Annual Meeting Minutes
Kings Point Table Tennis Club
November 13, 2024
2020 Centre, Energy Studio
President: Doug Wallace
Vice President: Alex Keller
Secretary: Jan Dippel
Treasurer: Ron Mamo
Call To Order:
Herman Cholewinski called the meeting to order at 6:10 PM
Reading of the Minutes:
The minutes of the November 6, 2023 Annual General Meeting were read by Secretary Dippel.
A motion was made by Herman Cholewinski to accept the minutes as read and seconded by Jan Dippel.
The motion passed.
Treasurer’s Report:
Treasurer Kock reported a current bank balance of $2,777.44, a $175.06 increase over last year’s balance.
This did not include a number of membership dues collected but not yet recorded.
Annual expenses were as follows:
$170.28 Truck rental to deliver 2 used tables
$12.50 Website domain name renewal
Total spent for 2023 is: $182.78
A motion to accept the minutes as read was made and seconded.
The motion passed.
Old Business:
The outgoing Board Members were recognized for their contributions over the years they served.
Herman Cholewinski brought up the fact that there was no BBQ and he wanted to know if members would be reimbursed for their $10.00 dues.
Su suggested that no reimbursement should be made since the fee pays for balls and maintenance.
No vote was taken.
Mick McGuire made mention that the club used to have a lot of members and that Covid spelled a downturn in the membership. He also mentioned that it is necessary to elect Officers or the club will disband. Also that Saturdays are no longer an option because members were not using that play time.
Election of Officers:
There was no slate of officers to present to the membership, but Steve Kock and Mike Dippel agreed to remain in office if there were no volunteers. Ronnie Fugle self-nominated himself to act as President. Mick McGuire motioned to accept and it was seconded by Jan Dippel. Su nominated Mike Dippel for secretary, and Steve Kock to remain as Treasurer. Rich Yacovoni motioned to retain Steve, seconded by Jan Dippel and the motion was accepted. The slate of officers was elected unanimously.
Our current slate of officers are:
President – Doug Wallace
Vice President – Alex Keller
Secretary – Jan Dippel
Treasurer – Ron Mamo
New Business:
A call for new business was made.
There was discussion and a motion to retain the $10.00 membership fee. Misty Taylor motioned to retain, seconded by Jan Dippel. The motion carried unanimously.
It was mentioned that there has been an ongoing problem with members wishing to pay their annual fee, but having no one to accept and record the money. It was also mentioned that checks would be preferable so there is a record of payment. It was agreed that cash could be accepted as long as it was accompanied by a filled out legible registration form. This money can be accepted by ANY officer. Secretary Dippel will make sure that the registration forms are up to date and include a place to input the Kings Point Member's Association. This will assist if any grant money is requested in the future.
To ensure that our annual fee is used for the benefit of the club, Mick McGuire suggested, and it was agreed, that any event would be scheduled between the months of November thru April to allow snowbirds to join the event since those are the months that they are generally in town. The Board will take that into effect when they schedule an event.
Herman Cholewinski mentioned that new flyers should be made to reflect the correct times that we play and to notify the Business Office of this change. Secretary Dippel will take care of this.
There were a total of 7 people interested in Saturday play time. Nothing will change for now in that regard.
Dave Reed motioned to adjourn, seconded by Rich Yacovoni. President Fugle called for adjournment at 6:40 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
Mike Dippel, Secretary