13. Uyen Tran Tu Nguyen (Ph D student) received the Best Presentation Award (The Grand Prize, Title: Phtotodynamic treatment using hypericin and organe light increases the lifesapn and oxidative stress resistance of Caenorhabditis elegans) in 2024 Academic Workshop, KIST School, UST (5 Jul 2024, Seoul, South Korea).
12. Ngoc Minh Ha (Ph D student, integrative program) received the Best Presentation Award (Title: Antimicrobial activities and therapeutic effects of phytochemical-based photodynamic therapy in vitro and in Caenorhabditis elegans) in 2023 Natural Product Branch Symposium of the Korean Society for Applied Biological Chemistry (14 Sep 2023, Gangneung, South Korea).
11. Ngoc Minh Ha (Ph D student, integrative program) received the Best Poster Award and Tran Hung Son (Ph D student, integrative program) gave a talk (Graduate Student Presentation) in 2023 International Symposium and Annual Meeting of the Korean Society for Applied Biological Chemistry (20 June 2023, Jeju, South Korea).
10. Mi Ri Kim (Research Scientist) received the Best Poster Award in 2021 International Symposium and Annual Meeting of the Korean Society for Applied Biological Chemistry (24 August 2021, Jeju, South Korea).
9. Dr. Seemi Tasnim Alam received her Ph.D. in Bio-Medical Science and Technology, University of Science and Technology (16 Feb. 2021, South Korea).
8. Seemi Tasnim Alam (Ph D candidate) received the 2020 Best Researcher Award from KIST Gangneung Institute of Natural Products (4 Jan. 2021, Gangneung, South Korea).
7. Our team received the Top 100 Research & Development Award (2020) from Korean government, Ministry of Science and ICT (29 Oct. 2020, South Korea).
6. Seemi Tasnim Alam (Ph D student) received the Best Poster Award and Tram Anh Ngoc Le (MS student) gave a talk (Graduate Student Presentation) in 2019 International Symposium and Annual Meeting of the Korean Society for Applied Biological Chemistry (21 June 2019, Busan, South Korea).
5. Our team (Speaker: Tram Anh Ngoc Le) received the Best Team Prize from '3-min talk competition' in 15 year anniversary of KIST Gangneung Institute of Natural Products (10 May 2018, Gangneung, South Korea).
4. Seemi Tasnim Alam (Ph D student) received the Best Poster Award in 2018 International Symposium and Annual Meeting of the Korean Society for Applied Biological Chemistry (19 June 2018, Jeju, South Korea).
3. So Young Lee (MS student) received the Graduate Excellence Award in KIST Collaborative Graduate Program (5 Feb. 2018, KIST, Seoul, South Korea).
2. Joo Yeon Kim (MS student) received the Best Poster Award in 2017 International Symposium and Annual Meeting of the Korean Society for Applied Biological Chemistry (16 June 2017, Busan, South Korea).
1. So Young Lee (MS student) received the Best Poster Award in 2016 International Symposium and Annual Meeting of the Korean Society for Applied Biological Chemistry (17 June 2016, Jeju, South Korea).