
Welcome to my homepage. I am the Keptin.

Here you will find stories, icons,(eventually) photographs and whatever else I feel like posting. Also, this is a slash-friendly site. While not everything is slash, some of it is. You have been warned.


Geocities is closing, so I'm moving the whole kit and kaboodle over here. We'll see how often this gets updated now that I've been forcibly reminded of its existence.


Two new sections: PotC icons (3 new, all Norrington. Surprise, surprise) and Doctor Who icons (4 new, all from Utopia). Also one new icon in LoA.


Ahem. Two new Misc. icons; two new SG-1 icons; one new Life on Mars icon; new section: Discworld, with three new icons; and new section: M*A*S*H, with 15 new icons.


I stopped being lazy and created a new section, Life on Mars, with one icon and one wallpaper(!). There's also a new wallpaper in the SG-1 section.


Holy crud, it's been a long time since I've updated...but I put up my essay on Indian katar daggers in the Original section of my writings.


New icon section: Lawrence of Arabia, with some icons


Happy Vet's/Armistice Day!

One new Firefly icon, two new Hornblower icons


New section in Writings (Firefly) with one story (a drabble)


New Icon section: Firefly/Serenity with 3 icons


A couple of new icons in Star Trek and BSG, and a whole bunch o' new stuff in Stargate Icons


Finally another Hornblower ficlet: "Injury"


Okay, so I'm not the most consistant updater (is that even a word?), but...

New icon in Misc, and

New icon page: SG-1


It's been a while, but there's another Hornblower ficlet: "Sines of Revenge". Please forgive me for the title.


New Enterprise story, "Less Noble Still"


New original story and new writing section (Battlestar Galactica) with a new story, "God Moves In Mysterious Ways"

Two new BSG icons and two new Misc icons

All this is mine. Unless it is not.