Kemnay River Don Monitor

The image below is the river level monitoring system, comprising of two units. The green unit is a data logger, made by Isodaq. This unit communicates at a predetermined interval with Isodaq's server. The unit is powered by an internal battery. This logger is currently set to communicate with the server every 15min.

Connected to the logger is an Impress water level sensor, this is designed to be submerged in the river and will calculate the river level using a pressure transducer.

The river level monitoring system is located on a stream close to the river Don at Milton Meadows. This stream backfills from the Don when water levels are high enough and should correspond closely when the river Don is higher than 1.5m - roughly halfway up the bank.

This installation was installed on 4th December 2016, through the hardwork and goodwill of a group of residents from Milton Meadows. In January 2017, we were advised that the sensor was of an incorrect design, a new sensor was installed on 19th Feb 2017.

There are several intentions for this monitoring system that will benefit riverside communities :-

  • To build a relationship with the SEPA gauge at Alford and potentially give an early indication of 2 or 3hrs notice of floodwaters heading towards riverside communities at Kemnay.
  • To collate data that may establish what effect the road bridge at Kemnay has on the nearby Milton Meadows and surrounding upstream land.
  • To assist SEPA hydrologists in decision making for flood warnings.
  • To assist Meteorologists in assessing rainfall impacts
  • To assist SEPA in improving their forecast models in the Kemnay area and other locations with similar topography and obstructions.

Link to Milton Meadows River level sensor, situated in a small burn off the river Don. Note: This sensor will only match the river Don when the depth in the burn exceeds 0.8m. Below this level the burn is flowing towards the Don, above this level the flow will become slack and match the Don. Kemnay River Don - Milton Meadows Monitor

Many thanks to Aberdeenshire Council for fully supporting and funding the river level monitoring equipment and resources.