
The year-long Hands-On Aesthetic Pruning class from Merritt College visits the garden twice a year and takes care of the trees and shrubs. 

The Friends of Heirloom Flowers takes care of watering and weeding. 

The City of Fremont takes care of irrigation and general cleaning.

Originally the family and friends of George Kato and the family of Don Dillon took care of the trees and shrubs. 

At one point the Merritt College Hand-On class discovered the garden and has been taking care of the garden as well for over 13 years. 

Certified Aesthetic Pruner, Bruce Thompson, remembers that the first time that the Hands-on class went to Shinn was in May of 2006. Michael Alliger was in his last year of leading the class and Bruce was assisting him. Donna Dillon (Don's daughter-in-law) was in the class that year, and she arranged to work in the garden. When Bruce took over leading the class in 2007, they continued to go to the garden and have been making it there fairly consistently ever since. (communication with Bruce Thompson on January 3, 2019).

The Aesthetic Pruning class is made up of students and professionals who are working on refining their Japanese-style pruning techniques. Many pruners are members of the Aesthetic Pruners Association or are working on their Aesthetic Pruning Award from Merritt College. Students have already completed most of the requirements for the Aesthetic Pruning Award. In the 2017 season, Chris Ingram and Allison Levin are the instructors for the class and provide guidance to the students. Chris and Allison have many years of experience pruning. See APA Certified Aesthetic Pruners to read about their background and about other Certified Pruners.

In May of 2017, the Aesthetic Pruning class came out to take care of the pines, maples, and cherries.

One of the principles of Aesthetic Pruning is embodied in the saying "Coarse to Fine". From the APA website: "Aesthetic Pruning is the creative interpretation of small trees and shrubs. This living art form combines the artistic skill of the pruner, the essence of a tree, the science of horticulture and the needs of clients and surroundings."

Merritt College has Saturday classes for students and the community that focus on various plants and techniques.

Find an Aesthetic Pruner in Fremont area in September 2023

Look in the Aesthetic Pruning Association's Find a Pruner list for someone who is certified.

Here is a list compiled of people who will travel to the South Baty: