
hoax busting

useful links

When you receive a virus or danger warning or email letter-writing campaign pleas from friends or acquaintances: check out the listed sites on this page before passing along these "warnings" or "pleas." One of the problems with these hoaxes is that they are massive email and Internet clogging devices, multiplying exponentially!

Therefore, go to one or more of the websites listed on this page to evaluate these kinds of emails, e-urban legends or hoaxes before passing them along to all your friends in you address book. You don't want to accidentally send a hoax or a virus along to everyone you know.

Instead of accidentally passing on junk/scam/hoax emails, if you really want to help your friends, a good thing to pass on to all of them is the links to these sites (or direct them to this webpage), so they too can avoid perpetuating massive junk-email scams and hoaxes, or passing on viruses. Please, help keep the Internet hoax-free.


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