
Remote Sensing of the Planet Earth

My interests is in remote sensing using thermal infrared region. Multi-spectral thermal infrared remote sensing data is a useful tool for mapping earth surface composition.

My current projects list

    • Remote Sensing and GIS for agriculture and environmental application
    • Modeling surface emissivity variation
    • GOSAT P.I.

List of past research projects

    • Mapping and modeling surface emissivity in high accuracy and high spatial resolution using ASTER data (October 2001 - October 2003 in USDA/ARS)
      • Developing the method for estimating broadband and window emissivity using spectral libraries
      • Applied the method to ASTER data and create broadband and window emissivity maps over study areas. EOS/ASTER is the fist spaceborne sensor which has multi-bands in thermal infrared region with high spatial resolution (90m). This sensor is developed by MITI, Japan and is launched on December 18th, 1999.
    • Evaluation of weathering process using thermal infrared remote sensing (1994-1996, in Univ. of Tokyo)
    • Measurement of thermal infrared (8 to 12 micro meter) spectra of terrestrial materials (1994-1996, in Univ. of Tokyo)
    • Developing a tool for calculating emissivity from MicroFTIR data (1994-1996, in Univ. of Tokyo)
      • The software EEM (->click here to download) has developed with Think C 5.0
      • System requirements
        • OS: Macintosh System 7.1 or later (It also works on classic environment of OS X)
        • CPU: 68020 or later (including PowerPC, probably G3, G4)
    • My bibliography is available.

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