Work Experience

Computer Science Department, The University of Texas at San Antonio

Assistant Professor - Aug 2022 - Present

Assistant Professor of Instruction - Sept 2019 - July 2022

Teaching CS courses at graduate and undergraduate level. Engaging in research activities with other professors and collaborators within and across departments. Mentoring PhD, MS, and undergraduate students in research activities.

Mobiweb Inc.

Research Scientist - Jun 2019 - Aug 2019

Worked on 3D human reconstruction performing camera calibration research. Designed approaches to reduce the calibration errors for multiple RGB-D cameras looking at a small scene. Conducted studies to help establish a quality metric for camera calibration in combination with the 3D reconstruction algorithm.

Multimedia Systems Lab, The University of Texas at Dallas

Graduate Research Assistant - May 2014 - May 2019

Worked on 3D Tele-Immersion (3DTI) project which uses RGB-D data from multiple Microsoft Kinects to generate the 3D model. Several tasks involved are skeleton identification, mesh generation, combining multiple meshes, prediction and real time transmission.

Facebook Reality Labs - Oculus Research

Interaction & Experiences Research Intern - May 2018 - Aug 2018

Worked in the hand tracking team within Oculus, developed different interactions and experiences for hands in Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality devices as well as conducted user studies to test them. Worked in the areas of VR/AR and Human Computer Interaction.

Apple Inc.

Visual Experience - Display Engineering Intern - Jan 2017 - May 2017

Worked on prototyping new applications (both hardware and software) for different types of emerging displays, as well as assisted with internal user studies to test novel displays on human viewers. Worked in the interdisciplinary areas of image processing, vision science and optics.

Samsung India Electronics Pvt. Ltd.

Software Engineer Intern - Dec 2012 - May 2013

Worked in the Systems team, taking care of Device I/O and in specifics LCD Porting, for new phones to be launched. Also, debugging and bug fixing the old phones facing issues in the market.