
Below are links to Genealogy resources for my family:

Cassius E. Carnahan, The Carnahan Family.

Obituaries for various descendents of Fergus Carnahan, culled from multiple sources, but especially from the Carnahan Newsletters.

Pictures of Aaron Carnahan's and Elvira Mitchell's gravestones, in Johns-Moore Cemetery, Wilmington, OH.

Images of gravestones from Carnahan Cemetery and Hickory Grove Cemetery, both in Henry County, IA.

Andrew Erickson Family Tree

Harrigan (Hargin) Family Record

Full text of Gilbert Cope (ed.), Genealogy of the Darlington Family.

The Ancestors of Clyde Carnahan. I post this only with reservations. Clyde is my cat. I did this chart before my two daughters were born. Working on genealogy was a break from working on my dissertation (I know, when I take a break from research, I do research - what a geek). In any case, this was an imaginative hobby project, and not a rigorous study. If I were to do it again, I would demand much higher standards before I linked people to ancestors. Looking over this, there are several claims I now reject. That said, the first few generations out are sound, and may provide someone a starting point. Best luck in your researching!