Curriculum Vitae

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Humanities Division

Central Methodist University                                                                                Phone: (501) 548-1447

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Professor of Philosophy and Religion, Central Methodist University, Fall 2019-Present

Associate Professor of Philosophy & Religion, Central Methodist University, Fall 2013-Spring 2019

Assistant Professor of Philosophy & Religion, Central Methodist University, Fall 2009-Spring 2013      

Visiting Assistant Professor of Religion, Hendrix College, Fall 2007-Spring 2009 

IFD Visiting Scholar, Southwestern College in Kansas, Fall 2006-Spring 2007    




Ph.D., Highest Honors, Religious Studies, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas, May 2007.

Examiners: Robin Lovin, Charles Curran, Rebekah Miles

Dissertation: “Sin, Guilt, Justice and War: Paul Ramsey and Reinhold Niebuhr on the Moral Framework for Just War Thought” [Defended February 2007]

Dissertation Committee: Robin Lovin (Chair), Charles Curran, Joseph Allen, Richard B. Miller

M.T.S., Magna Cum Laude, Perkins School of Theology, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas, May 2002

B.A., Summa Cum Laude, Southwestern College, Winfield, Kansas, May 1999





From Presumption to Prudence in Just-War Rationality (New York: Routledge Press, 2017).


     Reading Religion. Available online at: Reviewed by Anna Floerke Scheid.

     Studies in Christian Ethics 31.3 (2018): 317-319. Reviewed by Jeremy Stirm.

     Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 39.1 (2019): 192-193. Reviewed by Edward LeRoy Long.

     Political Theology (2019): 699-700. Reviewed by Dallas Gingles


Reinhold Niebuhr and Paul Ramsey: Idealist and Pragmatic Christians on Politics, Philosophy, Religion, and War (Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2010).


     Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 32.1 (2012): 218-219. Reviewed by Bradley Burroughs.

     Political Theology 12.3 (2011): 477-480. Reviewed by D. Stephen Long.


Edited Volumes

Co-edited with David True, Paradoxical Virtue: Reading Reinhold Niebuhr with the Virtue Ethics Tradition (Routledge Press, 2020).


Co-edited with Scott Paeth, Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics, all issues 2017-2021.


Directions in North American Public Theology, a special edition of The International Journal of Public Theology, 8.3 (2014).

     Featuring articles by David Tracy, Linell Cady, Mark G. Toulouse, and others.


Book Chapters

“Christian Realism and International Relations” The Future of Christian Realism ed. Joshua Mauldin, Rebekah Miles, Dallas Gingles (Lexington Press, 2023)


Co-authored with J. Aaron Simmons, “It’s Much Worse than you Think” QAnon, Chaos, and the Cross: Christianity and Conspiracy Theories Michael Austin and Gregory Bock (Eerdmans, 2023).


“Crucifixion and Violence” 249-259 in The Routledge Companion to Christian Ethics ed. (Routledge, 2023).


“Moral Realism” 329-347 in The Oxford Handbook of Reinhold Niebuhr (Oxford University Press, 2021).


 “Introduction” 1-18 in Paradoxical Virtue: Reinhold Niebuhr and the Virtue Tradition. ed. Kevin Carnahan and David True (Routledge, 2020).


“A Niebuhrian Virtue of Justice” 182-200 in Paradoxical Virtue: Reinhold Niebuhr and the Virtue Tradition. ed. Kevin Carnahan and David True (Routledge, 2020).


“The Secret Joke of Satan’s Soul” 77-94 in Philosophical Approaches to the Devil. ed. Benjamin McCraw and Robert Arp (Routledge, 2015).


“The Irony of American Evangelical Politics” 202-217 in Reinhold Niebuhr and Contemporary Politics: God and Power. ed. Steven Platten and Richard Harries. (New York: Oxford University Press, 2010).




“Reading Reinhold Niebuhr Against Himself Again” International Journal of Systematic Theology, 18.2 (2016), 191-209.


“What Should a Christian Realist Presume about War?” Studies in Christian Ethics, 26, no.4 (2013), 410-430.


“Religion, and Not Just Religious Reasons, in the Public Square” Philosophia, 41.2 (2013), 397-409

       With responses from Nicholas Wolterstorff and Christopher Eberly


“Recent Work on Reinhold Niebuhr” Religion Compass, 5, no. 8 (August, 2011), 365-375.


“Which Niebuhr? Whose Realism? Reinhold Niebuhr and the Struggle against Islamic Radicalism” Political Theology  11, no. 4 (2010): 553-576


“Perturbations of the Soul and Pains of the Body: Augustine on Evil Suffered and Done in War” The Journal of Religious Ethics 36, no. 2 (June, 2008): 269-294





Media Productions


Co-director with Lorren Timberman/Editor, Morality, War and Terrorism: Can the Center Hold?  Educational video featuring Henry Kissinger, J. Bryan Hehir, Joseph Nye and others.  Produced by the Maguire Center for Ethics and The Tower Center for Political Studies, 2003. 


