Minecraft Server

Hello and welcome to KatzOhki's Minecraft Server web page!


I love Minecraft. It's a really great game and the best part is building cool stuff. I decided that I would try and make my own server so that I could have friends and family come play Minecraft with me and build cool things. At first I ran the server on my MacBook, but this did not really work very well and there was a lot of lag. After my IP adress changed I decided to go ahead and shut down the server. This was a sad thing for me to do because I had made a lot of friends on my server, but I was tired of leaving my laptop on 24/7 and it never ran very well. I had a person offer to take on the responsibility of hosting my server, so hopefully soon it will be back up again.

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Keep your discussions limited to Minecraft. No profanity or obscenity will be tolerated.

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