FFXII Costume Primer

Final Fantasy XII



Playable character

Kinda sorta the main character. This is a complicated distinction to make in this game.

Playable character

Playable character

Claims to be the main character. He is lying.

Playable character

Sexy Chewbacca

Playable character

Arguably the actual main character

Playable character

Also arguably the main character along with Basch

NPC, guest party member

NPC, guest party member

NPC, bad guy

NPC, bad guy

NPC, bad guy

NPC, bad guy


NPC, basically a non-entity


Vaan is a plucky young street thief who gets drawn into a political war along with his adopted sister Penelo. He's not always the sharpest cactuar in the desert, but he's determined and likable.

Penelo is Vaan's long-suffering sister-figure. She's a dancer and white mage (healer/buff) and mostly gets dragged into things by Vaan, but is by far the more sensible of the two.

Dashing sky pirate, daring thief, self-proclaimed "leading man", partner to Fran. Basically the coolest.

Ignore the fact that she's a Playboy Bunny, Fran is fantastic. Archer/black mage (damaging spells) prone to occasional berserker rages, Balthier's first mate and partner in crime.

A disgraced ex-knight framed for treason and murder. Stoic and dedicated to his adopted country and deposed princess.

Aforementioned deposed princess determined to get her country and its independence back from the empire that has conquered it and killed bother her father and husband. General mage, very serious about getting her rightful place back.

Youngest son of the Archadian emperor, little brother to Vayne Solidor. He's 12 and an idealist in an empire that crushes all opposition, including some of his own brothers in the past.

Basch's fellow-knight captain before Dalmasca fell. Spent the intervening years protecting Ashe and probably trying to prevent her from doing things like attempting to assassinate Vayne and getting trapped in a sewer like when you meet her.

Oldest surviving son of the emperor, older brother to Larsa, personally killed those other brothers I mentioned when they were found to be "plotting treason". Consul of Dalmasca after it was conquered. Actually very polite and seems to love Larsa, but is not about to let anyone get in his way. Also has amazing hair.

This game's version of Cid is a classic mad scientist who builds airships and weapons. He's bonkers and melodramatic.

Venat is a member of the Occuria, a race of who-knows-what that have basically set themselves up as gods and have been manipulating the mortal races forever. Venat actually disagrees with this and thinks people should control their own destinies, but somehow still manages to end up a villain.

Judges are the elite bodyguards/henchmen/law enforcement for House Solidor. Gabranth is generally seen as ruthless, but is trying to juggle loyalty to the emperor, Vayne, Larsa, and Archades itself even though all these things are often at odds. [SPOILER AHEAD] He's Basch's evil twin. No, really.

Leader of the flying city of Bhujerba and Ashe's maternal uncle, the Marquis walks a fine line between placating the Archadian Empire and secretly funding a local resistance group. He's a friendly, but slightly morally ambiguous NPC.

Rasler is Ashe's husband who dies in the first cutscene. I'm only putting him here because his armour is gorgeous and he sometimes pops up as a ghost later in the game.

Check out the list in the Final Fantasy Wiki. FFXII was a gorgeous game with some really cool character designs.

Indy's opinion

Lex is basically the only person I know who is willing to do shirtless costumes. Just throwing that out there.

Someday I will have that vest and cosplay him, dammit.

If Sarah does Venat, I'm doing Cid.

Sarah really wants to build this costume because she's nuts.





Basch fon Ronsenburg

Ashelia "Ashe" B'nargin Dalmasca

Larsa Solidor

Vossler York Azelas


Vayne Solidor

Dr. Cidolfus Bunansa


Judge Gabranth

Marquis Halim Ondore

Rasler Heios Nabradia

Lots of other characters!