Review Essays


“Constructing Conflict” The Journal of Law and Religion 28.1 (2013):253-266.  Treatment of Crescent and Dove: Peace and Conflict Resolution in Islam, United States Institute of Peace Press 2010, ed. by Qamar-Ul Huda.; Just War on Terror? A Christian and Muslim Response. Ashgate 2010, ed. by David Fisher and Brian Wicker.; and Islamic Law and the Law of Armed Conflict: The Armed Conflict in Pakistan. Routledge 2011, By Niaz Shah.


“Dissensus and Just War” The Journal of Law and Religion 24.2 (2008-09): 689-703.  Treatment of The Horrors we Bless: Rethinking the Just-War Legacy. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2007, by Daniel Maguire; Against the Grain: Christianity and Democracy, War and Peace. New York: Crossroads Publishing, 2008, by George Weigel; and War, Peace and God: Rethinking the Just-war Tradition. Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress, 2007, by Gary M. Simpson.


Encyclopedia and Dictionary Entries


“Political Ethics” (2500 words), “Pluralism” (1000 words), “Military Service” (750 words), and “Nuclear Deterrence” (500 words) in The Dictionary of Scripture and Ethics, ed. Joel Green et al.   (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic Press, 2011).


Book Reviews


Review of A Theology for the Twenty-First Century. By Douglas Otatti, Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics (forthcoming)

Review of An American Conscience: The Reinhold Niebuhr Story. By Jeremy Sabella, Theology Today 75.1 (April, 2018): 112-114.

Review of Religion in the News. By Jolyon Mitchell and Owen Gower, International Journal of Public Theology, 9.2 (2015): 257-259.

Review of Moral Evil.  By Andrew Flescher, Journal of the American Academy of Religion, 84.4 (2104): 269-272.

Review of Reinhold Niebuhr and Paul Tillich. By Ronald Stone, International Journal of Public Theology, 8.4 (2014): 501-502.

Review of Niebuhr Studies. Empire of Liberty, 2013. By William Chrystal, International Journal of Public Theology, 8.2 (2014): 250 –252

Review of The Philosophy of War & Peace. Charlottesville, VA: Imprint Academic, 2006. By Jenny Teichman. Heythrop Journal 51, Issue 4 (2010): 713-713

Review of Arguing the Just War in Islam. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2007. By John Kelsay, The Journal of Law and Religion, 24.1 (Spring, 2009): 227-233

Review of Security First: For a Muscular, Moral Foreign Policy. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2007. By Amitai Etzioni, The Journal of Law and Religion, 24.1 (Spring, 2009): 233-241.

Review of Ethics, Nationalism, and Just War: Medieval and Contemporary Perspectives, Washington D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press, 2007, ed. by Henrik Syse and Gregory M. Reichberg; and Arguing the Just War in Islam. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2007, by John Kelsay. “War and the Crisis of Authority” Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics, 29.1 (2009), 267.

Review of Violent Democracy.  New York: Cambridge University Press, 2004. By Daniel Ross, The Heythrop Journal 49, Issue 3 (2008): 525–526

Review of Conviction and Conflict: Islam, Christianity and World Order. New York: Continuum, 2006. By Michael Nazir-Ali, The Heythrop Journal 48, Issue 4 (2007): 653-654

Review of Prophetic Realism: Beyond Militarism and Pacifism in an Age of Terror. New York: T & T Clark International, 2005. By Ronald H. Stone, The Heythrop Journal 48, Issue 4 (2007): 655-657


Popular Audience Essays and Other Publications


“Three Putins” Political Theology Network (February 27, 2022). Available at:

“Jesus did not teach Nonviolent Resistance in the Sermon on the Mount” Political Theology Network (October 14, 2021). Available at:

“Bruce Springstein and White Christian Nationalism” Political Theology Network (February 10, 2021). Available at:

“Spending Easter with the Angel of Death” Political Theology Network (April 10, 2020) Available at:

“On Embryos in Burning Buildings: Are Abortion Arguments Rationally Interminable?” Political Theology Network (January 18, 2018), Available at:

“The Syria Bombing in Context” (April 10, 2017), Available at

“Trump and the Irony of Postmodern History” @This Point: Theological Investigations of Church and Culture, 12.1 (Spring 2017), Available at

“The 2016 Election and the Irony of Postmodern History” Political Theology Today (January 10, 2017), Available at:

