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Dr. Konstantinos Kounetas is a  Professor in Applied Industrial Organization, affiliated to the Department of Economics (University of Patras, Greece) and visiting Professor to the Department of Business and Economics (University of Naples, Italy). Kostas has been the Director of the "Applied Economics and Big Data Analysis" Master Program and the Vice-Head of the department of Economics. He holds a B.Sc. in Mathematics and M.A in Economics from the University of East Anglia, UK and a PhD in Economics from the Department of Economics at University of  Patras. His main publications have appeared in leading international journals including European Journal of Operational Research, Regional Studies, The Energy Journal, Energy Economics,  Ecological Economics, Journal of Environmental Management, International Journal of Production Economics, Annals of Operational Research, Omega-International Journal of Management Science,Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Journal of Technology Transfer, European Journal of Health Economics,  Journal of Cleaner Production, Energy Policy, Journal of Evolutionary Economics, Review of Development Economics,  Journal of Sports Economics , Economic Modeling, Managerial & Decision Economics, North Americal Journal of Economics & Finance and Bulletin of Economic Research.

Professor Kounetas's main area of research is energy economics and applied industrial organization with a focus on estimation of efficiency and productivity. He uses production, cost, and profit function approaches to estimate economic efficiency and total factor productivity. Although his research in this area is based on micro data, his specialty is, also,  in the use of panel data. He has formulated a variety of panel data models to measure efficiency, which he has applied to banking, industries, countries, electricity companies, firms in different sectors etc. He has also worked on models using cross-sectional data applications that include hospitals and health centers. He is currently ranked at the Top 7% of economists globally and at the Top 5% of economists in Greece (this ranking takes into account only publications in the last 10 years, for authors registered with the RePEc Author Service).

Professor Kounetas serves as a referee in a wide variety of professional journals and publishers including: Energy Economics-Energy Policy-The Energy Journal-Ecological Economics-Resource and Energy Economics-International Journal of Production Economics-European Journal of Operational Research-Journal of Operational Research Society- Technovation-Annals of Operations Research-Small Business Economics -Applied Economics-International Transactions in Operational Research-Computers and Operations Research-Economic Modeling-European Journal of Health Economics-Operational Research: An international Journal-International Review of Applied Economics-Journal of Sport Economics- Scientometrics- Contemporary Economic Policy-International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management-Central European Journal of Operational Research-The Social Science Journal-International Economics-Transportation Research Part D-Environmental Economics and Policy Studies-Journal of Cleaner Production-Technological Forecasting and Social Change-Economic Systems-Business Strategy and the Environment-The Annals of regional Science-Applied Economic Letters-Economic Analysis and Policy-Economic Change and Restructuring. He is also  an evaluator of research proposals at National  (G.S.R.T and E.LI.DEK ) and European level (IRIS-Cyprous), and has been participated in writing reports for organizations (i.e World Bank, European Liberal Forum (ELF) ,Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR), Italy).  

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