Curriculum Vitae

Employment History

October 2018 - ...

Earthquake Geologist - Workleader -  at Royal Observatory of Belgium, Seismology-Gravimetry.

April 2017 - September 2018:

Scientific Researcher at Geological Survey of Belgium, Royal Belgium Institute of Natural Sciences.

Collaboration with Dr. Kris Piessens

March 2012 - August 2016:     

Postdoctoral Researcher at Royal Observatory of Belgium, Seismology-Gravimetry

Collaborations with Prof. Dr. Thierry Camelbeeck, Dr. Thomas Lecocq, Dr. Kris Vanneste (ROB), Dr. A.K. Shah (USGS), Prof. Dr. K.G. Hinzen (Uni. Cologne), Dr. C. Sira (BCSF)

Sept 2011 - Dec 2011, May 2014 - June 2014:

Postdoctoral fellow at Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Geology Division

Collaboration with Prof. Dr. Rudy Swennen, Dr. H. Claes & Dr. J. Soete

Jan 2005 - Sept 2011:

Research & Teaching Assistant at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Geology Division

PhD student in Geology

Collaborations with Prof. Dr. Manuel Sintubin, Prof. Dr. Philippe Muchez, Prof. Dr. N. Vandenberghe and Dr. H. Van Baelen

Education History

2005 - 2011: PhD in Structural Geology, defended 03.05.2011

"Stress-state evolution of the brittle upper crust during compressional tectonic inversion as exemplified by quartz veins in the High-Ardenne slate belt, Germany”. Supervision by Prof. Dr. Manuel Sintubin and Prof. Dr. Philippe Muchez. Scientific jury: PD. Dr. C. Hilgers (RWTH Aachen), Dr. H. de Bresser (Utrecht University), Prof. Dr. N. Vandenberghe, Prof. Dr. R. Swennen, Prof. Dr. J. Hertogen (KULeuven)

2002 - 2004: Licentiate in Geology (Magna cum Laude), Ghent University, Belgium

"Lithostratigraphy and biostratigraphy with chitinozoa from the Ordovician type area of the Bornival Formation, Sennette Valley (Brabant Massif)”. Supervision by Prof. Dr. Jacques Verniers

1999 - 2002: Candidate in Geology, Ghent University, Belgium

1993 - 1999: Latin - Sciences - Mathematics, Sint-Anna College, Belgium

Theses/Stage Supervision

Academic Awards

Travel Grants


Software competences

Field/Lab competences

Teaching History

Professional Affiliations