The Pharaoh's Crowns

The Pharaoh wore different crowns for different reasons.

White Crown (Hedjet)

The White Crown showed that the Pharaoh had control over Upper Egypt and was worn for events only involving Upper Egypt.

Red Crown (Deshret)

The Red Crown showed that the Pharaoh had control over Lower Egypt and was worn for events only involving Lower Egypt.

Double Crown (Pschent)

The Double Crown is a combination of the Red Crown and the White Crown. It was worn to show the joining of Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt.

Blue Crown (Khepresh)

The Blue Crown was a piece of blue cloth or leather headdress decorated with gold and bronze disks that was worn in battles or in ceremonies.

Atef Crown

The Atef Crown was a White crown with ostrich feathers and was worn during religious ceremonies.

Nemes Headdress

The Nemes Headdress had blue and gold stripes and covered the top of the pharaoh's head.

Relations to the Modern World:

Just like the Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs, modern day royal families also have different crowns for different occasions. Pictured below is the Queen of England wearing just a few of her many different crowns at various events.