Curriculum Vitae


Kirsti Malterud

Date of birth: 29.08.1949

Gender: Female

Nationality: Norwegian

Researcher unique identifier: ORCID:


1990   Dr. Med. Sci./PhD: “Allmennpraktikerens møte med kvinnelige pasienter”. Faculty of Medicine/Department of General 

               Practice,    University of Bergen, Norway              

1985    Certified specialist in general practice/family medicine

1975     MD, Faculty of Medicine, University of Bergen, Norway


2019-   Professor emerita – University of Bergen/Norway

2012-   Research professor (20-15%) - The Research Unit and Section of General Practice, Department of Public Health, University of                   Copenhagen/Denmark


2010-2019    Professor (General Practice) (10%) – Dept Global Health & Community Medicine, University of Bergen/Norway

2007-2019    Research professor (75%) - Research Unit for General Practice, Uni Research, Bergen/NORCE Norwegian Research                                         Centre, Norway

2001-2004     Professor (General Practice) (20%) - Copenhagen University

1998-2007     Research professor (20%) - The Research Unit and Section of General Practice, Department of Public Health,              

                               University  of  Copenhagen/Denmark

1994-2001      Professor (Women's Health) (20%) - University of Oslo/Norway

1992-2007      Professor (General Practice) (50%-20%) - University of Bergen/Norway

1992                    Post doc (funded by the Norwegian Research Council)

1987-2011      General Practitioner (50%) – Bergen/Norway

1987-1992     Assoc. Professor (General Practice) (50%) - University of Bergen/Norway

                               Postgraduate training in family psychiatry, reproductive health and geriatric medicine

1977-1986      General Practitioner (100%) – Oslo/Norway


2017                    Kvinnehelseforskningsprisen – award for research within women’s health from Norske kvinners sanitetsforening 

                                (Norwegian  Women's Public Health Association) *)

2011                    Nidarosprisen - award for excellent efforts within education, information and development of Norwegian general 

                               practice,   especially within general practice research   

2010                   Best annual publication about health promotion - Norwegian Medical Association with Mona Flatval)

2008                   Quality in primary health care – Norwegian Medical Association

2001                    Best research publication 2001 – Dept of Publ Health and Prim Health Care, University of Bergen

                               (Lancet 2001; 358: 483- 88) 

1996                    Nordic Research Award - Magda og Svend Aage Friederichs mindelegat, Denmark

1992                    Best essay on "Medical education in year 2000" - Faculty of Medicine, Univ of Bergen


2013                   Department of Public Health, Copenhagen University, Denmark (1 month)

2012                   Department of Public Health and Caring Sciences, Social medicine/CHAP, Uppsala University, Sweden (1 month)

1997                   Department of Family Medicine, University of Massachusetts, USA (6 months)


Director/codirector for research networks funded from the Norwegian Research Council or other sources:

2013-2015     Marginality and health care

2009-2011     Chronic Fatigue Syndrome in theory and practice

2007-2011     Obesity – between public health and marginality

2004-2008     Vulnerability as a strength

1992-2001     Women’s symptoms - Sources of knowledge

1990-2005     Communication in the medical consultation

Member of different research groups (mostly crossdisciplinary):

2014-                 Knowledge, power and health services

2011-                 Sexual orientation, health and living conditions

1995-2004     Towards a better balance between risk and resources

1999-2005     Health and disease in a cultural perspective


1987-2019     Extensive activity as research supervisor (alone or with others) in totally 56 research projects on various levels. 50 of 

                              these are finished and have resulted in publications, of these 27 graduated Ph.Ds.



2011-2019 Member of the board of The Norwegian Research Fund for General Practice


2018-2019     Union official for the Norwegian Medical Association/NORCE Research Center

1990-                 Reviewer for a broad range of international medical and crossdisciplinary journals


Total number of publications during the career: 415 academic publications (newspaper comments not included), of these 15 books (co-authored or alone), 51 book chapters, and approximately 234 publications in peer reviewed journals.

List up to ten publications, from the last ten years, in international peer reviewed multidisciplinary scientific journals:

Research monographs and any translations thereof

Other publications

Invited presentations

Since 1978 I have presented totally 661 talks (lectures for students not included), mostly as an invited speaker.