“The Bloody Altar of Liberty: How Much Gun Violence Before We Change the Laws” Political Theology Today (October 21, 2015), Available at:

“(Mis)Reading Niebuhr’s Ethics of War” (October 14, 2015) Available at:

“Christian Favoritism in a Time of Persecution,” Political Theology Today (August 14, 2014), Available at: Translated by Luis Aranguiz and published as “Favoritismo cristiano en un tiempo de persecución” Estudios Evangelicos (August 16, 2014), Available at:

“No, The Bible Doesn’t Say Anything About Homosexuality” United Methodist-Insight (March 28, 2014), Available at

“The Worldly Politics of the United Methodist Church” Political Theology Today (December 3, 2013), Available online at

“Syria: A Christian Meditation” Political Theology Today (August 30, 2013). Available online at:

“The Devil You Know?  Christianity and the Crisis in Syria” Political Theology Today (June 7, 2012).  Available online at:

 “Justice in the Holy Land” Political Theology Today (September 22, 2011). Available online at: Translated by Luis Aranguiz and published as “Justicia y Tierra Santa: algunas reflexiones cristianas sobre Israel/Palestina” Estudios Evangélicos (July 22, 2014).  Available online at:

“Christian Politics in a Domestic Cold War” Political Theology Today (August 3, 2011) Available online at:

“Is Gaza a Just War” Religion and Ethics Newsweekly. (January 7, 2009)  Available online at: is-gaza-a-just-war/1888/


Presentations at Conferences and Colloquia


“Teaching Introduction to Ethics” Panel for the Pedagogy Interest Group at The Annual Meeting of the Society of Christian Ethics, January 8, 2023.

 “Re-Engaging the Powers: Reading Walter Wink's Non-Violent Resistance during Russkiy Mir” Panel at the American Academy of Religion, Sunday, November 20, 2022.

 “Reading the Bible on Slavery and Homosexuality,” Presentation at UMScholars for an Inclusive Church, Aug, 2019. Available online at:

“On the Impossibility of Imitating Christ in a Sinful World” Presentation at the Midwest meeting of the Society of Christian Philosophers, Saturday, September 22, 2016.

Panelist for “A Review of Politics and Faith: Niebuhr and Tillich at Union Seminary in New York” Joint meeting of the Paul Tillich Society and the Niebuhr Society, Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Religion, Friday, November 21, 2014.

 (with Virginia Brackett and Travis Johnson) “The Service Learning Faculty Workshop: Preparation, Delivery, and Assessment.” Presentations at the Conference on Applied Learning in Higher Education (CALHE), Missouri Western State University, March 21, 2014.

 (with J. Aaron Simmons) "On the Continued Relevance of Impossible Ethical Ideals: Niebuhr and Levinas," paper presented at the Ninth Biennial Personalist Seminar, Western Carolina University, July 31, 2012.

 “Religion, and Not Just Religious Reasons, in the Public Square,” paper presented for plenary session on Religion in the Public Square, with responses by Nicholas Wolterstorff and Robert Audi, Society of Christian Philosophers, March 2012.

“Tillich and Niebuhr: Conversations and Legacies,” response to Ronald Stone and Andrew Finstuen, Tillich: Issues in Theology, Religion, and Culture Group, American Academy of Religion National Meeting, November 20, 2011.

“Embodied Religion and Liberal Society: The Obstacle of De Facto Established Religion.” Faith and Reason Conference, Lincoln University, Jefferson City, MO, October 14, 2011.

“Just Wars and the Imitation of Christ” Fondren lecture with D. Stephen Long at Minister’s Week, Perkins School of Theology, February 8, 2011

“War and Peace in Israel/Palestine” Workshop at Minister’s Week, Perkins School of Theology, February 8, 2011

“United Methodism, War and Peace” Panel with Philip Wogaman, Stephen Long and Nicole Johnson, Minister’s Week, Perkins School of Theology, February 9, 2011

“What Should a Christian Realist Presume about War?” Presentation at “Christian Realism and Public Life: Catholic and Protestant Perspectives,” a conference sponsored by the Terrence J. Murphy Institute for Catholic Thought, Law and Public Policy at The University of St. Thomas in Minneapolis, MN, November 21, 2009.

 “Prudence, Justice, and Quagmires:  On the weaknesses of the presumption-against-injustice position in Just-War thought” Society of Christian Ethics, Chicago, January 11, 2009.

