In Memorium

The garden is about a third of a century old. Many who worked on the garden in the 1980's have passed: Kazuo Hatsushi (gate builder), Mas Uemura (azumaya), and Don Dillon. Many others are gone now of that enthusiastic group of original planners and builders - those who made this wonderful garden for George Kato and for the Japanese of Southern Alameda County.

Most recently, sadly, Katie Smith also passed. She was our garden club connection with the past builders. Katie loved all of Shinn Park and was the person you went to when you did not know the name of a plant. She came out to help with the work days in the Kato garden. She knew the Dillon family and the Kato/Sato family. She passed too soon - our British horticulturalist in the sky. It was she who told me "The garden was designed by someone famous. Let me get back to you." (jb)

The garden was built by people for their friend... and for those who came before and helped make our town what it is now.