Amateur radio is one of my many hobbies that is closely related to my area of study and work, electronics.

On Feb. 1, 2010 I got my amateur radio license and I am now using a Yaesu VX-3R that I am very happy with.

If you want to contact me, send me an email and we'll see if I can find a frequency or repeater to use.

I'm really interested in digital modes like RTTY and PSK31, and also ATV (SSTV or FSTV) and I'd love to make a QSO with these modes. I first became interested in ham radio because of Fast Scan Television.

It's amazing to think how far we have come in only a few decades. Take a look at this picture I took of my VX-3R next to an old vacuum tube. Vacuum tubes were used as the amplifier or switching element in old radios which contained only a few tubes each. Eventually vacuum tubes were replaced with transistor and integrated circuit technology and "transistor radios" became very popular. Modern microprocessors can contain thousands or even millions of transistors each such as the microprocessor in the VX-3R which itself is smaller than the entire vacuum tube shown in the picture!

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(Since Sept. 2010)