“Principled Covenants, Prophetic Virtue and Our Ethical Task” Meeting of the Wesleyan/ Methodist Ethics Group, Chicago, January 8, 2009

“Christians – Idealistic and Pragmatic” The Niebuhr Society, National Meeting of the American Academy of Religion, November 18, 2007

“Why the Just War Tradition needs Reinhold Niebuhr” Florida State University Graduate Symposium, March 25, 2007

“Truth, Justice and the Christian Way: Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Theological Politics” Response to Stanley Hauerwas at the Graduate Program in Religious Studies Colloquium, Southern Methodist University, April 2, 2004


Other Conference Participation


Central Methodist University representative to The President’s Interfaith and Community Service Campus Challenge, Howard University, Washington D.C., July 9-10, 2012.

Invited Discussant on John Kelsay, “The Just War: Historical and Comparative Perspectives,” Keynote lecture at The Changing Face of War, a Wiley-Blackwell online conference, November 16, 2011.

Invited Discussant on Derek Gregory, “War and Peace,” Conference paper at The Changing Face of War, a Wiley-Blackwell online conference, November 15, 2011.

Participant at “Southern Methodist University Teaching Initiative” sponsored by The Wabash Center for Teaching and Learning in Theology and Religion, February 10-12, 2011

Convener, “Recovering a Theology of Nationality: John Howard Yoder, Cultural Rights, and the Ethics of Individuality" Presentation by James E. Helmer, Society of Christian Ethics, 2008.


Selected Undergraduate Courses Taught


“Explorations of Christian Thought” (Introduction to Theology)

“New Testament”

“Religion and Church Leadership” (Practical Theology

“Christian Ethics”

“Ethics and Leadership” (Social and Political Ethics)

 “Moral Psychology”

“Jihad in the 21st Century”


“Religion and Violence”

 “Ethics in the Professions”

“Philosophy of Religion”

“Religion and Democracy”


Other Academic Work Experience


Academic Coach, Southern Methodist University Undergraduate Ethics Team, 2001-2004

Graduate Assistant, The Maguire Center for Ethics and Public Responsibility, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX, 2002-2005


Teaching Awards


Momberg Gold Chalk Award, Teaching award voted upon by the CMU student body, 2019

Digital U. Innovator Award, Central Methodist University, 2018


Professional Organizations


             Positions Held


Co-Editor, Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics, 2017-2022

Book Review Editor, International Journal for Public Theology, 2012-2015

President, The Niebuhr Society, 2012-2014

Member of ATS’s Technology in Theological Education Group, Ethics Subcommittee, 2011-2012

Secretary and Treasurer, The Niebuhr Society, 2006-2011

Trustee, Steel Center for Religion and Philosophy, Hendrix College, 2007-2009

Student Liaison to the American Academy of Religion for the Graduate Program in Religious Studies, Southern Methodist University, 2003-2005

Member of the Editorial Board, Perkins Student Journal, 2000-2002




Society for Muslim Ethics, 2011-Present

Society of Christian Philosophers, 2009-Present

Society of Christian Ethics, 2006-Present

American Philosophical Association, 2005-Present

The Niebuhr Society, 2005-Present

American Academy of Religion, 2000-Present


Academic Honors, Awards and Grants


Central Methodist University Faculty Development Grant, Spring 2011.

Grant covered travel to Israel/Palestine, where I met with religious leaders to discuss religion and politics in the region.

Southern Methodist University Provost’s Dissertation Fellowship, 2006-2007

Charlotte W. Newscombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship, Finalist, 2006-2007

Dempster Fellowship, 2005-2006

Schubert Ogden Fellowship for Academic Excellence in Theology, 2005-2006

G.P.R.S. Fellowship, Southern Methodist University, 2002-2007

John M. Moore Fellowship, 2002-2005

W.B. DeJernett Award in Homiletics, Perkins School of Theology, 2002

Dean’s Scholarship, Perkins School of Theology, 1999-2001

United Methodist Seminary Award, 2000, 2001


Institutional Service


Director of Leadership Curriculum, Central Methodist University, 2013-Present

Member, Institutional Review Board, Central Methodist University, 2012-2019

Member, CMU Network for Vocation in Undergraduate Education committee, 2011-Present

Member, CMU Undergraduate Humanities Conference Steering Committee, 2010-Present

Director, Central Methodist University NetVUE program, 2013-2015

Chair, Religious Life Committee, Central Methodist University, 2010-2014

Chair, Faculty Engaged Learning Task Force, Central Methodist University, 2012-2013

Member, Faculty Curriculum Task Force, Central Methodist University, 2011-2012




Robin Lovin

William H. Scheide Senior Fellow

Center for Theological Inquiry (Retired)


Daryl Jefferies

Professor of Religion

Central Methodist University

(660) 248-6333


John Sanders

Chair, Department of Religion

Hendrix College

(501) 450-3816


Kavita Hatwalkar

Associate Professor of English

Central Methodist University
