Ayush Gupta

School/Department Affiliation: Department of Physics, University of Maryland, College Park

Email: ayush (at) umd (dot) edu

Professional Webpage: http://umdperg.pbwiki.com/Ayush+Gupta

Research Interests:

    • Modeling the dynamics of knowledge-in-use
    • Integrating Emotions with fine-grained models of cognitive dynamics
    • Cognitive Linguistics : What inference about cognitive structure and processes can we make on the basis of verbal utterances?
    • Modeling the complex interactions of student behaviors and reasoning in classroom/tutorial environments
    • Impact and Use of Math in learning Physics

Selected manuscripts/publications related to knowledge analysis:

  1. Gupta, A. & Elby, A. (In Press). Beyond Epistemological Deficits: Dynamic Explanations of Engineering Students' Difficulties with Mathematical Sense-making.International Journal of Science Education. [Note, the link is to a much older version of the paper on arxiv; the link to journal version soon to come.]
  2. Hammer, D., Gupta, A, & Redish, E. F. (2011). On static and dynamic ontologies. The Journal of the Learning Sciences, 20 (1), 163-168.
  3. Gupta, A., Hammer, D., & Redish, E. F. (2010). The Case for a Dynamic Model of Expert and Novice Ontologies in Physics. The Journal of the Learning Sciences, 19:3, pp. 285-321.
  4. Gupta, A., Hammer, D., & Redish, E. F. (2008). Towards a Dynamic Model of Learners' Ontologies in Physics. Proceedings of the International Conference for the Learning Sciences, Issue 8 [ISSN: 1814-9316].
  5. Gupta, A., Redish, E. F., & Hammer, D. (2007). Coordination of Mathematical and Physcial Resources by Physics Graduate Students. AIP Conf. Proc. 951, 104-107. 2007 Physics Education Research Conference. [PDF]