Research Funding

Active Projects

Agency: NSF - (CISE) Core Programs - Small

Amount: $600,000

Role: Co-PI (50%) 

Investigators: John Quarles, Kevin Desai

Timeline: 01/2024 - 12/2026

Agency: NSF - (CISE) Core Programs - Medium

Amount: $457,105

Role: Co-PI (50%) 

Investigators: John Quarles, Kevin Desai

Timeline: 09/2022 - 08/2025

Agency: NSF - (CISE) Research Initiation Initiative (CRII) 2021

Amount: $174,368

Role: PI (100%) 

Investigators: Kevin Desai

Timeline: 06/2022 - 05/2025

Exploring Online Learning in VR-Supported STEM Laboratories

Agency: UTSA VPR Office - UTSA-ITESM Seed Funding Program

Amount: $80,000 (UTSA share - $40,000)

Role: PI

Investigators: Kevin Desai, John Quarles, Genaro Zavala-Enriques (ITESM PI)

Timeline: 06/2024 - 05/2025

LIGHT-SEAL: Hardware Trojan Aware Photonic Transformer for Secured Generative AI

Agency: UTSA SDS Collaborative Seed Funding Grant

Amount: $35,000

Role: Co-PI (50%)

Investigators: Dharnidhar Dang, Kevin Desai

Timeline: 07/2024 - 12/2024

Broadening Female Participation in Computer Science

Agency: Northeastern University

Amount: $500,000

Role: Co-PI (10%) 

Investigators: Jianwei Niu, John Heaps, Amanda Fernandez, Mitra Bokaei Hosseini, Kevin Desai, Rocky Slavin

Timeline: 01/2024 - 08/2025

Electronic Health Record Big Data and Radiomic Analytics for Precision Medicine Approach to Long-COVID

Agency: San Antonio Partnership for Precision Therapeutics (SAPPT)

Amount: $50,000

Role: Co-PI (25%)

Investigators: Dhireesha Kudithipudi, Kevin Desai, Anandi Dutta

Timeline: 08/2022 - 07/2025

Past Projects

Agency: NIH (Prime - University of North Texas Health Science Center)

Amount: $500,000

Role: Senior Personnel (10%) 

Investigators: Dhireesha Kudithipudi, Amina Qutub, Mark Goldberg, Ambika Mathur, Kevin Desai, Panagiotis Markopoulos, Anandi Dutta, Erica Sosa

Timeline: 10/2023 - 07/2024

Towards Personalized Virtual Reality Interventions for Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities

Agency: UTSA VPR Office - MAC-UTSA Seed Funding Program

Amount: $25,000

Role: Co-PI (33%) 

Investigators: John Quarles, Kevin Desai, Alberto Cordova

Timeline: 10/2023 - 06/2024

Agency: UTSA VPR Office - GREAT 2021

Amount: $20,000

Role: Co-PI (25%)

Investigators: Leslie Neely, Peyman Najafirad, Qian Chen, Kevin Desai

Status: Awarded (10/2021 - 07/2022)

Project Lovelace 2.0: Advancing Women in AI Career Pathways

Agency: Xilinx Inc. WIT University Grants 2021

Amount: $30,000

Role: Co-PI (33%)

Investigators: Dhireesha Kudithipudi, Amina Qutub, Kevin Desai

Status: Awarded (09/2021 - 08/2022)