NAME: Kenichi Yazawa, PhD


Aoyama Gakuin University

4-4-25 Shibuya, Shibuya-ku,

Tokyo 150-8366, Japan.


Ph.D. in commercial science, Hitotsubashi University, Japan, 2005.

M.A. in commercial science, Hitotsubashi University, Japan, 2002.

B.A. in economics, Kokugakuin University, Japan, 2000.



April 1, 2005, Associate Professor of Accounting, School of Business, Aoyama Gakuin University, Tokyo, Japan.

September 1, 2012 to August 31, 2013, Visiting Professor, School of Business, The University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia.

April 1, 2017, Professor of Accounting, School of Business, Aoyama Gakuin University, Tokyo, Japan.


Corporate Governance, Auditing, Internal Control, Earnings Management.




・  “Why Don't Japanese Companies Disclose Internal Control Weakness? Evidence from J-Sox Mandated Audits”, EAA electric publications, April 2011.

・  “Does Audit Partner Rotation Enhance Audit Quality? Evidence from Japan”, Working Paper, Aoyama Gakuin University, May 2011.



・  “Relationship among Corporate Governance, Audit Fee, Earnings Management”, Accounting Progress 12: 28-44, 2011 Forthcoming.

・   “Big4 and Audit Quality: Moral Hazard Hypothesis”, Aoyama Keiei Ronsyu 46(1), 2011 Forthcoming.

・   “Empirical Analysis of Internal Control: Determinants, Earnings Quality, Market Reactions”, Investor Relations 4: 3-28, March 2010.

・  “Big4 and Audit Quality: Audit Cost and Accounting Preference Hypothesis”, Aoyama Keiei Ronsyu 44(4): 167-181, January 2010.

・  “Study of Audit Pricing Model”, Aoyama Keiei Ronsyu 44(3): 229-256, October 2009.

・  “Relationship between Audit Fee and Non Audit Fee”, Accounting Progress 8: 93-105, September 2007.

・  “Empirical Analysis of Auditor Independence: Focus of Client Size”, Kigyo Kaikei 57(1): 123-131, January 2005.

・  “Audit Firm Rotation and Accounting Policy”, Ikkyo Ronso 132(5): 144-164, November 2004.

・  “Corporate Governance and Discretionally Accruals: Focus of Board Structure”, Ikkyo Ronso 131(5): 155-173, May 2004.




・ International Workshop in Hitotsubashi University, International Productivity Center, Kanagawa, Japan, February 17-19, 2012.

・  23rd Asian Pacific Conference on International Accounting Issues at Beijing, China, October 16-19, 2011.

・  34th Annual Congress of the European Accounting Association at Roma, Italy, April 22, 2011.

・  22nd Asian Pacific Conference on International Accounting Issues at Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia, November 8, 2010.



・  70th Annual Meeting of Japan Accounting Association at Kurume University, Hukuoka, Japan, September 17-19, 2011.

・  69th Annual Meeting of Japan Accounting Association at Toyo University, Tokyo, Japan, September 10, 2010.

・  8th Annual Meeting of Japan Investor Relations Association at Kokugakuin University, Tokyo, Japan, March 6, 2010.

・  67th Annual Meeting of Japan Accounting Association at Rikkyo University, Tokyo, Japan, September 9, 2008.

・  66th Annual Meeting of Japan Accounting Association at Matsuyama University, Kagawa, Japan, September 3, 2007.

・  8th Contemporary Accounting Research Seminar of Japanese Association of management Accounting at Aoyama Gakuin University, Tokyo, Japan, March 29, 2005.