Hermitian Physics and PT-symmetry

NATURE PHYSICS 14, 11 (2018).

49. O. Shramkova, K.G. Makris, D. N. Christodoulides, and G. P. Tsironis

Dispersive non-Hermitian optical heterostructures


50. Q. Zhong, D. N. Christodoulides, M. Khajavikhan, K.G. Makris, and R. El-Ganainy

Power-law scaling of extreme dynamics near higher-order exceptional points

PHYSICAL REVIEW A 97, 020105(R) (2018).

51. G. Gbur, and, K.G. Makris

Introduction to non-Hermitian photonics in complex media: PT-symmetry and beyond


52. E. Rivet, A. Brandstotter, K.G. Makris, H. Lissek, S. Rotter, and R. Fleury

Constant pressure sound waves in non-Hermitian disordered media 

NATURE PHYSICS 14, 942 (2018).


53. A. Brandstotter, K.G. Makris, and S. Rotter

Scattering-free pulse propagation through invisible non-Hermitian media 

PHYSICAL REVIEW B 99, 115402 (2019).

54. M. Parto, F. O. Wu, P.S. Jung, K.G. Makris, and D. N. Christodoulides

Thermodynamic conditions governing the optical temperature and chemical potential in nonlinear highly multimoded photonic systems

OPTICS LETTERS 44, 3936 (2019).


55. A. Tzortzakakis, K.G. Makris, and E. N. Economou

Non-Hermitian disorder in two-dimensional optical lattices

PHYSICAL REVIEW B 101, 014202 (2020).

56. A. Brimis, K.G. Makris, and D. Papazoglou

Tornado Waves

OPTICS LETTERS 45, 280 (2020).

57. K.G. Makris, F.O. Wu, P.S. Jung and D. N. Christodoulides

Statistical mechanics of weakly nonlinear optical multimode gases 

OPTICS LETTERS 45, 1651 (2020).

58. K.G. Makris, I. Kresic, A. Brandstotter and S. Rotter

Scattering-free channels of invisibility across non-Hermitian media 

OPTICA 7, 619 (2020).

59. A. Tzortzakakis, K.G. Makris, S. Rottter and E. N. Economou

Shape-preserving beam transmission through non-Hermitian disordered lattices

PHYSICAL REVIEW A 102, 033504 (2020).

60. I. Komis, S. Sardelis, Z. H. Musslimani, and K.G. Makris

Equal-Intensity waves in non-Hermitian media 

PHYSICAL REVIEW E 102, 032203 (2020).


61. A. Tzortzakakis, K.G. Makris, A. Szameit, and E. N. Economou

Transport and spectral features in Non-Hermitian open systems


62. S. Xia, D.Kaltsas, D. Song, I. Komis, J. Xu, A. Szameit, H. Buljan, K.G. Makris, and Z. Chen

Nonlinear tuning of PT-symmetry and non-Hermitian topological states

SCIENCE 372, 72 (2021).

63. J.D.H.Rivero, M. Pan, K.G. Makris, L. Feng,  and L. Ge

Non-Hermiticity generated active photonic resonances with a unique quantization condition

PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 126, 163901 (2021).

64. O. Shramkova, K.G. Makris, D. N. Christodoulides, and G. Tsironis

Nonlinear scattering by non-Hermitian multilayers with saturation effects

PHYSICAL REVIEW E 103, 052205 (2021).

65. I. Kresic, K.G. Makris, and S. Rotter

Light confinment by local index tailoring in inhomogeneous dielectrics 


66. K.G. Makris

Transient growth and dissipative exceptional points

PHYSICAL REVIEW E 104, 054218 (2021).


67. A. Bogris, N. A. Burger, K.G. Makris, B. Loppinet and G. Fytas

Intermixed time-depedent self-focusing and defocusing nonlinearities in polymer solutions 

ACS Photonics  9, 722 (2022).

68. N. Ossi, S. Chandramouli, Z. H. Musslimani, and  K.G. Makris

Topological constant intensity waves

OPTICS LETTERS  47, 1001 (2022).

69. F. Wu, Q. Zhong, H. Ren, P. Jung, K.G. Makris, and D. N. Christodoulides

Thermalization of light's orbital angular momentum in nonlinear multimode waveguide systems

PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 128, 123901 (2022).

70. I. Kresic, K.G. Makris, U. Leonhardt, and S. Rotter

Transforming space with non-Hermitian dielectrics 

PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 128, 183901 (2022).

71. D. Mansour, A. Brimis, K.G. Makris  and D. Papazoglou

Generating spiraling light: Optical Tornados

PHYSICAL REVIEW A 105, 053514 (2022).

72. A. Steinfurth, I. Kresic, S. Weidemann, M. Kremer, K.G. Makris, M. Heinrich, S. Rotter and A. Szameit

Observation of photonic constant-intensity waves and induced transparency in tailored non-Hermitian lattices

SCIENCE ADVANCES, 8, eabl7412 (2022).

73. A. Leventis, K.G. Makris, and E. N. Economou

Non-Hermitian jumps in disordered lattices

PHYSICAL REVIEW B 106, 064205 (2022).

74. D. Kaltsas, I. Komis, and K.G. Makris

Higher order Exceptional points in optical lattices

OPTICS LETTERS  47, 4447 (2022).

75. I. Komis, D. Kaltsas, S. Xia, H. Buljan, Z. Chen, and  K.G. Makris

Robustness versus sensitivity in non-Hermitian topological lattices probed by pseudospectra



76. M. A. Selim, G. G. Pyrialakos, F. O. Wu, Z. Musslimani, K. G. Makris, M. Khajavikhan, and D. Christodoulides

Thermalization of the Ablowitz-Ladik lattice in the presence of non-integrable perturbations  

OPTICS LETTERS  47, 4447 (2023).

77. A. Brimis, K. G. Makris, and D. G. Papazoglou

Optical vortices shape optical tornados  

OPTICS EXPRESS  31, 27582 (2023).

78. S. Chandramouli, N. Ossi, Z. H. Musslimani, and  K.G. Makris

Dispersive hydrodynamics in non-Hermitian nonlinear Schrödinger equation with complex external potential 

NONLINEARITY  36, 6798 (2023).

79. A. Brimis, K. G. Makris, and D. G. Papazoglou

Twisted polarization domains and their dynamics

OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS  549, 129886 (2023).

80. I. Komis, Z. Musslimani, and K. G. Makris

Skin Solitons

OPTICS LETTERS  48, 6525 (2023).


81. I. Komis, A. Brimis, D. G. Papazoglou, and K. G. Makris

Inverse method for tailoring optical beams

OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS  550, 129986 (2024).

82. G. G. Pyrialakos, F. O. Wu, P. S. Jung, H. Ren, K. G. Makris, Z. H. Musslimani, M. Khajavikhan, T. Kottos, and D. N. Christodoulides

Slowdown of thermalization and the emergence of prethermal dynamics in disordered optical lattices


83. K. Skarsoulis, K. G. Makris, C. Moser, and D. Psaltis

Ptychographic imaging with a fiber endoscope via wavelength scanning 

OPTICA 11, 782 (2024).

84.  K. G. Makris

Transient amplification due to non-Hermitian interference of dissipative supermodes 

APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS  to appear (2024).

85. I. Komis, and K. G. Makris

Angular excitation of exceptional points and pseudospetra of photonic lattices

JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: PHOTONICS  under review (2024).

86. A. Ghatak, D. Kaltsas, M. Kulkarni and K. G. Makris

Diffraction and pseudospectra in non-Hermitian quasi-periodic lattices 

PHYSICAL REVIEW E under review (2024).