
A m a z i n g 

Programs for All Ages


by Karl M. Kindt III, Presenter of Amazing Facts, Fiction and Humor for All Ages and Groups
for Scouts, Churches, Senior Groups, Schools, Libraries, Clubs

I am a retired Professor who now enjoys making these presentations regarding the amazing world we live in.  References include professors, teachers, lawyers, librarians, scout leaders, university professors, pastors and more.  If you wish to have me host your own zoom get togethers and assist with your own meetings, I can do this for you as well.

These programs have been presented at schools, libraries, scout groups, churches, senior groups and birthday parties, postcard clubs, the 1904 World's Fair Society, History Museums.

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All of these programs have been presented with great success at schools, libraries, senior groups, summer camps, scout meetings, churches and many other gatherings including birthday parties and are customized for your interests.  Many programs include amazing projected images and video clips (I bring my own projector and screen) and often include music.

Some of the programs present amazing images with commentary and music about such topics as knights and chivalry (and I come in real medieval armor), Mars in 3d, Lincoln in 3d, Historic Games, Tricks and Jokes, The 1904 World's Fair, The Intelligence of Dogs, Exploring the World through Zoomable Gigapans, 3d Photography Workshops, The Hilarious Ostrich, Amelie the Trick Dog, Kazzoo Band (everyone gets a Kazzoo and plays), Learn the Harmonica (everyone gets a harmonica and learns to play one song) and many other programs that are customized for every group, every age and every place - whether it be a school, a senior group, a church fellowship group, a library, a summer camp, a scout meeting, etc.

The list of programs is seen in menu to the left - just click on those pages to get more details

Also - my references include teachers, scout leaders, church leaders, parents and senior group leaders - all of whom will gladly speak to you about the programs I have presented for them.  Please see the reference page on the left menu for their contact information.

Although I am located in St. Louis, Missouri, I have presented these programs in many states: Illinois, Wisconsin, Oklahoma, Kentucky, Indiana, Ohio, New York, Texas, Kansas.